Synthesis and characterization of novel fluorinated polybenzoxazoles derived from 2,5-
我可怜的妈妈difluoroterephthalic acid堕胎药怎么吃
托伐普坦片期刊名称: e-Polymers
作者: Huang, Xiao-Song,Qing, Feng-Ling
年份: 2009年
期号: 第1期
油酥烧饼的做法关键词: fluorinated polybenzoxazoles;2,5-difluoroterephthalic acid
摘要:A new rious of fluorinated polybenzoxazoles (PBOs) were prepared
from 2,2-bis(3-amino-4-hydroxyphenyl) hexafluoropropane together with 2,5-difluoroterephthalic acid (DFTA) and terephthalic acid by the one-pot polycondensation in polyphosphoric acid. The resulting PBOs showed good solubility in many common organic solvents and the thermal stability of PBOs was 年末结转本年利润分录
背后长痘>女性吃豆腐的好处improved by the introduction of DFTA monomer.