I fucked a Mexican, I fucked an Indian, I fucked a native Canadian-Indian, I fucked black, I fucked Chine, I fucked German, Russian, I fucked every race. That was one of my goals that I had to accomplish before I would ttle down. I even fucked an Eskimo that had no teeth. What a blowjob!现在发现你的优势
I ud to go to the bar, pick up a girl, bring her home, fuck her, and then I would go back to the bar and pick up another one. I did that constantly. At that time, I was only satisfied if I had two women every night. After fucking the first one, I would go to the bar and tell the next girl what I had done. I’d say something like, “You know, tonight I met a really nice girl, her name was Nancy. And the reason I’m still here is becau she didn’t satisfy me.”
I lived on x. And after I got tired of fucking any particular woman, I’d say, “My friend Bruno is coming over, and I want you to give him some head today.” Why do you think women are with pimps? Think about it! A pimp makes her fuck tons of guys and she is willing to do almost anything for him. Now, I don’t consider pimps to be model citizens, but they do understand something about women. And not only is she fucking for him, she is bringing him the money! Guys wouldn’t do that for a woman. As horny as we are, most of us wouldn’t do that, and if we did, we sure as hell wouldn’t give her the money! But they do it for curity.
Decide what you want and go get it. Somebody recently asked me what I want for my children. I want my kids to have enough confidence to do what they want with their lives, and to be happy. Isn’t that what you want? I’m on the road of life, and I know where I’m going. If she wants to come with me, then she is welcome. I’m not going down her road, I’m going down my road. When I’m talking to a woman, she is in my restaurant, looking at my menu. And the menu isn’t going to change, unless I want it to change.
BAD BOYS 坏男孩灵芝孢子粉有哪些作用
I lived in Texas for two years and when I came back to Montreal I called up this woman that I ud to go out with. And she was extremely pisd off at me for just getting up and leaving without telling her goodbye. I said, “You were the first one I called. I’m looking at my list and you came in with the highest rating. Now is there a chance for me to come over or not? I’m too horny to argue.” She said, “Come over.” So I went over and fucked her. After I finished, she squawked for another two hours. I let her complain (who cares what they say) while I went to sleep. In the morning she made me breakfast and squawked for another two hours. Finally I asked, “How long do I have to take your complaining for? How much squawking is two years in Texas worth?” And she said, “I’m almost done.” How much is two years in Texas worth? Yes I didn’t call. Yeah, I fucked tons of other women. No, I wasn’t thinking about you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re so right honey!