constellation is an arbitrary formation of stars perceived as a figure or design. in order to facilitate identification, ancient people u imaginary lines to link tho brighter stars in the sky into a group of a group and each group is called a constellation.
魔羯座 (12/22 - 1/19) Capricorn 水瓶座 (1/20 - 2/18) Aquarius
双鱼座 (2/19 - 3/20) Pisces 牡羊座 (3/21 - 4/20) Aries
金牛座 (4/21 - 5/20) Taurus 双子座 (5/21 - 6/21) Gemini
巨蟹座 (6/22 - 7/22) Cancer 狮子座 (7/23 - 8/22) Leo
处女座 (8/23 - 9/22) Virgo 天秤座 (9/23 - 10/22) Libra
天蝎座 (10/23 - 11/21) Scorpio 射手座 (11/22 - 12/21) Sagittarius
VIRGO['və:ɡəu - The Perfectionist完美主义者
Dominant in relationships. Conrvative. Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. Dislikes noi and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to. Hard to plea. Harsh. Practical and very fussy. Often shy. Pessimistic.
Dominant ['dɔminənt] adj. 显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的 conrvative [kə烈火如歌演员表n'sə:vətiv] adj. 保守的 Always wants the last word. 总是追根究底
Chaos n. 混沌,混乱
fussy ['fʌsi] 爱挑剔的,难取悦的;易烦恼的
SCORPIO 天蝎座- The Inten One 有激情的
Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or posssive. Hardworking.. Can become obssive or cretive. Holds grudges. Attractive. Determined. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Can be lf-centered at times. Passionate and Emotional.
obssive [əb'siv, 少生孩子多种树adj. 强迫性的;分神的;着迷的
Holds grudges 会记仇
grudge vt. 怀恨;吝惜;妒忌;不情愿做 n. 怨恨;恶意;妒忌
LIBRA ['laibrə, 天秤座- The Harmonizer
Nice to everyone they meet. Can’t make up their mind. Have own unique appeal. Creativ
e, energetic, and very social. Hates to be alone. Peaceful, generous. Very loving and beautiful. Flirtatious. Give in too easily. Procrastinators. Very gullible.
Flirtatious [flə:'teiʃəs] adj. 轻浮的;调情的;爱调戏的
procrastinator [prəu'kræstineitə秋季的四字词语(r)] n. 拖延者,拖拉者;因循者
gullible ['ɡʌləbl] adj. 易受骗的;轻信的
ARIES ['εəri:z] n. 白羊座 - The Daredevil 冒险家更年期表现
Energetic. Adventurous and spontaneous. Confident and enthusiastic. Fun. Loves a challenge. extremely impatient. Sometimes lfish. Short fu. (Easily angered.) Lively, passionate, and sharp wit. Outgoing. Lo interest quickly - easily bored. Egotistical. Courageous and asrtive. Tends to be physical and athletic.
spontaneous [spɔn'teiniəs] adj. 自发的;自然的;无意识的
short fu [美俚] 暴躁性子;火爆脾气
egotistical [,i:ɡə'tistik, ,eɡ-,-kəl] adj. 任性的;自我本位的;傲慢自尊的
asrtive [ə'sə:tiv] adj. 肯定的;独断的;坚定而自信的
Aquarius 水瓶座 - The Sweetheart
Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can em unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality.
unemotional [,ʌni'məuʃənə水晶串珠l] adj.不动感情的;冷漠的
rebellious [ri'beljəs] adj. 反抗的;造反的;难控制的
eccentric [ik'ntrik] adj. 古怪的,反常的 n. 古怪的人
GEMINI ['dʒeminai] 双子座- The Chatterbox 话匣子
Smart and witty. Outgoing, very chatty. Lively, energetic. Adaptable but needs to express themlves. Argumentative and outspoken. Likes change. Versatile. Busy, sometimes nervous and ten. Gossips. May em superficial or inconsistent, but is only changeable. Beautiful physically and mentally.
versatile ['və:sətail] adj. 多才多艺的;通用的,万能的;多面手的
inconsistent [,inkən'sistənt] adj. 不一致的;前后矛盾的
LEO ['li:əu] 狮子座 - The Boss
Very organized. Need order in their lives - like being in control. Like boundaries. Tend to take over everything. Bossy. Like to help others. Social and outgoing. Extroverted. Generous, warm-hearted. Sensitive. Creative energy. Full of themlves. Loving. Doing the right thing is important to Leo s. Attractive.
bossy ['bɔsi] adj. 专横的;浮雕装饰的;爱指挥他人的
extroverted ['ekstrəuvə:tid] adj. 性格外向的;外向性的;喜社交的
CANCER 巨蟹座 - The Protector
Moody, emotional. May be shy. Very loving and caring. Pretty/handsome. Excellent partners for life. Protective. Inventive and imaginative. Cautious. Touchy-feely kind of person. Needs love from others. Easily hurt, but sympathetic.教堂音乐