嘲笑的近义词中国戏曲Chine opera
昆曲Kun/Kunqu opera
越剧Shaoxing/Yue opera
豫剧Yu/Yuju opera
如何治疗关节炎非物质文化遗产intangible cultural
✧Chine opera is the traditional form of Chine theatre, which combines dialogue, music,
vocal performance, dance, kung fu, acrobatics and so on. It is one of the three oldest theatrical art forms in the world, together with Greek theatre and Indian Sanskrit opera.戏曲是中国传统的戏剧形式,结合了对白、音乐、歌唱、舞蹈、武术和杂技等多种表演方式。它与希腊的悲喜剧和印度的梵剧并称为
✧Kunqu opera, which evolved from the Kunshan melody in the Yuan Dynasty, boasts a more
than 600-year history. Kunqu opera is known as the " mother" of a hundred operas becau of its influence on other Chine theatre forms, including Beijing opera. It is listed as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2001.昆曲发源于元朝的昆山腔,至今已有六百多年的历史。包括京剧在内的很多剧种都是在昆曲的基础上发展而来,因而昆曲素有“百戏之母”的雅称。2001年,昆曲被联合国教科文组织列为“人类口述和非物质遗产代表作”之一。
✧Huangmei opera was originated from tea picking songs in Huangmei County, Hubei Province.
It is one of the five operas in China together with Beijing opera, Y ue opera, Ping opera and Yu opera. It enjoys great popularity among the mass by reflecting the life of ordinary people in a fresh style.黄梅戏源于湖北省黄梅县的釆茶歌曲,连同京剧、越剧、评剧和豫剧是中国的五大戏曲。黄梅戏以一种清新的风格反映了普通百姓的生活,受到了大众的喜爱。
京剧Peking/ Beijing opera
京剧流派schools of Peking opera
刀马旦young female warrior
青衣main female role
唱、念、做、打singing, speaking, acting and acrobatic fighting
✧One of Chine most famous art forms is Jingxi (Beijing opera). Other regions have also
developed distinctive operatic style. With its roots in musical forms dating from the Ming Dynasty, Beijing opera offers an intricate display of song, pantomime, dance, and acrobatics.
✧During the performance, the performers mainly u four skills: singing, speaking, acting and
acrobatic fighting. 京剧演者主要应用四种技能:唱、念、做、打。
✧Performers u body language to reprent actions such as opening or closing the door, going
up or down a building or a mountain. By such techniques, Peking opera has made it possible to turn a small stage into the whole world.表演者用肢体语言表示动作,如开关门、爬上或走下一幢建筑物或一座山。凭借这种技巧,京剧可以把一个小舞台变成整个世界。
✧The facial makeups and costumes of the performers are usually very delicate; by contrast, the
backdrops are quite plain.京剧演员的脸谱和戏服通常都很精美;相形之下,布景则显得十分寻常。
✧In ancient times, Peking opera was mostly performed in the open air, so the performers
developed a piercing style of singing that could be heard by everyone.在古代,京剧大多是在户外演出的,因此演员们形成了一种极具穿透力的唱腔,以便每个人都能听到。
脸谱facial makeup
象征意义symbolic meaning
生旦净丑sheng(male role)dan(female role)。
jing(painted face)chou (clown)
塑造角色形象portray a character
✧Peking opera, as the national opera of China, has a history of more than 200 years.京剧已有
✧Exaggerated designs are painted on each performers face to symbolize each character's
personality, role, and fate.每个演员的脸上画着夸张的图案,代表每个人物的性格、角色和命运。
✧Facial makeup can reflect qualities of different characters. It us different colors to portray a
character. People can tell a hero from a villain by the colors of the makeup.脸谱可以反映不同角色的品质。它使用不同颜色来塑造角色形象。脸谱的颜色让人一看便知角色的善恶。
✧Each of the patterns and brilliant colors on the painted face has a symbolic meaning: red
suggests loyalty, yellow suggests cruelty, and black suggests uprightness.在涂了油彩的脸上,每一种图形和亮丽的颜色都有象征意义: 红色表示忠诚,黄色表示残暴,黑色表示正直。
✧Audiences who are familiar with the opera can know the story by obrving the characters'
facial paintings as well as their costumes.熟悉京剧的观众可以通过观察角色的脸部描绘和服装来了解故事。
隐患排查治理国画Chine painting
中国颜料Chine pigment
工笔画(实意画)Gongbi(meticulous painting)双子座女明星
写意画(印象派画)Xieyi (impressionist painting)
✧Chine painting, also known as the traditional national painting, has its unique and
independent system in the world's fine arts field.中国画,也被称为传统民族绘画,在世界美术领域中有其独特和独立的体系。
✧Chine painting has got an age of more than 2,000 years old. Three major kinds of subjects
are birds and flowers, figures, and landscapes of the countryside, mountains and a.中国画已经有2000多年的历史,三大类主题分别是花鸟画、人物画以及关于乡村、高山和大海的山水风景画。
✧Chine painting is cloly related to the art of fine handwriting called calligraphy. Chine
painters u black ink to produce different tones and a brush to make many kinds of lines.中国画与
✧There are two main techniques in Chine painting: one is Gongbi, or meticulous painting,
the traditional realistic style characterized by fine brushwork and clo attention to detail;
the other is Xieyi, or impressionist painting, the freehand brush work style characterized by vivid expression and bold and vigorous outlines. The forms of painting include wall paintings, screens, scrolls, albums and fans.国画有两种主要的技法:一种是工笔画,或实意画,有着传统的现实主义风格, 特点是精谨细腻的笔法,注重细节;另一种是写意画,或者说是印象派绘画,有着笔随意走的风格,其特点是生动的表达和大胆有力的轮廓。中国画的形式包括:壁画、屏风、卷轴、画册和扇画。岳飞的母亲
武术martial arts; Wushu
太极拳tai chi (ch'uan)
打太极practice/do tai chi
✧Chine martial arts, also referred to as Kung fu, are a number of fighting styles that have
developed over the centuries in China.中国武术,又称功夫,是中国千百年发展形成的各种武术风格的总称。
✧In spite of many bans on it and suppression by feudal rulers, Wushu has thrived among the
水煮羊肉片common people instead of dying out. This shows the strong attraction and vitality of it in China. 尽管武术被封建统治者施以禁令并镇压,它却并没有消亡,而是在百姓中蓬勃发展。这说明武术在中国有强大的吸引力和生命力。
✧The prent Wushu of different schools and styles indicates the wisdom and culture of all the
ethnic groups in China throughout history.现在不同流派和风格的武术体现了历史上中国各民族的智慧和文化。
✧Among the many forms, tai chi may enjoy the highest popularity. Shaolin Quan is one of die
well-known forms of Wushu with a long history.在众多武术形式中,太极拳最流行,而少林拳亦历史悠久,享有盛名。
✧Perhaps better than any other practitioner, Bruce Lee opened the eyes of the Western World to
the fascinating practices of Chine martial arts. Conquently, more and more foreigners are travelling to China for learning the mysteries of Kung fu.比起其他习武之人,也许李小龙更好地让西方世界对中国武术的精彩招式大开眼界,因此越来越多的外国人到中国学习功夫的奥秘。