The new politics of the internet 新互联网政治
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Can internet activism turn into a real political movement?互联网激进主义能演变成一场真正的政治运动吗?
灌县Jan 5th 2013 | BERLIN AND DUBAI | from the print edition
WHEN dozens of countries refud to sign a new global treaty on internet governance in late 2012, a wide range of activists rejoiced.They saw the treaty, crafted under the auspices of the International Telecommunication union (ITU), as giving governments pernicious powers to meddle with and censor the internet. For months groups with names like Access Now and Fight for the Future had
campaigned against the treaty. Their lobbying was sometimes hyperbolic. But it was also part of the reason the treaty was rejected by many countries, including America, and thus in effect rendered void.
当数十个国家于2012年年底拒绝签署一项新的互联网管理国际条约时,各类积极分子深感欣慰。在他们看来,这项由国际电信联盟(ITU)主持修订的条约会授予政府干涉和审查互联网的可怕权力。数月来,诸如“马上进入”(Access Now)和“为未来而战”(Fight for the Future)等团体一直为反对这项条约造势。他们的游说时有夸张。不过,这也是该条约遭美国等许多国家拒绝的部分原因,因而实际上它处于无效状态。
凉拌拉皮The success at the ITU conference in Dubai capped a big year for online activists. In January they helped defeat Hollywood-sponsored anti-piracy legislation, best known by the acronym SOPA, in America's Congress. A month later, in Europe, they took on ACTA, an obscure international treaty which, in eking to enforce intellectual-property rights, paid little heed to free speech and privacy. In Brazil they got clor than many would have believed possible to curing a ground-breaking internet bill of rights, the “Marco Civil da Internet”. In Pakistan they helped to delay, perhaps permanently, plans for a national firewall, and in the Philippines they campaigned against a cybercrime law the Supreme Court later put on hold.
“It feels like when ‘Silent Spring’ was published,” says James Boyle, an intellectual-property expert at Duke University, North Carolina. The publication of Rachel Carson's jeremiad on the effects of pesticides in 1962 is widely en as marking the appearance of modern environmental awareness, and of the politics that goes along with it. Fifty years on, might the world really be witnessing another such moment, and the creation of another such movement —this one built around the potential for new information technology to foster free speech and innovation, and the threats that governments and companies po to it?