Inter-Company Billing - Automatic Posting To Vendor Account (SAP-EDI) Automatic posting to vendor account is done by EDI. In our ca where both companies are proccesd in the same system (& client), it is sufficient to create Idoc.
This proccess requires veral steps:摔倒用英语怎么说
1.Creating a Customer to reprent the receiving Company.
2.Creating a Vendor to reprent the supplying company.
3.Creating a Port
4.Maintain an Output Type
有个性的句子5.Creating a Logical Address
6.Creating a Partner Profile for both Customer & Vendor
丁香成人影院7.The relevant MM customizing is maintained.
8.The relevant FI customizing is maintained.
1. Creating a Customer to reprent the receiving Company.
The customer has already been created (XD01) for the purpo of Intercompany processing and entered in the approperiate transction in customizing (Sales and Distribution Æ Billing Æ Intercompany Billing Æ Define Internal Customer Number By Sales Organization).
Note: The cutomer has been created in the supplying company code. The organizational data in this ca is:
Code: 1180
Plant: 1180
Supplying Sales Organization: 1180
Supplying Distribution Channel: 01
Supplying Division: 00
Code: 3100
Customer reprenting the receiving Company Code: P3100
2. Creating a Vendor to reprent the supplying company.
The Vendor is created with the standard transaction (XK01).
Note: The Vendor is created in the receiving Company Code. The organizational data in this ca is the same as above.
Vendor reprenting the supplying Company Code: P1180
NOTE: There is NO need to “connect” vendor to customer in the control screen.
3. Creating a Port红酒有沉淀物正常吗
Tools Æ Business Communication Æ IDoc Basis Æ Idoc Æ Port Definition
(T. Code WE21)
平面投影Maintain Transactional RFC: (Choo Transactional RFC and press the create icon).
A dialog box will open asking whether you want the system to generate an automatic name or whether you wish to u your own name.
Port name: Automatically generated
Version: 4.x
RFC destination: PLD (This was defined by the basis people).
4. Maintain output type
Output Type RD04 - Invoice Receipt MM is a special function, responsible for the execution of the Idoc and will be entered in the Partner Profile later on.
Output type RD04 is maintained: Img: Sales and Distribution Æ Basic functions ÆOutput control Æ Output Determination Æ Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Æ Maintain Output D
etermination for Billing Documents Æ Maintain Output Types (T. Code V/40).住所证明