Prime Power:The ratings are applicable for supplying continuous electrical power (at variable load) in lieu of commercially purchad power. There is no limitation to the annual hours of operation and this model can supply 10% overload power for 1 hour in 12 hours.
乱成语Standby Power:The ratings are applicable for supplying continuous electrical power (at variable load) in the event of a utility power failure. No overload is permitted on the ratings. The alternator on this model is peak continuous rated (as defined in ISO 8528-3).
备用功率:正常电源中断的情况下,为可变负载持续供电,不允许超载。(此型号交流发电机能够在额定峰值条件下持续工作ISO 8528-3 中有相关定义)(年运行时间500小时,24小时内平均负载率80%,最大持续运行时间300小时)
Prime Power: Applicable for supplying emergency power at varying load in the event of normal utility power interruption. 10% overload is allowed.
Fuel stop power in accordance with ISO15550, ISO3046/1, JISB8002-1, DIN6271 and BS5514.
主用功率:正常电源中断情况下,为可变负载供电。允许10%超载。燃油截止功率符合ISO15550, ISO3046/1, JISB8002-1, DIN6271 和BS5514.读后感的写作方法和技巧(年运行时间不超过500小时)
Standby Power: Applicable for supplying emergency power at varying load in the event of the normal utility power interruption.
Fuel stop power in accordance with ISO15550, ISO3046/1, JISB8002-1, DIN6271 and BS5514.
Overload: not allowed
备用功率:正常电源中断情况下,为可变负载供电。不允许超载。(年运行时间不超过100 小时,允许间断性地以100%备用功率运行12 小时)。
女总燃油截止功率符合ISO15550, ISO3046/1, JISB8002-1, DIN6271 和BS5514.
Prime Power (PRP):Applicable for supplying power to varyin gelectrical load for unlimited hours. Power (PRP) is in accordance with ISO 8528.Ten percent overload capability is available in accordance with ISO 3046, AS 2789,DIN 6271 and BS 5514.
主用功率:不受(时间)限制的为可变负载供电。基本功率符合ISO 8528。根据ISO 3046, AS 2789,DIN 6271和BS 5514.允许10%过载。(24小时内允许输出的平均功率不大于主用功率的70%)
Emergency Standby Power (ESP):Applicable for supplying power to varying electrical load for the duration of power interruption of a reliable utility source. Emergency Standby Power (ESP) is in accordance with ISO 8528. Fuel Stop power in accordance with ISO 3046, AS 2789,DIN 6271 and BS 5514.
应急备用功率:正常电源中断情况下,为可变负载供电。应急备用功率符合ISO8528。燃油截止功率符合ISO 3046, AS 2789,DIN 6271 和BS 5514.(每年运行不超过200小时,24小时内允许输出的平均功率不大于应急备用功率的70%)
Prime Power: Output available with varying load for an unlimited time. Average power output is 70% of the prime power rating. Typical peak demand is 100% of prime rated ekW with 10% overload capability for emergency u for a maximum of 1 hour in 12. Overload operation cannot exceed 25 hours per year. Prime power in accordance with ISO3046.
护士的单词Standby Power:Output available with varying load for the duration of the interruption of t消防培训记录
he normal source power.Average power output is 70% of the standby power rating. Typical operation is 200 hours per year, with maximum expected usage of 500 hours per year.Standby power in accordance with ISO8528. Fuel stop power in accordance with ISO3046.
Tellhow(泰豪) MTU发动机
Prime Power(PRP): Continuous operation with variable load, Load factor<75%, unrestricted Operating hours,10% overload capacity (ICXN).
Standby power (ESP):Standby with variable load, Load factor < 85 %,Operating hou
rs max. 500/year,Fuel stop power (ICFN)。
Tellhow (泰豪) VOLVO发动机旧照片
Prime Power :Prime Power rating corresponds to ISO Standard Power for continuous operation. It is applicable for supplying electrical power at variable load for an unlimited number of hours instead of commercially purchad power. A10 % overload capability for govering purpo is available for this rating.
Standby power 新学:Maximum Standby power rating corresponds to ISO Standard Fuel Stop Power. It is applicable for supplying standby electrical power at variable load in areas with well established electrical networks in the event of normal utility power failure.
No overload capability is available for this rating.