胆囊息肉吃什么药Environmental Protection·Technology·Humanity
波尔多酒杯To Be An All-rounder and Benefit Others
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服务宣言Confucius said, 'The Superior Man is not a utensil.' This doesn’t mean the superior man should
not be a uful person like a utensil, but rather his ufulness should not be confined to only
one area. A great man should dare to break the shackles of “being merely a utensil” and think outside the box, and being wi and brave, rather than limiting himlf to “a confined space”.
“天下事有难易乎?为之,则难者亦易矣;不为,则易者亦难矣。” 古之⽴⼤事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。⾼能环境脱胎于国有科研机构,⾎液⾥流淌着理性、科学的基因,
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“Is everything in the world divided into difficult or easy? If you do it with determined efforts, the difficult will become easy; otherwi, the easy may become difficult.” Tho who have made
great achievements are not only extraordinarily talented, but also indomitable. Born out of a
state-owned scientific rearch institute, BGE is naturally rational and scientific and has been devoting to the environmental protection. During the 30 years of development, no matter how complicated the external environment is, we have been marching ahead dauntlessly with the
faith that the golden age for the environmental protection industry will sure to come and we will sure to realize our ideals and make a remarkable achievement.
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However, many of our employees are fostering bad habits and being content with temporary
ea and comfort, some are cowardly, weak and lf-handicapped, being “the giants in thought
but the dwarfs in action”. There is nothing wrong with the world. What is wrong is the fragility of
the mind. We cannot be free from the harm of the world, but we can change our attitude. One
who is willing to change will become strong, otherwi, one will become weak; the brave
survive while the coward are phad out. Protecting the environment is a long and arduous journey,
only by being lfless and braving ahead can we learn lessons from history and shoulder our responsibilities; only by overcoming fears with determination and taking action
when necessary can we get rid of cognitive limitations and explore the world.
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Self-handicapping is nothing but shackling and confining yourlf. A life without limits will give you a broader world. Living in the world, one should not change original aspirations becau of difficulties or tbacks, nor give up becau of a long journey; instead, one should explore and make breakthro
ughs with the determination of fighting until the goal is achieved. Contemplate when you feel lonely; mature through contemplation; enhance yourlf as you mature. BGE rejects lf-handicapped cowards and daydreamers while prefers brave and resolute warriors having no fear of sacrifice. BGE people must learn and master all sorts of knowledge and skills and brave ahead in a down-to-earth manner so as to take the responsibility of benefiting mankind and the world.
⽩居易《君⼦不器赋》有句云:“抱不器之器,成乎有⽤之⽤。”夫英雄者,胸怀⼤志,腹有良谋,有包藏宇宙之机,吞吐天地之志也。时代的开阔地带已经打开,我们终将会穿⾏在历史的经纬,担负起⾃⼰的使命。如切如磋,如琢如磨。如鱼得⽔、如鹏驭云、如蛟⼊海,成就“⼤器”⼈⽣, 完成天之所赋。
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As it says in Bai Juyi’s On the Idea That the Superior Man Is Not a Utensil, “A superior man should be an all-rounder so as to be of great u.” Heroes are tho who have great aspirations and tactics as well as all-embracing knowledge. We are in a good era and we must assume our own missions. We should keep on improving and enhancing ourlves, so that we can ize the opportunity when it comes and then, like a fish in water, explore an extraordinarily meaningful life and perform our responsibilities.