奶奶英语怎么说甘地名言~共勉之「心若改变,态度就会改变; 态度改变,习惯就改变; 习惯改变,人生就会改变。
」 .tw/love1970619/article.php?pbgid=3131&entryid=14731“当我绝望时,我会想起,在历史上只有真理和爱能得胜。历史上有很多暴君和凶手,在短期内或许是所向无敌的,但是终究总是会失败,好好想一想,永远都是这样……” ――甘地Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may em invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always。
参考资料: /title/tt0083987/quotes甘地 Be the change you want to e in the world 欲变世界,先变其身 甘地名言 在这个世界上,你必须成为你希望看到的改变。--甘地 “To e the universal and all-pervading spirit of truth face to face one must be able to love the meanest of creatures as onelf. ” “真理的精神遍布各地、处处皆有。
但若想面对它,必须像爱护自己那样爱护地位最低微的人”。 摘自《甘地自传》 “I have not the shadow of a doubt that any man or woman can achieve what I have,if he or she would make the same effort and cultivate the same hope and faith. ” “任何人只要作出和我一样的努力,胸怀同样的期望和信心,就能做出我所做过的一切。
对此,我是确信无疑的”。 莫汉达斯K•甘地 「对我而言,羔羊的生命和人类的生命一样地珍贵。
我可不愿意为了人类的身体而取走羔羊的性命。我认为,越是无助的动物,人类越应该保护它,使它不受人类的残暴侵害」 「无论是任何时期、任何地方,我都不认为肉食对我们来说是有必要的」 「我觉得,当心灵发展到了某个阶段的时候,我们将不再为了满足食欲而残杀动物」 「一个国家伟不伟大、道德水准高不高可以从它对待动物的方式评断出来」 ”真正的非暴力,威力超过最强大的暴力。
〃 /z/q771080143.htm好多,全英)印度前总理甘地的告诫: 有几样东西可以毁灭我们: 没有责任感的享乐; 不劳而获的财富; 没有是非观念的知识; 不道德的生意; 没有人性的科学; 没有牺牲的崇拜。 甘地的名言:要活就要像明天你就会死去一般活著。
要学习就要好像你会永远活著一般学习。原文:Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. 甘地的名言.hk/arch?hl=zh-TW&q=%E7%94%98%E5%9C%B0%E5%90%8D%E8%A8%80&meta=&aq=f&oq=(这网全是!).hk/arch?hl=zh-TW&q=Mohandas+Gandhi+&btnG=%E6%90%9C%E5%B0%8B&meta=&aq=f&oq=。
我认为肉食对于人类通常生活所可能遇到的任何场合来说都是没有必要的。我认为肉食对我们人类来说是不适宜的。如果我们比动物高等的话,那么我们重复动物的行为就是错误的。─ 圣雄甘地, 他的使命和教导(Mahatma Gandhi, his Mission and Message)
我今天再次重申我过去曾经坚持的观点,我认为一只羊生命的价值丝毫也不次于人的。我不愿意为了保养人身而去夺取一只羊的生命。我认为越是无助的生命就越需要人们的保护以远离那些野蛮的人。─ 《自传,我的经历》 (An Autobiography, the Story of My Experiments)
活体解剖是人对造物主及其杰作所犯的所有罪恶之中最黑暗的罪恶。 - 素食主义的道德基础 (见上面的连接)
我不仅要了解与被称之为人类的生灵之间的友谊和平等,而且还要了解与所有生灵之间的平等,甚至是与地上爬的动物。─ 摘自 甘地语录
"不与邪恶合作是我们的义务,就如同我们必须要与正义合作一样。" 提高记忆力的药
The best way to find yourlf is to lo yourlf in the rvice of others.
Be the change you want to e in the world.
We must become the change we want to e.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Men often become what they believe themlves to be. If I believe I cannot do something,
it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't have it in the beginning.
There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoeve.
1.First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
2.The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
3.Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are inharmony.
4.A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to
plea, or wor, to avoid trouble.
5.A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is theprerogative of the brave.
6.A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.漂洋过海来看你歌曲
7.A nation's culture residesin the hearts and in the soul of its people.
8.Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at
purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
9.An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth
become error becau nobody es it.
谬误不会因为千百遍地传播就变成真理;同样,真理也不会因为无人所知就变成谬误。10.An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.
1、以眼还眼,世界只会更盲目。 原文:An eye for an eye ends up only making the whole world blind.甘地
2、要活就要像明天你就会死去一般活着。要学习就要好像你会永远活着一般学习。(11月5日名言) 原文:Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. 3、生由死而来。麦子为了萌芽,它的种子必须要死了才行。 4、国家都是由苦难中产生的。 5、不使用暴力,是谦逊的极限。 6、如果我们能发展意志力,我们就会发现我们不再需要武装力量了。 7、无数的例子让我深信,上帝终将拯救那些动机纯正的人。 8、祈祷不是要求,而是灵魂上的渴望。 9、懦夫是不会有爱的,爱是勇者的特性。 10、就是因为自己非常怕死,所以才会对别人的死亡流下眼泪。 11、有信心,即不知道有失望。 12、当我绝望时,我会想起:在历史上,只有真理和爱能得胜,历史上有很多暴君和凶手,在短期内或许是所向无敌的,但是终究总是会失败。好好想一想,永远都是这样。 13、贫穷才是最糟糕的暴力。 14、手段的不纯洁,必然导致目的的不纯洁。 15、我的人生就是我想要传达的信息。 16、地球所提供的足以满足每个人的需要,但不足以填满每个人的欲望。 17、欲变世界先变其身。