Items | Contect | Date | Owner | Remark |
1 | <GCR rvice group Abbreviations _Version 1 > | 2008.12.30 | Amanda Liu | |
2 | <Lenovo WW rvice Abbreviations update > | 2009.06.10 | Amanda Liu | |
Terms | Defination | Category |
A ▲back to Top | ||
ABC | Activity Bad Costing ABM Activity Bad Management AC | |
ACR | Add Country Request | |
AD | Active Directory | |
ADI | Analog Devices, Incorporated | |
ADP | Accidental damage protection | (Biz) |
AE | Account Executive | |
AG | Americas Group | (Lenovo) | 什么然什么悟四字成语
AGP | Accelerated Graphics Port (Tech) | |
AHCI | Advanced Host Controller Interface (Tech) | |
AHT | Average handling time | 武道天途 (Lenovo) _KPI |
AIT | Advanced Intelligent Tape | |
ALPS | Account Level Profitability System (Lenovo) | |
AM | Application Management | (Biz) |
AMD | Advanced Micro Devices | |
AMH | Automated Material Handler | |
AMT | Active Management Technology (Tech) | |
ANZ | Australia & New Zealand | (Lenovo) Geo®ion |
ANZ | Australia and New Zealand | |
AOD | Additional Order Data | |
AP | Asia Pacific | |
API | All Parts In | |
APICS | American Production and Inventory Control Society | |
APM | Advanced Planning Management | |
退烧的按摩手法 APOS | After point of sales | (Biz) |
APOS | After Point of Sale br> ARS Ast Recovery Services | (Lenovo) |
APS | Advanced Planning and Scheduling | |
AQL | Acceptable Quality Level | |
AR | Attach rate | (Biz) |
AS/RS | Automated Storage and Retrieval System | |
ASA | Average speed to answer | 火烧怎么做 (Lenovo) _KPI |
ASEAN | Association of Southeast Asian Nations ,Singapore, Malaysia Thailand Indonesia Vietnam Philippine, | 淡泊自抑 (Lenovo) Geo& region |
ASM | Account rvice manager 风水门派 | (Lenovo) |
ASP | Approved Service Provider | (Lenovo) |
AT | Ast Tag | |
ATA | Advanced Technology Attachment (Tech) | |
ATAPI | Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface (Tech) | |
ATX | Advanced Technology Extended (Tech) | |
AUC | Average Unit Cost | |
AUR | Average Unit Revenue | Finance |
AUR | Average Unit Revenue | |
红薯粉怎么煮 AVL | Approved Vendor List | |
B ▲back to Top | ||
B2B | Business Commerce (Relationship Marketing) | (Biz) |
B2C | Business to Consumer Commerce (Transactional / Consumer Marketing) | (Biz) |
BAU | Baline Asmbly Unit /Business As Usual (Bus) | |
BB | Building Block | |
BBFV | Building Block Functional Verification (IOD) | |
BD | Business Development | (Biz) |
BDM | Business Development Manager | |
BI | Business Intelligence (Bus) | |
BIOS | Basic Input Output System | (Tech) |
BIOS | Basic Input Output System (Tech) | |
BM | Brand Manager | |
BMC | Basic Manufacturing Cost | (Lenovo) |
BMC | Baboard Management Controller (Tech) | |
BMS | business management system | (Biz) |
BMS | Business Management System | |
BOM | Bill of Materials. | |
BOM | Bill of Materials | |
BP | business parterner | (Biz) |
BP | Business Partner | |
BPM | Business Performance Management | |
BRIC | Brazil, Russia, India and China | |
BSC | balanced-score card | (Biz) |
BSMI | Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (Tech) | |
BT | Business transformation | |
BT | Bluetooth (Tech) | |
BT | Business Transformation | |
BTX | Balanced Technology Extended (Tech) | |
BU | Business Unit | (Lenovo) |
C ▲back to Top | ||
C2C | Current to Current | |
C3 | Commodity Cost Competitiveness | |
CA | Customer acceptance | Finance |
CA | Volume; Customer acceptances | |
CAD | Computer Aided Design (Tech) | |
您们好CAD | Confidentiality Agreement Disclosure | |
CA-Ex | Confidentiality Agreement Exchange | |
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