母子交换作者:刘浪 吴天琦 卞传飞 高美珠 李保同 丁拥军 杜威华
摘要 :為明确新型水直播稻田除草剂精噁唑甘草胺以及对照药剂对于直播稻田禾本科杂草的防除效果以及对于水稻及后茬作物的安全性,于2019年在江西宜春市上高县水稻田进行了大田杂草防效试验以及后茬作物安全性研究。结果表明:8%精噁唑甘草胺OD对于直播水稻田的禾本科杂草具有良好的防除效果, 120 g/hm2 以及200 g/hm2 剂量处理对于禾本科杂草的防效均在88%以上。而且所有处理对于水稻均无药害产生,实现增产,并对后茬作物生长安全。综上所述,新型直播稻田除草剂精噁唑甘草胺对直播水稻田禾本科杂草有良好防除效果,可以在市场上推广应用。
关键词 :精噁唑甘草胺; 直播水稻田; 禾本科杂草; 防效
S 451.21
文献标识码: B
DOI: 10.16688/j.zwbh.2020404
Efficacy of glyamifop 8% OD on gramineous weeds in direct eding paddy fields and the effects on following crops
LIU Lang1, WU Tianqi1, BIAN Chuanfei1, GAO Meizhu1, LI Baotong1*, DING Yongjun2, DU Weihua3坚持独立自主
(1.College of Land Resources and Environment, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China; 2. Agricultural
玉碎香残英语基础知识大全 Technology Extension Station of Sixi Town, Shanggao County,Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, Yichun 336400, China;
3. Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Shanggao County,Yichun City, Jiangxi Provin
梦到死鱼ce, Yichun 336400, China)
In order to clarify control effect of glyamifop, a new type of herbicide, and its control agent on gramineous weeds in direct eding paddy field and its safety on rice and subquent crops, field weed control experiments and safety experiments on subquent crops were conducted in Shanggao paddy field in Yichun city, Jiangxi province in 2019.The results showed that glyamifop 8% OD had a good control effect on weeds in direct eding rice fields.The control efficacies of glyamifop at 120 g/hm2 and 200 g/hm2 on gramineous weeds were both above 88%.In addition, all treatments had no phytotoxicity to rice and incread rice yield, and were safe to subquent crops.In summary, the new herbicide glyamifop has good control effect on gramineae weeds in direct eding rice field,which can be promoted and applied in the market.说曹操曹操就到
Key words
glyamifop; direct eding rice field; gramineous weed; control effect
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验田概况
稻田土壤理化性质[17]:pH 5.06,碱解氮含量73.67 mg/kg,有机质含量37.85 g/kg,速效磷含量99.88 mg/kg,速效钾含量116 mg/kg。