About the University Word List
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家庭公约The UWL
The University Word List (UWL) is a list of vocabulary items common in academic texts. It is compod of 808 words, divided into 11 levels. This list is designed to be a list of specialized vocabulary for students who know about 2,000 generally common words and plan to study in an English-language college or university. Think of it as the most common 800 words in academic texts excluding the 2,000 words of the General Service List (GSL) (West, 1953). This list is linked to the GSL. If your students study the GSL, followed by the UWL, there should be no repetition. The list is divided into 11 levels. Level 1 has the greatest frequency and range, level 2 next, etc. The occurrences of the words of the first three levels is about half of the total occurrences of the entire list. Nation (1990 p.19) estimates that the words on this list account for 8% of the words in a typical academic text.
This list was first published in 1984 (Xue and Nation). A new version has been published and is called the Academic Word List (AWL). Go back to my homepage for information and a link to the AWL. I'll be taking the UWL and this page off my site sometime before the end of 2000.
渐渐的反义词The list is posted here parated into levels. In each of the 11 levels the words are alphabetized and parated by a space. Copied as text, it should be pretty easy to deal with.
Nation, I.S.P., 1990, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, Newbury Hou, New York West, 1953, A General Service List of English Words, Longman, London
Xue Guoyi and Nation, I.S.P, 1984, A University Word List, Language Learning and Communication 3, 2:215-229come音标
UWL Level 1
alternative analyze approach arbitrary asss assign assume compensate complex comply component concept conclude consist constant construct consult contact context criterion data define definite denote derive devi dimension distinct element environment equate equivalent establish evaluate evident formulate guarantee hypothesis identify ignore illustrate impact implicit imply indicate initial interpret involve magnitude method minimum modify negative obvious potential presume prime proceed publish pursue random range region require restrict rever role similar specify
中国百家姓大全status subquent suffice sum summary technique ten ultimate usage valid vary vertical
UWL Level 2
accelerate achieve adjacent affect approximate asrt authorize automatic aware chapter complicate comprehend conceive concentrate conquent contrast contribute convert create crucial decade demonstrate design devote distort emphasize empirical ensure entity equilibrium expand expo external feasible fluctuate focus function generate individual infer inhibit innovation inten intuitive isolate magnetic major manipulate mathematics mature notion obtain occur passive period perspective pertinent pha phenomena portion precede preci principle react respective ction gment lect quence ries shift signify simultaneous sophisticated species stable statistic structure technology theory trace tradition transmit undergo verbal verify
UWL Level 3
abandon accomplish adapt adequate adjust appreciate appropriate area attitude chemical circumstance classic commune conduct conflict consume convene coordinate correspond credible critic dedicate deficient deviate discrete disper dispo drama dynamic economy estimate exclude exert explicit exploit factor feature final geography image intellect intelligent issue labor maintain ma
nifest maximum motive network norm notate occupy orientate physical plot pole positive preposition prestige previous proprietor rational relevance rely reveal rotate satellite scheme ek source superficial task transition underlie visual
UWL Level 4
中国古代科技发明acquire administer aesthetic allege allocate alter analogy apprai asmble assure atmosphere atom attribute avail axis bomb capable cea constitute contaminate contradict culture dedicate denominator den diagram discour distribute diver dominate elaborate eliminate embody emotion energy eventual forgo fragment goal heredity impress incident incompatible induce integrate internal intervene investigate judicial justify litigate logic military mobile perpendicular persist philosophy predict project proportion psychology reject relea rearch rervoir revolt speculate sphere spontaneous stipulate subside subsidize superimpo symbol tentative text theorem upsurge
UWL Level 5
absorb abstract accurate advocate aid biology category client code compound confront contract contrary crisis deny dictate diffu dispute duration edit electron enlighten err execute expel fraud grant graph gravity homogeneous implement impo incorporate insist institute instruct interct inte
rval job kindred label legitimate objective overlap parenthesis perpetrate preliminary radius respond restore retain retard rudimentary
cure stimulate stress style subtle superior supplement suppress symptom synthetic tiny trait transfer transform trivial vast version
UWL Level 6
abnormal academic accompany adjective adult agitate appeal arou aspect assist attain awe benefit civic clarify collide comment commit compute conform conjunction console contemplate contend contingent controversy conver cooperate cycle decline degenerate doctrine extract fertile found hemisphere hierarchy identical incline income instinct interact interlock interlude legal locate medium metabolism microscope minor nerve niche oblige participate planet propagate propensity prosper protest radical reign reinforce revi sanction scalar strata subjective sustain tangent terminology tone topic uniform urban virtual volume voluntary
UWL Level 7
中山大学是211还是985adolescent affiliate affluence alcohol aristocrat astronomy cell collap colloquial commodity compet
ence concentric confer configuration congress conrve continent corporate creditor crystal cumbersome defer degrade democracy depress dissolve divine domestic ethics finance fraction friction fu geometry horror incentive incessant intermediate invade inver invoke migrate morphology muscle navy neutral nutrient obsolete odor parliament peasant plead policy pragmatic precipitate prevail prudence rectangle reform refute repudiate revive rhythm saint schedule score sibling sketch sociology spectrum stereotype terror texture thermal tissue transact x-ray
UWL Level 8
adhere aggregate aggression align allude ally bore bureaucracy cater circulate coincide connt correlate currency deprive detect detriment discern dissipate drug evolve fallacy finite fraternal frustrate imperial index invest launch legislate lens liable linguistic locomotion magic metaphor monarch nuclear oscillate oxygen partisan pendulum pervade postulate premi proclaim provoke rebel reluctance reproduce rigid crete x solar spatial subordinate supreme territory treaty trend utilize utter
UWL Level 9
acid ambiguity amorphous ast aver carbon complement conden confine construe displace div
erge drastic efficient enumerate evaporate evoke exhaust faction federal frontier fund illuminate indigenous innate integer intrinsic liberate margin material matrix molecule momentum odd orbit residue reverberate rural stationary subdivide suspend unduly velocity vibrate violate vocabulary
UWL Level 10
access angular anomaly anonymous anthropology append appendix ascribe aspiration asnt assimilate auspices clinic coefficient cogent compri compulsion converge deflect deliberate dispen elevate elicit eloquent emancipate embrace emerge enhance enrich episode equidistant exponent facilitate fluent fossil inconsistent inflation ingenious inherent interrelate interview intimacy maternal myth null option outcome perpetual priority procure prohibit province purport quote recur remove render repress resident rigor saturate skeleton surplus tangible tolerate triangle vague
UWL Level 11
accumulate annual apparatus arithmetic attach battery breed bubble bulk calendar cancel capture career catalogue challenge channel circuit column communicate compel cylinder debate decimal defect diameter digest drain enable equipment expert export fare fate fluid fuel fulfill fundamental genuine germ harbor hero hostile huge import impul inferior injure inspect instance irrigate item jo
urnal laboratory layer lecture leisure luxury mental moist novel pest pollution port process ratio resource revolve route shrink site starve survey switch tape team telescope temporary theft tire tractor traffic transparent transport tropical undertake vein vital volt withdraw