Comments on Marrakech
Marrakech is a typical exposition portraying the mirable life of native people in Marrakech, Morocco. The theme of the article is to denounce the wickedness of colonialism. The author displays a ries of scenes revealing different kinds of sufferings native people undergone in colony.
The organization of this article is loo. There are five scenes describing the mirable condition of people in Marrakech. By using conci, impressive and vivid dictions, the author succeed in showing tho scenes of people's sufferings and struggles in colony before our eyes. The first scene talks about the burial. The author gives us detailed introduction of the whole process of burial. The corps are wrapped in a piece of rag and carried on a rough wooden bier. 工程变更程序帐房先生>陈廷敬简介Then mourners just dig a small hole and dump the body in it and flying over it a little of the dried-up lumpy earth. The ries of verbs, and the descriptions of rag, bier and burying-ground show people's careless and disrespect to the death. Flies also are applied to reveal the poor healthy condition in this area. The cond s
生活句子>女性瑜伽cene is talking about an Arab navvy begging for a piece of bread. He sidled slowly towards the author and showed great amazement when he saw the author gave bread to the gazelle for he had never had such treatment. By comparison, it implies that people in colony are treated wor than animals. In addition, the author refers that the man is an employee of the municipality. People who have job can't get enough food. What about the jobless? The third one tells us about the Jews' mirable life. We can know the poor living and working condition of Jews from this part. Besides, the author displays Jews' strong desire for a cigarette when the author was lighting a cigarette. Instantly there was a frenzied rush of Jews, clamouring for a cigarette. Even a blind man came crawling out, groping in the air with his hand. Through this detail description, we can know how luxurious a cigarette is for Jews although nobody among them works less than twelve hours. The fourth scene is about the old women. The author us comparison between old women and the donkey. They are both invisible with tiny fingers and over-loaned. The only difference is that people will feel sorry for the donkey's treatment but never for the old women. It implies again that human beings are treating more badly than animals in co子宫有囊肿
lony. The last scene talks about the Negro soldiers. By describing their cond-hand dress and the example of the young soldier who was forced to scrub floors and catch syphilis in garrison towns. We have already known how evil and cruel the colonialism is.
The five scenes reveal people's sufferings and struggles for the sake of colonialism. Even though the author doesn't denounce colonialism in literal, but we can know exactly his condemnation and fury to it.