Recent developments in neuropathology of autism
生态系统的信息传递>红豆杉胶囊spectrum disorders
中台禅寺期刊名称: Translational Neuroscience
作者: Dora Pol?ek,Tomislav Jagatic,Maja Cepanec,Patrick R. Hof,Goran imi
年份: 2011年
期号: 第3期
关键词: Autism;Autism spectrum disorder小鸟简笔画彩色
摘要:Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) reprent complex neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by impairments in reciprocal social interactions, abnormal development and u of language, and monotonously repetitive behaviors. With an estimated heritability of more than 90%, it is the most strongly genetically influenced psychiatric disorder of the young age. In spite of the complexit
y of this disorder, there has recently been much progress in the rearch on etiology, early diagnosing, and therapy of autism. Besides already advanced neuropathologic rearch, veral new technological innovations, such as sleep functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (1H-MRS) divulged promising breakthroughs in exploring subtle morphological and neurochemical changes in the autistic brain.