most basic structures of Chomsky’s model,for Nida,kernels are the basic structural elements out of w
八八节hich language builds its elaborate(详尽复杂的) surface structures[用来构成语言复杂表层结构的基本结构成分].Kernels are the level at which the message is transferred into the receptor(受体)language before being transformed into the surface structure in three stages:
Literal transfer字面转移--minimal最低度~--literary书面~
2)Analysis:generative-transformational grammar(转换生成语法by Chomsky)’s four types of functional class
Abstract(quantities and qualities,adjective)抽象概念
Relational(gender,qualities,prepositions and conjunctions)关系
2,Basic factors in translation
1)The nature of message:content V.S.form
2)The purpo(s)of the author/translator
Types of purpos identified by Nida:
①for information②suggest a behavior③imperative(祈使,命令)purpo日本动漫
3)The audiences(4types):
优雅走过下雨天children;new literates;average literate adult;specialists
3,Relatedness(相关)of language&culture
4,Two basic orientations(方向)in translating
1)Formal Equivalence(F-E):focus on the message itlf,in both form and content.
•Principles governing F-E:
四川红烧牛肉面①grammatical units语法单元方脸适合什么耳环
②consistency in word usage词语用法前后一致,连贯性
③meanings in terms of the source context源语语境意义收到假钞怎么办
2)D-E(dynamic equivalence):
①bad on the principle of equivalent effect(•Principles governing it)
②aiming at complete naturalness of expression;
③unnecessary to understand the source culture.