Action message动作信息、请求操作信息
An output of a system that identifies the need for and the type of action to be taken to correct a current or potential problem. Examples of action messages in an MRP system include relea order, reschedule in, reschedule out, and cancel. Syn: exception message, action report.
In constraint management, the u of nonconstraint resources to make parts or products above the level needed to support the system constraint(s). The result is excessive work-in-process inventories or finished goods inventories, or both. In contrast, the term utilization is
ud to describe the situation in which nonconstraint resource(s) usage is synchronized to support the needs of the constraint.
1) The classification of quantities of items that have been assigned to specific orders but have not yet been relead from the stockroom to production. It is an "uncashed" stockroom requisition. 2) A process ud to distribute material in short supply. Syn: assignment. See: rervation.
Alternate routing 替代工艺路线
A routing, usually less preferred than the primary routing, but resulting in an identical item. Alternate routings may be maintained in the computer or off-line via manual methods, but the computer software must be able to accept alternate routings for specific jobs.
Availability 可用性、可用率、实用性
The percentage of time that a worker or machine is capable of working. The formula is
Availability = (S - B)*100% / S
Where S is the scheduled time and B is the downtime.
可用率= (计划时间 – 停工时间)*100% / 计划时间
Budgeted capacity 预算产能
The volume/mix of throughput on which financial budgets were t and overhead/burden absorption rates established.
Buffer management缓冲管理
In the theory of constraints, a process in which all expediting in a shop is driven by what is scheduled to be in the buffers (constraint, shipping, and asmbly buffers). By expediting this material into the buffers, the system helps avoid idleness at the constraint and misd customer due dates. In addition, the caus of items missing from the buffer are identified, and the frequency of occurrence is ud to prioritize improvement activities.
Buffer stock缓冲库存
Syn: safety stock.
A material of value produced as a residual of or incidental to the production process. The ratio of by-product to primary product is usually predictable. By-products may be recycled, sold as is, or ud for other purpos. See: co-product.
Calculated capacity计算产能
Syn: rated capacity.
Capacity available可用能力
The capability of a system or resource to produce a quantity of output in a particular time period. Syn: available capacity. See: capacity.
孙子兵法全解系统或资源在一个特定时间里输出的能力。同义词:available capacity。参见:capacity。
Capacity control产能控制
The process of measuring production output and comparing it with the capacity plan, determining if the variance exceeds preestablished limits, and taking corrective action to get back on plan if the limits are exceeded. See: input/output control.