Offshore Substation
Piping Design, Materials and Fabrication
ETS-31 Rev. 2
t e c h n i c a l s t a n d a r d s
Revision survey
Minor alterations, type errors, rephras' e.t.c where the meaning of the text is left unchanged are not shown.
Appendix no. and description Revision
1 Piping Specification 0
2 Valve Datasheet 0
年化收益计算Table of contents
1.Scope 1
2.References 1
2.1Statutory regulations 1
2.2Codes and standards 1学生思想品德鉴定评语 Standards 2
3.Abbreviations and Definitions 2
3.1Abbreviations 2
3.2Definitions 2
4.Technical requirements 3
4.1General 3
4.2Design Requirements 3
4.2.1General 3
4.2.2Material Certificate Requirements 3
4.2.3Pipe Supports 3
4.3Materials 4
4.3.1General 4
4.3.2Bolting 4
4.3.3Valves 5
4.3.4Special Piping Parts 5
4.4Piping specifications and pipe systems 5
说一说4.5Fabrication 6
4.5.1General 6
4.5.2Tolerances 6
4.5.3Welding 7
4.5.4Non destructive testing 7
4.5.5Proof test 7
4.6Tests on piping components 7
4.7Corrosion Protection 8
4.8Installation 8
4.9Mechanical completion 8
4.10Marking and colour coding of pipes 8
5.Certificates / data books 9
5.1General 9
6.Appendix 10
6.1Appendix 1 - Piping Specification Substation. 10
6.2Appendix 2 - Valve Data Sheet. 12
This technical standard specifies the basic requirements for design and material
lection of pipe, fittings, valves, flanges, and pipe supports for piping systems
designed for to be ud on an offshore located transformer platform (Substation).
The following codes, standards and statutory regulations shall be considered as part of this specification.
2.1Statutory regulations
97/23/EC Pressure Equipment Directive. (PED)
2.2Codes and standards
EN 13480 Metallic industrial piping
EN 15614-1 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for
metallic materials
EN 287-1 Qualification test of welders
EN 1418 Welding personnel
EN 1011 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials
EN 13920 Aluminium and aluminium alloys
EN ISO 14731 Welding coordination – tasks and responsibilities
ISO 3834-2 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials
ASME B31.3 Process piping
ASME B16.5 Standards for Flanges and Fittings
Force Report 94.34 Reference Colour Charts for purity of purging gas in stainless steel tubes Force Technology
BS 3974 Specification for Pipe supports
ASTM Standards for Iron and Steel Products. DNV-OS-J201 Offshore Substations for Wind Farms Standards
ETS-00 Guideline for U of Technical Standards.
ETS-25 Protective Coating of Steel.
ETS-21 Materials and Fabrication of Topside Structure.
3.Abbreviations and Definitions
PED: 97/23/EC Pressure Equipment Directive
MPI: Magnetic Particle Inspection
PI: Penetrant Inspection
RT: Radiographic examination
LTCS: Low temperature Carbon Steel
PMA: Particular Material Appraisal
MTO: Material Take Off
MC: Mechanical Completion
CRA: Corrosion Resistant alloy
Can: verbal form ud for statements of possibility and capability, whether
material, physical or casual.
May: verbal form ud to indicate a cour of action permissible within the
limits of this standard.
Shall: indicates requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to
this standard. Deviations from shall be followed by approved waiver.
Should: verbal form ud to indicate that among veral possibilities one is
recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding
others, or that a certain cour of action is preferred but not
necessarily required.