(Identical with ASTM Specification A193/A193M-95except for differences in3.1.1)
1.1This specification covers alloy and stainless steel bolting material for pressure vesls,valves,flanges, andfittings for high-temperature rvice.The term “bolting material”as ud in this specification covers bars,bolts,screws,studs,stud bolts and wire.Bars and wire shall be hot-wrought.The material may be further procesd by centerless grinding or by cold drawing.Austenitic stainless steel may be solution-annealed or annealed and strain-hardened.
1.2Several grades are covered,including ferritic steels and austenitic stainless steels designated B5,
B8,etc.Selection will depend upon design,rvice conditions,mechanical properties,and high-temperatu
re characteristics.
NOTE1—The committee formulating this specification has included
fifteen steel types that have been rather extensively ud for the prent purpo.Other compositions will be considered for inclusion
by the committee from time to time as the need becomes apparent. NOTE2—For grades of alloy-steel bolting material suitable for
u at lower range of high-temperature applications,reference should
be made to Specification A354.
NOTE3—For grades of alloy-steel bolting material suitable for
u in low-temperature applications,reference should be made to Specification A320/A320M.
1.3Nuts for u with this bolting material are covered
in Section14.
1.4Supplementary Requirements S1through S8are provided for u when additional tests or inspection
are desired.The shall apply only when specified in
the purcha order.
1.5This specification is expresd in both inch-pound units and in SI units.However,unless the order specifies the applicable“M”specification designation
(SI units),the material shall be furnished to inch-pound units.
1.6The values stated in either inch-pound units or
SI units are to be regarded parately as standard. Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore,each system must be ud independently of
the other.Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specification.
2.Referenced Documents
2.1ASTM Standards:
A29/A29M Specification for General Requirements for Steel Bars,Carbon and Alloy,Hot-Wrought and Cold-Finished
A194/A194M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure and High-Tempera-
ture Service
A320/A320M Specification for Alloy Steel Bolting Materials for Low-Temperature Service
A354Specification for Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts,Studs,and Other Externally Threaded Fas-teners
A370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Test-
ing of Steel Products
道德经全书A479/A479M Specification for Stainless and Heat-Re-sisting Bars and Shapes for U in Boilers and Other Pressure Vesls
SA-193/SA-193M1998SECTION II
A484/484M Specification for General Requirements for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Bars,Billets,and Forgings
A751Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products
A788Specification for Steel Forgings,General Require-ments
E18Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials
E21Practice for Elevated Temperature Tension Tests
of Metallic Materials
E139Practice for Conducting Creep,Creep-Rupture, and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials
E150Practice for Conducting Creep and Creep-Rupture Tension Tests of Metallic Materials Under Conditions
of Rapid Heating and Short Times
E151Practice for Tension Tests of Metallic Materials
at Elevated Temperatures with Rapid Heating and Con-ventional or Rapid Strain Rates.
E292Practice for Conducting Time-for-Rupture Notch Tension Tests of Materials
E328Methods for Stress-Relaxation Tests for Materials and Structures
E381Method of Macroetch Testing,Inspection,and Rating Steel Products,Comprising Bars,Billets, Blooms and Forgings
E566Practice for Electromagnetic(Eddy-Current)Sort-
ing of Ferrous Metals
E709Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination
F606Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fas-teners,Washers,and Rivets
2.2ANSI Standards:
B1.1Screw Threads
B18.2.1Square and Hex Bolts and Screws
B18.3Hexagon Socket and Spline Socket Screws
2.3AIAG Standard:
AIAG B-502.00Primary Metals Identification Tag Ap-plication Standard
3.Ordering Information
3.1The inquiry and order for material under this specification shall include the following as required to describe the material adequately:
3.1.1Specification designation and grade.
3.1.2Heat-treated condition(that is,normalized and tempered,or quenched and tempered,for the ferritic materials,and solution treated(Class1),solution treated afterfinishing(Class1A),and annealed-and-strain hard-
256ened(Class2),for the austenitic stainless steels;Class 1B and1C apply to the solution-treated nitrogen-bearing stainless steels;Class ID applies to material solution treated by cooling rapidly from the rolling temperature),
3.1.3Quantity(that is,number of pieces or weight),
3.1.4Description of items required(that is,bars, bolts,screws,or studs),
3.1.5Dimensions(that is,diameter,length of point, overall length,finish,shape,and threads),
3.1.6Nuts,if required by purchar,in accordance with1
3.1.7Supplementary requirements,if any,and
3.1.8Special requirements,in accordance with6.3, 6.6,13.3,15.1,16.1,17.1,and18.1.
4.1The steel shall be produced by any of the following process:open-hearth,basic-oxygen,electric-furnace or vacuum-induction melting(VIM).The pri-mary melting method may incorporate parate degass-ing or refining.The molten steel may be vacuum-treated prior to or during pouring of the ingot or strand casting.The basic-oxygen process shall be limited to steels containing not over6%chromium.
4.2Quality—To ensure soundness,ferritic steel bars and wire shall be tested in accordance with Method E381,or other suitable method as agreed upon between the purchar and the producer.When bar or wire is supplied,the bar or wire producer shall perform the test.When fasteners are supplied,either the bar or wire producer or the fastener producer,as agreed upon between them,shall perform the test.Quality control procedures shall be sufficient to demonstrate that the testing was performed and that the results were accept-able.A bar lot consisting of one heat or10000lbs whichever is smaller,shall be reprented by a minimum of one macroetch.Visual examination of transver ctions shall show no imperfections wor than the macrographs of Meth
od E381S4-R4-C4or equivalent as agreed upon.District zones of solidification shall not be prent.
查询单词5.1A sufficient discard shall be made to cure freedom from injurious piping and undue gregation.
6.Heat Treatment
6.1Ferritic steels shall be properly heat treated as best suits the high-temperature characteristics of each grade.Immediately after rolling or forging,the bolting material shall be allowed to cool to a temperature below the cooling transformation range.The materials which are to be furnished in the liquid-quenched condi-tion shall then be uniformly reheated to the proper temperature to refine the grain(a group thus reheated being known as a“quenching charge”)and quenched
in a liquid medium under substantially uniform condi-tions for each quenching charge.Material Grade B16 shall be heated to a temperature range of1700°F to 1750°F[925°C to954°C]and oil quenched.The materi-
als that are to be furnished in the normalized or air-quenched condition shall be reheated to the proper temperature to refine the grain and cooled uniformly
in air to a temperature below the transformation tempera-ture range.The material,whether liquid-quenched or normalized,shall then be uniformly reheated for temper-ing.The minimum tempering temperature shall be as specified in Table2.
6.1.1Quenched and tempered or normalized and tempered ferritic material that is subquently cold drawn for dimensional control shall be stress-relieved after cold drawing.The minimum stress-relief tempera-ture shall be100°F[55°C]below the tempering tempera-ture.Tests for mechanical properties shall be performed after stress relieving.
6.2Both B6and B6X materials shall be held,at
the tempering temperature for a minimum time of1 h.Identification Symbol B6X material may be furnished
in the as-rolled-and-tempered condition.Cold working
is permitted with the hardness limitation(26HRC maximum)of Table2for B6X grade.
6.3Austenitic stainless steels shall receive a carbide solution treatment.After rolling,forging or heading, whether done hot or cold,the material shall be heated from ambient temperature and held a sufficient time
at a temperature at which the chromium carbide will
go into solution and then shall be cooled at a rate
sufficient to prevent the precipitation of the carbide. Material thus treated is described as Class1,Class
1B,or Class1C.Alternatively,rolled or forged bar (except for grades321and347)may be cooled rapidly immediately following hot working while the tempera-ture is above1750°F[955°C],so that grain boundary carbides are in solution,(e Specification A479-
88b and subquent revisions).Material so treated is identified as Class1D and shall be restricted to applica-tions at temperatures less than850°F[455°C].If speci-
257fied in the purcha order,material shall be solution treated in thefinished condition;material so treated is described as Class1A.
NOTE4—Heat treatment following operations performed on a limited portion of the product,such as heading,may result in non-uniform grain size and mechanical properties through the ction affected.
6.4If scale-free brightfinish is required,this shall be specified in the purcha order.
6.5When incread mechanical properties are desired, the austenitic bolting materials shall be solution annealed and strain hardened if specified in the purcha order; material so treated is identified as Class2.
6.6B7and B7M bolting shall be heat treated by quenching in a liquid medium and tempering.For B7M bolting,thefinal heat treatment,which may be the tempering operation if conducted at1150°F[620°C] minimum,shall be done after all machining and forming operations,including thread rolling,are complete.
6.6.1Unless otherwi specified,material for Grade B7may be heat treated by Furnace,the Induction or the Electrical Resistance method.
NOTE5—It should be taken into consideration that stress-relaxation properties may vary from heat lo
t to heat lot or the properties may vary from one heat treating method to another.The purchar may specify Requirement S8,if stress-relaxation testing is desired.
7.Chemical Composition
7.1Each alloy shall conform to the chemical composi-tion requirements prescribed in Table 1.Steels with added lead shall not be ud.三年级名人名言
7.2The steel shall not contain an unspecified element for the ordered grade to the extent that the steel conforms to the requirements of another grade for which that element is a specified element.Furthermore, elements prent in concentrations greater than0.75 weight/%shall be reported.Chemical analysis shall be performed in accordance with Test Methods A751.
8.Heat Analysis
8.1An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made by the manufacturer to determine the percentages of the elements specified in Section7.This analysis shall be made from a test specimen taken during the pouring of the heat.The chemical composition thus determined shall be reported to the purchar or the purchar’s reprentative,and shall conform to the requirements specified in Section7.For strand cast materials,the
SA-193/SA-193M1998SECTION II
requirements of8.2and8.3of Specification A788 shall be met.Should the purchar deem it necessary
to have the transition zone of two heats quentially cast discarded,the purchar shall invoke Supplementary Requirement S3of Specification A788.
9.Product Analysis
9.1An analysis may be made by the purchar from samples reprenting the bolting material.The chemical composition thus determined shall conform to the re-quirements of Section7.
10.Mechanical Properties
10.1Tensile Properties;
10.1.1Requirements—The material as reprented
by the tension specimens shall conform to the require-ments prescribed in Table2at room temperature after heat treatment.
10.1.2Method of Test—Tension test shall be made
in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A370, including the parts of Annex A3“Steel Fasteners”applica-
ble to machined test specimens.The speed of testing shall
not exceed the limits specified in11.4.1of Test Methods and Definitions A370.The yield strength corresponding
to a limiting permanent offt of0.2%of the gage length
of the specimen shall be determined.
10.2Hardness Requirements:
10.2.1The hardness shall conform to the require-ments prescribed in Table2.Hardness testing shall be performed in accordance with either Test Methods and
Definitions A370or with Test Methods F606.Except
for Grade B7M,final acceptance is ba on tensile strength when there is a conflict between tensile and hardness results.
10.2.2Grade B7M—The maximum hardness of
the grade shall be235HB or99HRB(conversion in accordance with Table2B of Test Methods and Defini-tions A370).The minimum hardness shall not be less than200HB or93HRB.Conformance to this hardness shall be insured by testing the hardness of each stud
or bolt by Brinell or Rockwell B methods in accordance with10.2.1.The u of100%electromagnetic testing
for hardness as an alternative to100%indentation hardness testing is permissible when qualified by sam-pling using indentation hardness testing.Each lot tested
for hardness electromagnetically shall be100%exam-ined in accordance with Practice E566.Following
258electromagnetic testing for hardness a random sample of a minimum or100pieces of each heat of steel in each purcha lot(as defined in11.1.3)shall be tested by indentation hardness methods.All
samples must meet hardness requirements to permit acceptance of the lot.If any one sample is outside of the specified maximum or minimum hardness,the lot shall be rejected and either reprocesd and resampled or tested100%by indentation hardness methods.In the event a controversy exists relative to minimum strength,tension tests shall prevail over hardness readings.Product which has been 100%tested and found acceptable shall have a line under the grade symbol. preparation for indentation hard-ness testing shall be in accordance with Test Methods E18.Hardness tests shall be performed on the end of the bolt or stud.When this is impractical,the hardness test shall be performed elwhere.
11.Test Specimens
11.1Tension test specimens taken fromfinished bolts,screws,studs,or stud bolts shall be machined to the form and dimensions and shall be taken from position shown in A3.2.1.7of Test Methods and Defini-tions A370.Tension Test specimens from bar stock are covered by Annex A1.3of Test Methods and Definitions A370,Annex A1.
11.1.2Number of Tests—For heat-treated bars, one tension test shall be made for each diameter of e
ach heat reprented in each tempering charge.When heat treated without interruption in continuous furnaces, the material in a lot shall be the same heat,same prior condition,same size and subjected to the same heat treatment.Not fewer than two tension tests are required for each lot containing20000lb[9000kg]or less. Every additional10000lb[4500kg]or fraction thereof requires one additional test.
11.1.3For studs,bolts,screws,etc.,one tension test shall be made for each diameter of each heat involved in the lot.Each lot shall consist of the following:
Diameter,in.[mm]Lot Size
11⁄8[30]and under1500lb[780kg]or fraction thereof Over11⁄8[30]to13⁄44500lb[2000kg]or fraction thereof [45],incl
Over13⁄4[45]to21⁄26000lb[2700kg]or fraction thereof [65],incl
Over21⁄2[65]100pieces or fraction thereof
11.1.4Tension tests are not required to be made
on bolts,screws,studs,or stud bolts that are fabricated from heat-treated bars furnished in accordance with
the requirements of this specification and tested in accordance with11.1.2,provided they are not given a subquent heat treatment.
12.1If the results of the mechancal tests of any test
lot do not conform to the requirements specified,the manufacturer may retreat such lot not more than twice,
in which ca two additional tension tests shall be made from such lot,all of which shall conform to the requirements specified.ppt合并
13.Workmanship,Finish,and Appearance
13.1Bolts,screws,studs,and stud bolts shall be pointed and shall have a workmanlikefinish.Points shall beflat and chamfered or rounded at option of
the manufacturer.Length of points on studs and stud bolts shall be not less than one nor more than two complete threads as measured from the extreme end parallel to the axis.Length of studs and stud bolts shall be measured fromfirst thread tofirst thread.
13.2Standard permissible variations for dimensions
of bars shall be as prescribed in Table3.Aside from
the tolerance given in Table3,additional tolerances
for the basic materials are given in Specification A
刚仁波切29/A29M and Specification A484/A484M,latest revisions.
13.3Bolt heads shall be in accordance with the dimensions of ANSI B18.2.1.Unless otherwi specified
in the purcha order,the Heavy Hex Screws Series should be ud,except the maximum body diameter and radius offillet may be the same as for the Heavy Hex Bolt Series.The body diameter and headfilet radius for sizes of Heavy Hex Cap Screws and Bolts that are not shown in their respective tables in ANSI
B18.2.1may be that shown in the corresponding Hex Cap Screw and Bolt Tables respectively.Socket head fasteners shall be in accordance with ANSI B18.3.
14.1Bolts,studs,and stud bolts shall be furnished with nuts,when specified in the purcha order.Nuts shall conform to Specification A194/A194M.
15.1All bolts,studs,stud bolts,and accompanying nuts,unless otherwi specified in the purcha order shall be threaded in accordance with ANSI B1.1Class 2Afit,sizes1in.[25mm]and smaller in diameter with the coar-thread ries,and11⁄8in.[28mm]and larger in diameter with the8-pitch-thread ries. 15.2Where practical,all threads shall be formed after heat treatment.Class1A,Grades B8A,B8CA, B8MA,B8PA,B8TA,B8LNA,B8MLNA,B8NA, B8MNA,AND B8MLCuNA,and Class1C Grades B8RA and B8SA are to be solution treated in the finished condition.
16.1The inspector reprenting the purchar shall have entry,at all time while work on the contract
of the purchar is being performed,to all parts of the place of manufacture that concern the manufacture of the material ordered.The manufacturer shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with this specification.All tests(except product analysis)and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment,unless otherwi specified in the purcha order and shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works.
16.2Certification by Manufacturer—When agreed upon in writing between the manufacturer and the purchar,a certification that the material conforms to the requirements of the specification shall be the basis of acceptance of the material.Otherwi,the manufac-turer shall report to the purchar or his reprentative the result of the chemical analysis macroetch inspection, and mechanical tests made in accordance with the specification.The certification shall state the method of heat treatment employed.Certification shall include the specification year date of issue.If furnace treated, induction treated,or electrical resistance treated material is specified,(e6.6),the certification shall state the method of heat treatment employed.
17.Rejection and Rehearing
17.1Unless otherwi specified in the basis of pur-cha,any rejection bad on tests made in accordance with Section9shall be reported to the manufacturer within30days from the receipt of samples by the purchar.