School of Film and Television
June 2007
1. 100 westerns / Edward Buscombe.
LOCATION = Reference.
PN1995.9.W4 B875 2006.
ORDER DATE = 05-01-2007.
2. Andrei Tarkovsky : interviews / edited by John Gianvito.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN1998.3.T36 A5 2006.大蒜止咳
ORDER DATE = 19-12-2006.
3. Another Frank Capra / Leland Poague.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN1998.3.C36 P63 1994.
ORDER DATE = 21-09-2006.
4. Awake in the dark : the best of Roger Ebert ; forty years of reviews, essays, and interviews / Roger Ebert ; foreward by David Bordwell.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN1995 .E22 2006.
ORDER DATE = 09-02-2007.
5. Beautiful things in popular culture / edited by Alan McKee.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
电脑省略号怎么打CB430 .B387 2007.
ORDER DATE = 29-11-2006.
6. Chasing dragons : an introduction to the martial arts film / David West.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN1995.9.H3 W47 2006.
ORDER DATE = 14-12-2006.
7. The cinema of France / edited by Phil Powrie.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN1993.5.F7 C56 2006.
ORDER DATE = 08-11-2006.
8. Cinema Taiwan : politics, popularity, and state of the arts / edited by Darrell William Davis and Ru-shou Robert Chen.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN1993.5.T28 C56 2007.
ORDER DATE = 04-01-2007.
9. CineTech : film, convergence and new media / Stephen Keane.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
TR858 .K368 2007.
ORDER DATE = 04-01-2007.
10. The Coen brothers : interviews / edited by William Rodney Allen.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1998.3.C6635 C64 2006.
ORDER DATE = 19-12-2006.
11. Color and mastering for digital cinema / Glenn Kennel ; ries editor, Charles S. Swartz.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
TR860 .K46 2007.
ORDER DATE = 04-01-2007.
12. The Columbia companion to American history on film : how the movies have portrayed the American past / edited
by Peter C. Rollins.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.U64 C65 2003.
ORDER DATE = 08-02-2007.
13. Comedy incarnate : Buster Keaton, physical humor, and bodily coping / Noël Carroll.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN2287.K4 C37 2006.
ORDER DATE = 08-02-2007.
14. Dictionary of film terms : the aesthetic companion to film art / Frank Eugene Beaver.
LOCATION = Reference.
PN1993.45 .B33 2006.
ORDER DATE = 06-12-2006.
15. Digital storytelling : the narrative power of visual effects in film / Shilo T. McClean.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
TR858 .M348 2007.
ORDER DATE = 18-07-2006.
16. The documentary film makers handbook / by Genevieve Jolliffe and Andrew Zinnes.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.D6 J58 2006.
ORDER DATE = 29-01-2007.
17. Electric Edwardians : the story of the Mitchell & Kenyon collection / Vanessa Toulmin.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.D6 T65 2006.
ORDER DATE = 17-10-2006.
18. Enchantment : the life of Audrey Hepburn / Donald Spoto.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN2287.H44 S66 2006.
ORDER DATE = 16-02-2007.
19. The Faber book of Mexican cinema / Jason Wood.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1993.5.M4 W66 2006.
ORDER DATE = 29-11-2006.
20. Federico Fellini : interviews / edited by Bert Cardullo.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1998.3.F44 F454 2006.
ORDER DATE = 19-12-2006.
21. Feminist auteurs : reading women's films / Geetha Ramanathan.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.W6 R355 2006.
ORDER DATE = 29-12-2006.
22. Film 07/08 / editors, Heather Addison, Charles Berg.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.P7 F556 2007.
ORDER DATE = 04-01-2007.
23. Film music and beyond : writing on music and the screen, 1946-59 / Hans Keller ; edited by Christopher Wintle.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
ML2075 .K44 2006.
ORDER DATE = 12-02-2007.
24. Film posters of the 30s : the esntial movies of the decade : from the Reel Poster Gallery collection / edited by
Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh.
油炸大虾的做法家常LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.P5 F453 2005.
ORDER DATE = 05-01-2007.
25. Film posters of the 40s : the esntial movies of the decade : from the reel poster gallery collection / edited by Tony
Nourmand and Graham Marsh.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.P5 F44 2005.
ORDER DATE = 05-01-2007.
26. Film posters of the 80s : the esntial movies of the decade : from the Reel Poster Gallery collection / edited by
Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.P5 F435 2005.
ORDER DATE = 05-01-2007.
27. Film studies : the esntial resource / Peter Bennett, Andrew Hickman, and Peter Wall.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1994 .B424 2006.
ORDER DATE = 18-07-2006.
28. Filmmakers and financing : business plans for independents / Loui Levison.
LOCATION=Main Stack. LOCATION = Computer File.
PN1995.9.P7 L445 2007.
ORDER DATE = 04-01-2007.
29. François Truffaut and friends : modernism, xuality, and film adaptation / Robert Stam.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1998.3.T78 S74 2006.
ORDER DATE = 08-11-2006.
30. From Tian'anmen to Times Square : transnational China and the Chine diaspora on global screens, 1989-1997 /
Gina Marchetti.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
HM621 .M362 2006.
ORDER DATE = 08-11-2006.
31. Genre, gender, race, and world cinema / edited by Julie F. Codell.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.S6 G39 2007.
ORDER DATE = 29-11-2006.
32. The Gospel according to superheroes : religion and popular culture / edited by B.J. Oropeza ; foreward by Stan Lee.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN6712 .G67 2005.
ORDER DATE = 06-12-2006.
33. Gothic fantasy : the films of Tim Burton / by Edwin Page.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1998.3.B875 P34 2007.
ORDER DATE = 29-01-2007.
34. High definition postproduction : editing and delivering HD video / Steven E. Browne.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
TR899 .B7225 2007.
ORDER DATE = 08-02-2007.
35. The history boys : the film / Alan Bennett & Nicholas Hytner ; adapted from the original stage play by Alan
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PR6052.E5 H571 2006.
ORDER DATE = 19-12-2006.
36. Hollywood : politics and society / Mark Wheeler.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.P6 W54 2006.
ORDER DATE = 14-12-2006.
37. Hollywood through private eyes : the screen adaptation of the 'hard-boiled' private detective novel in the studio era /
Philip Kiszely.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1993.5.U65 K57 2006.
ORDER DATE = 06-12-2006.
38. Hong Kong film, Hollywood, and the new global cinema : no film is an island / edited by Gina Marchetti and Tan
See Kam.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1993.5.C4 H66 2007.
ORDER DATE = 17-10-2006.
39. The horror film : an introduction / Rick Worland.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.H6 W64 2007.
ORDER DATE = 14-12-2006.
40. Italian through film : the classics / Antonello Borra, Cristina Pausini.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PC1128 .B6738 2007.
ORDER DATE = 04-01-2007.
41. James Cameron / Alexandra Keller.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
吴佳颖PN1998.3.C355 K45 2006.
ORDER DATE = 15-12-2006.
42. Literature into film : theory and practical approaches / Linda Costanzo Cahir ; foreword by James M. Welsh.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1997.85 .C25 2006.
ORDER DATE = 08-11-2006.
43. The Lord of the Rings : popular culture in global context / edited by Ernest Mathijs.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.L58 L67 2006.
ORDER DATE = 15-12-2006.
44. Mastering digital color : a photographer's and artist's guide to controlling color / David Saffir.
LOCATION=Main Stack.戴安娜花
TR510 .S24 2007.
ORDER DATE = 15-05-2006.
45. Masterpieces of modernist cinema / edited by Ted Perry.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1994 .M365 2006.
ORDER DATE = 04-01-2007.
46. Misfit sisters : screen horror as female rites of passage / Sue Short.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.H6 S559 2006.
ORDER DATE = 04-01-2007.
47. National cinemas and world cinema / Kevin Rockett & John Hill, editors.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1993.5.I85 N375 2006.
ORDER DATE = 15-12-2006.
48. New documentary / Stella Bruzzi.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.D6 B78 2006.
ORDER DATE = 03-11-2006.
49. On camera : how to report, anchor & interview / Nancy Reardon.
LOCATION=Main Stack. LOCATION = Computer File.
PN4784.T4 R43 2006.
ORDER DATE = 04-01-2007.
50. On images : their structure and content / John V. Kulvicki.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
N70 .K925 2006.
ORDER DATE = 03-11-2006.
51. Performing literary texts : concepts and skills / Clella Jaffe.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN4145 .J34 2006.
ORDER DATE = 08-11-2006.
52. Peter Jackson : a film-maker's journey / Brian Sibley.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1998.3.J26 S53 2006.
ORDER DATE = 15-12-2006.
53. The photobook : a history / Martin Parr and Gerry Badger.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
N7433.3 .P39 2004 v.2
ORDER DATE = 15-12-2006.
54. Photography : a very short introduction / Steve Edwards.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
TR146 .E26 2006.
ORDER DATE = 29-11-2006.
55. Red velvet at : women's writings on the first fifty years of cinema / edited by Antonia Lant, with Ingrid Periz.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
孜孜不倦的读音PN1994 .R348 2006.
ORDER DATE = 14-12-2006.
56. Revisiting space : space and place in European cinema / Wendy Everett et Axel Goodbody (eds).
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1993.5.E8 R48 2005.
ORDER DATE = 06-12-2006.
57. A scanner darkly / Philip K. Dick.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN6727.D53 S33 2006.
ORDER DATE = 16-02-2007.
58. Shooting the truth : the ri of American political documentaries / James McEnteer.
LOCATION=Main Stack.
PN1995.9.D6 M38 2006.
ORDER DATE = 19-12-2006.