教学目标 | 1.掌握音标分类 2.正确读写音标 3什么风什么雨四字词语.掌握音标拼读的方法,能够独立地拼读每个单词的音标,根据音标记单词 |
教学建议 | 1. 要求学生必须熟练掌握每个音标的发音 2. 引导学生透彻理解每个音标的发音部位,正确发音 3. 本堂课主要为复习课,所以应以学生为主题,逐步引领学生回顾所学过的知识点,可以采取师生问答、任务教学等教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣。 |
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bed bad bit pit on one no not thing think grass glass bread break
air hair hou hour yesterday day mother singer apple pear watch what
元音 20个 因式分解题目 | 单元音 12放飞心灵个 | 前元音 | [i:] | [i] | [e] | [æ] | | | | | | | |
后元音 | [a:] | [ɔ:] | [ɔ] | [u:] | [u] | | | | | | |
中元音 | [ʌ] | [ə:] | [ə] | | | | | | | | |
双元音 8个 | 合口双元音 | [ei] | [ai] | [ɔi] | [əu] | [au]绝对标高与相对标高有什么区别 | | | | | | |
集中双元音 | [iə] | [uə] | [ɛə] | | | | | | | | |
辅音 28个 | 清辅音 | [p] | [t] | [k] | [f] | 党支部副书记职责[s] | [θ] | [ʃ] | [tʃ] | [tr] | [ts] | [h] |
浊辅音 | [b] | [d] | [ɡ] | [v] | [z] | [ð] | [ʒ] | [dʒ] | [dr] | [dz] | [l] |
[m] | [n] | [ŋ] | [j] | [w] | [r] | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1. 元音
/i:/ E [i:] green [ɡri:n] e [si:]
/ i / It [it] big [biɡ] little ['litl]
/e/ bed [bed] head [hed] letter ['letə]
/æ/ apple ['æpl] map [mæp] cat [kæt]
/a:/ park [pɑ:k] start [stɑ:t] far [fɑ:]
/ɔ:/ door [dɔ:] hor [hɔ:s] walk [wɔ:k]
/ɔ/ hot [hɔt] watch [wɔtʃ] body ['bɔdi]
/u:/ school [sku:l] blue [blu:] moon [mu:n]
/u/ book [buk] good [ɡud] look [luk]
/ ʌ / mother ['mʌðə] up [ʌp] luck [lʌk]
/ə:/ bird [bə:d] word [wə:d] her [hə:]
/ə/ about [ə'baut] later ['leitə] mother ['mʌðə]
/ei/ A [ei] day [dei] late [leit]
/ai/ hi [hai] night [nait] like [laik]
/ɔi/ boy [bɔi] soil [sɔil] enjoy [in'dʒɔi]
/əu/ old [əuld] most [məust] hope [həup]
/au/ out [aut] loud [laud] how [hau]
/iə/ here [hiə] near [niə] idea [ai'diə]
/uə/ sure [ʃuə] poor [puə] tour [tuə]部落冲突九本阵型
/ɛə/ air [ɛə] hair [hɛə] wear [wɛə]
2. 辅音
/p/ picture ['piktʃə] plea [pli:z] people ['pi:pl]
/ t/ take [teik] today [tə'dei] to [tu:]
/ k/ cake [keik] kite [kait] come [kʌm]
/f/ fine [fain] fun [fʌn] from [ frɔm]
/s/ six [siks] kiss [kis] say [i]
/θ/ thank [θæŋk] thing [θiŋ] think [θiŋk]
/ʃ/ sure [ʃuə] shop [ʃɔp] ship [ʃip]
/tʃ/ chicken ['tʃikən] child [tʃaild] chip [tʃip]
/tr/ tree [tri:] train [trein] trade [treid]
/ts/ cats [kæts] gets [ɡets] lots [lɔts]
/ h/ hat [hæt] have [hæv] hello [he'ləu]
/b/ boat [bəut] big [biɡ] boy [b澳大利亚昆士兰大学ɔi]
/d/ dog [dɔɡ] day [dei] daddy ['dædi:]
/ɡ/ go [ɡəu] good [ɡud] glass [ɡlɑ:s]
/v/ very ['veri] video ['vidiəu] va [ves]
/z/ zoo [zu:] zero ['ziərəu] clothes [kləuðz]
/ð/ them [ðem] they [ðei] father ['fɑ:ðə]
/ʒ/ television ['teli,viʒən] pleasure ['pleʒə] measure ['meʒə]
/dʒ/ job [dʒɔb] jeep [dʒi:p] change [tʃeindʒ]
/dr/ dress [dres] dream [dri:m] drop [drɔp]
/dz/ reads [ri:dz] cards [kɑ:dz] birds [bə:dz]
/ l/ life [laif] little ['litl] leave [li:v]
/m/ my [mai] many ['meni] may [mei]
/n/ no [nəu] not [nɔt] know [nəu]
/ŋ/ bring [briŋ] think [θiŋk] going ['gəʊɪŋ]
/ j/ yes [jes] yellow ['jeləu] yesterday ['jestədi]
/ w/ window ['windəu] what [wɔt] will [wil]
/ r/ red [red] read [ri:d] remember [ri'membə]
1./i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/ X k b 1 . c o m
/bit/ /wi:k/ /di:l/ /riəl/ /kid/ /dig/ /kwik/ /tip/ /zip/ /rid/ /wil/ /fil/
bit week deal real kid dig quick tip zip rid will fill
/pet/ /pæk/ /gæp/ /kæg/ /næg/ /ræm/ /bætl/ /d/ /′hæpi/ /ten/ /red/
pet pack gap cap nag ram battle said happy ten red
/′tl/ /træʃ/ /di′pend/
ttle trash depend
2./a:/ / ɔ:/ / ɔ / /u:/ /u/
/a:sk/ /ma:sk/ /pa:st/ /fra:ns/ /ɔd/ /lɔ:n/ /nɔ:t/ /pɔ:z/ /fɔks/ /sɔk/
ask mask past France odd lawn naught pau fox sock
/fa:/ /la:dʒ / /ma:k/ /lɔ:d/ /tɔ:/ /stɔ:m/ /pɔt/ /krɔp/ /θɔt/ /prɔmis/
far large mark Lord torch storm pot crop thought promi
/huk/ /lu:s/ /sut/ /tuk/ /mud/ /θru:/ /pul/ /wud/
hook loo soot took mood through pull wood
3./ʌ/ /ə/ /ə/
/b二道桥温泉ʌz/ /dʌl/ /′hʌri/ /gʌlf/ /′trʌbl/ /ə:n/ /sə:f/ /′tə:nə/ /′begə/ /tʌk/
buss dull hurry gulf trouble earn surf turner begger tuck
/kə:b/ /ə:k/ /ə′merik / /′sɔkə/ /′kæmpə/ /sə′vei/ /pə′veid/ /pə′hæps/