Test Specification April2006 Climatic test for bonded joints and
composite materials on trim parts
8 245 193
PR 308.2
U.P.G.: 06.96
Note on information responsibility:
The ur of technical specifications shall be obliged to verify the validity of the technical specification in the system TEREG or via the information logistics department.祈求平安的句子
Preliminary remark
PR 308.2 replaces PR 308.1 and is valid as of 07.04.2006.
Department Name/Signature Date Compiled by: EK - 510 Hucke 7.04.2006 Superior EK - 510 Koensgen
Head of department EI-51 Albiez
Head of department EI-33 Amann
Head of department EI-32 Demmel
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Seite 2
PR 308.2: 2006
Page 1GENERAL 4 1.1Scope 4 1.2Information protection 4 1.3Quoted standards and specifications 4 1.4Scope and purpo 4 1.5General test conditions 4
1.5.1Number of test specimens4
1.5.2Test t-up4
2TEST CHAMBER 5 2.1General 5 2.2Documentation 5
4EVALUATION CRITERIA 7 4.1Test procedure 7 4.2Documentation and evaluation 7 4.3Supplementary tests 8
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PR 308.2 : 2006
Change documentation
Brief description Date Responsible NRCL No. ZI Section
E4087.N A deleted Relead for production 15.01.00 Funk
E4962.W B Completely revid 7.04.06 Hucke
Translation 19.05.09 Zill, TI-510
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PR 308.2: 2006
1 General
1.1 Scope花园湖
The test specification is an integral and binding part of the specification book, quality specification and/or drawing. It shall be applied under the following conditions:
Relea investigations in ca of new designs
Relea investigations for components of sub-suppliers
Design changes compared to engineering relea level
Depending on the particular concept and bad on findings in the development process, further tests may be required over and above tho described herein, which would have to be agreed and coordinated with the responsible BMW test department. Tests that are carried out within the scope of initial sample inspection shall be agreed with the responsible BMW quality departments.
1.2 Information protection民国学生
This document is subject to the information protection regulations according to BMW-Guideline-6 dated
15.07.2002 "Security, information protection, fire prevention".
1.3 Quoted standards and specifications
DIN Standards:
DIN 53 357 Testing of plastic sheets, adhesion tests
1.4 Scope and purpo
The climatic test rves to validate bonded joints or similar joints such as lamination, back compression moulding, in-mould lamination, back foaming, moulding and welding. This testing method must always be applied when the material joint is more chemical and not mechanical (e.g. screws, staples, rivets, hot riveting).
1.5 General test conditions
1.5.1 Number of test specimens
The test shall be carried out on at least 5 new parts in all material variants.
If colour has an influence on the production process, the different colours must also be tested.
1.5.2 Test t-up
Spatial arrangement of test specimens should correspond to fitment position in vehicle. Parts can also be tested in mounted condition. If the degrees of freedom of mounting points and contact geometries have an influence on bonded joints, the fitment condition in the vehicle must be simulated on at least one part.
When testing in unmounted condition, the following should be obrved:
•No contact with walls and floor of climatic chamber.
•Spatial arrangement identical to fitment position in vehicle.
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PR 308.2 : 2006
2 Test chamber
2.1 General
It must be assured that all test specimens in the climatic chamber are subjected to the same test conditions. Any interaction of test specimens (e.g. deformation due to stacking of specimens) must be ruled out.
The climatic chamber ud must capable of realising the specified cycles in the specified time (especially the changing speed of temperature and humidity).
If one of the components or an asmbly is deformed during the test, only the bonded joint or materi
al joint must be evaluated and not the deformation. The evaluation of component behaviour (e.g. discolouration or deformation) shall be subject to the currently valid version of PR 303.
2.2 Documentation
Test procedure must be documented by means of a suitable data logger for each test particularly with regard to test cycles, temperature and humidity over time.
Proof of regular calibration shall be provided without further request.5的分解