综合门市打一字老狼老狼几点了游戏玩法及规则Integrating Risk Analysis With Safety Dyagnostic In Complex Industrial Systems: Modeling Hazard
期刊名称: Nephron Clinical Practice学习的收获
作者: Lucian Ionel Cioca,Roland Iosif Moraru,Gabriel Bujor Băbuţ,Nicolae Stelian Ungureanu
读书的英语怎么写年份: 2015年
期号: 第1期
关键词: risk analysis;safety diagnosis;industrial system;integration
摘要:Admitting as known the instruments that lends itlf to highlighting the caus - conquences relationships in an industrial plant, the purpo of this rearch is, on the one hand, to integrate the relationships in the safety diagnostic procedures and, on the other hand, to u the "conquences" to forecast future failures likely to occur within the technical system. In this context,
高城结衣怎么试探她喜不喜欢你the paper aims to study systemic hazard models to develop structural, functional and behavioural models, describing a complex industrial system