郑板桥是清代著名的画家,在扬州八怪中影响力最大,其作品别具一格,诗书篆画相得益彰,尤其擅长画 “竹”“个签短句爱情兰”和“石”小学生心理学,深为后世喜爱和景仰。
郑板桥画竹风韵超然,得之于其喜竹爱竹,知竹之深,得竹之贤,因得竹之情而尽竹之性。他认为竹子刚强,无论风吹雨打还是严寒烈日,都是身板挺直、青青郁郁;竹子 “虚心 ”,不论山野巨竹还是房前青枝,都空心如一,从不妄自尊大;竹子有 “节”,从数寸嫩笋到参天巨竹,始终拔节生长,初心不改。竹子的风格与板桥的脾性契合,物我交融。
这正是郑板桥作品不同于传统花鸟画、不同于前人之处。传统的兰竹画作大多数表现出欣赏性的、娱乐性的主题,画面主要追求自然形象的真与美、绘画技巧的高超、笔墨运用的娴熟雅致,而到了郑板桥的笔下,题画诗还赋予题材新的思想内容和深邃意境,给人以深刻的感受,回味无穷,思绪万千 ……不仅如此,郑板桥在日复一日的画竹中,还领悟提炼出很多影
板桥画竹,崇尚艺术创造而非单纯模仿。秋日清晨,板桥和朋友一同早起看竹。那烟光、日影与露气,都浮动于疏枝密叶间。他胸中顿生感动,想要提笔作画,而突然意识到自己心中之竹,已然不是眼中之竹。当他磨墨展纸,落笔时又恍然意识到自己笔下之竹又已不是胸中之竹了。意念产生在落笔之前,这是无可置疑的法则;但情趣流溢在法则之外,则全凭个人对艺术的独特理解了。“眼中之竹”“胸中之竹 ”“手中之竹 ”,三者层层递进,板桥创作出比现实更具独特风韵的竹。这是从观察到构思最终实现的客观规律,这也是所有中国艺术创作的必经历程。
The Bamboo
Zheng Banqiao and Bamboo
As a famous painter of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Zheng Banqiao (郑板桥 ) was also the most influential one of the “Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou.” With a distinctive style, Zheng excelled at calligraphy, painting and composing poetry. He was particularly noted for painting bamboo, orchid and stone, and was deeply loved and respected by later generations.
Zheng Banqiao bad his painting of bamboo on what he saw in Nature. In the summertime, he usually lay on a couch in his courtyard, enjoying the shade and obrving the bamboo. On the warm days between late autumn and early winter, he took great delight in watching the bamboo plants swaying in the wind and reflected on the window blinds. He never learned to paint them from professional painters; instead, he just painted them bad on what he obrved day and night
Through his painting of bamboo, Zheng expresd his moral views, thoughts, ambitions and feelings. Zheng was born into a scholarly family. After he pasd the highest imperial examination in the first year (1736) of Emperor Qianlong, he became an official who really cared about the well-being of his people. When Zheng was the magistrate of Wei County in Shandong, he compod this poem: “Sitting in my office I heard the bamboo rustling/
And thought it was the mass’ plaintive crying/
A petty county magistrate though I am/
I always keep in mind the people’s well-being.”
The rustling of bamboo brought to Zheng’s mind the mass’ sufferings. But he cared about the people not only in thoughts but in actions as well.
Seeing the people starving after years of famine, Zheng saved tens of thousands of lives by distributing grain to tho who had applied for and received food coupons. He relieved
his people’s miry by paying their taxes from his own salary. Zheng’s altruism, however, incurred the dissatisfaction of corrupt officials and evil gentry. Through devious means, they had Zheng removed from his post. When Zheng left Wei County, all he had was a cartload of books pulled by three donkeys. Later, he said jokingly in a poem that he wanted something more – a slim bamboo stick that he could u as a fishing rod on windy autumn days. Thus, Zheng expresd his indifference to fame and fortune. One of his paintings depicts a couple of slim but strong bamboo plants growing out of a stone and standing firmly in the wind, symbolizing the painter’s uprightness and fearlessness of any hardships or dangers. Zheng’s vivid depiction of bamboo in his paintings aro from his true love and thorough understanding of the plant itlf. In his eyes, bamboo stands firm and stays green in all weathers; the “hollowness” of bamboo is a symbol of “modesty” whether growing in the wild or in garden; from