有趣的英语演讲主题He llo everon e! I am ve r glad and a littlenervous he re. M topi of the sp eeh is Who I Am.
M n ame is Liz hengru. Be au I lik e athing a rtoon , an d
Jerr mou is verlever andute, so mEnglish na me is Jerr. I am nin e ears
old and in th e laone gr ade four o f this sho ol.
I live ith m fat her and mmother. Mfather isa sales ma nager. Heis ver bus
ith his o rk. M moth er is a ho uife. Sh e alas tak es are ofour life a nd m
studi es. I love them vermuh.身不由主
I lik e to dra t he militar artoons e verda. I l ike to rea d joke boo ks. Someti mes,
I hav e to laugh b some jo kes on boo k. I liketo imagine a lot
ofthings, ju st like
th e ars, the univer, the anima ls and the oeans. Mmom also l ikes m
ima gination.I often te ll her a l ot of idea s hidden i n m mind.I like pla ing badmin ton. I pla it ith moah and mlassmatesat shool
王者荣耀拒绝加好友怎么设置e verda. M o ah also te ahes us in formationlass. Sheis a goodoah.
I oft en do some houorkat home. I lean m ro om and m t able after
do ne m homeo rk. I alas ash our b ols afterdinner and take outthe trashon
m a toshool ever da. I ashm soks and shoes eve r eek. M m om often p rais me.
At shool, m result s of studare not ve r ell, but m teahers often
eno urage
me.I like the m and antto thank f or them. M mom often tells methat the
a ttitude of doing som ething ismore impor tant thanthe abilit having do ne it. I
云南白药胶囊成分n ever forge t this n tene.
This is me, Je rr! Thankou ver muh!Hello eve rone! I am ver gladand a litt le nervous here. M t opi of the speeh isWho I Am.M name isLizhengru. Beau Ilike athin g artoon , and
Jerrmou is v er lever a nd ute, so m English name is J err. I amnine ears
old and in the laone grade fou r of thisshool.
I l ive ith mfather and m mother.M fatheris a sales manager.He is verbus
ith hi s ork. M m other is a houife.She alastakes areof our lif e and m
st udies. I l ove them v er muh.
Ilike to dr a the mili tar artoon s everda.I like toread jokebooks. Som etimes,
Ihave to la ugh b some jokes onbook. I li ke to imag ine a lotof things, just like
the ars,the univer , the an imals andthe oeans. M mom als o likes m
imaginatio n. I often tell hera lot of i deas hidde n in m min d.
求职自我介绍范文I likeplaing bad minton. Ipla it ith m oah and m lassmat es at shoo l
懒惰虫儿歌everda.M oah also teahes us informati on lass. S he is a go od oah.
Ioften do s ome houo rk at home. I lean m room andm table af ter having
done m ho meork. I a las ash ou r bols aft er dinnerand take o ut
the tra sh on
m ato shool e verda. I a sh m soksand shoesever eek.M mom ofte n praisme .
At sh ool, m res ults of st ud are not ver ell,but m teah ers often
m e. I likethem and a nt to than k for them. M mom of ten tellsme that th e
attitude of doingsomethingis more im portant th an the abi lit having done it.I
沮渠牧犍never fo rget thisntene.
T his is me, Jerr! Tha nk ou vermuh!