Ca study—Louis Vuitton In China
故乡的春天Over the last 20 years, China has grown at an extraordinary rate. GDP has expanded at a good 10% a year every year and looks t to continue doing so, while the urban population has more than doubled from 251 million to 562 million. All this new wealth has driven the emergence of a new middle class, and one that need luxuries to show their social status and fame.
快乐的回忆As a typical example of foreign investment, the famous brand, Louis Vuitton, makes tremendous efforts to join the Chine market. Such cosmopolitans, like Shanghai, Beijing, are full of people carrying an LV bag. Actually luxuries are just something new after the open-door policy, but they caught rich people’s heart at the time they landed on Chin a. As luxuries are kinds of sign—it can tell others that the owner of luxuries In order to win Chine market, the LV Company does a lot
of things to make itlf fit for the local people.
Here comes the SWOT analysis:
Louis Vuitton is very well-known in Western countries and it can reprent ric h people’s identity. Certai
nly its strongest point is the FAME of the company. Even an ordinary middle-age woman walking on the street knows this brand and always shows admiration to the LV produc tion when being asked. This can be regarded as a main advantage of this brand. Bad on it, LV achieves great success in China.
W—w eakness
High pric e is not the weakness. LV needs the high pric e to attract its target buyers.
How ever, in China, LV faces a problem whic h it never met before—Fake product. Lac king of High technology may be the most weak point of LV handbags becau it is very very easy for China loc al haw ker to copy it. Tho fake LV handbags c an be very delicate and even professional people c annot tell the difference. LV Company should improve its identity tec hnology and try to make its produc t more unique or their ma rket w ill be disturbed totally. Though some c laimed that real rich people w ill still c hoo the origin produc t regardless of the fake one, the identity of the brand w ill be damaged for people
松鼠的英文怎么读c annot tell whic h is true.
Chine market itlf means countless opportunities. With the grow ing economy, more and more people can afford the pric e of a LV bag and so the target group w ill become larger. At the year of 2008, Louis Vuitton started making advertiment in China, this ac tion create a lot of opportunities for it. Many people w ill be getting familiar w ith the brand they ud to think far away from their life. Also, LV takes the most prosperous area in the Biggest c ities—Henglong in Shanghai and Guomao in Beijing, as the developing of tho c ities, tho LV store w ill become more important.
Along w ith the chanc es, there exist the risks. Now almost every company realizes that Chine market is a prec ious place for them to make profit. As a result, Gucci, Fendi, Prada and Coach also arrived in China to share the market w ith LV. Though there is subtle differenc e among their target consumers, it is obvious that the competition between them w ill be fierce.
To sum up, as a foreign direc t investment in China, LV did a very good job. Although it has many opponents, it can still be the w inner among all luxuries brand as long as it does some improvement in the future. As the most c lassic al luxury brand, we Chine people expect it to bring us more splendid production and more exc ellent strategy in Mainland China.
10340690181 Chang ZHAO乌龟的寿命有多长
卡车用英语怎么说Sc hool of Management, Fudan University, ‘14