11.22 急救冲洗和洗眼站 Safety Shower and Eyewash Station
软管站 Ho Station
1 supply connection 供水接头
2 alternate supply 备用水源
3 brass whistle valve 铜笛阀
4 screwdriver stop 改锥旋动阀
5 plugged 堵住
6 galvanized pipe 镀锌管
7 pull chain 拉链
8 steel spring 钢制弹簧
9 aluminium foot pedal 铝制弹簧
10 floor flange stand 底盘、地轴架
11 lf-closing valve 自闭阀
12 shower head , deluge head 莲蓬头
13 pull chain & ring 拉链和拉环
14 stainless steel bow with twin
fountain heads 带两个喷水头的不锈钢盆
15 panic bar 紧急手把,事故手把
16 block valve 切断阀
17 temporary breakaway type ho
coupling 快速接头,软管临时接头
18 ho 软管
19 root valve 检修阀 总阀
20 branch 支管
21 header 总管
22 condensate to header (clod system)
pilatus23 steam 蒸汽
24 plant air 厂区空气
25 anti-freeze by-pass 防冻旁通管
26 water 水
27 inert gas 惰性气体
28 steam trap 蒸汽疏水器
29 drain & test connection 排水和检查接头
19 流称图和管道布置图 Flow Diagram and piping Layout
19.1 工厂平面布置总图 Master Plot Plan
1 administration building 行政大楼
2 cars 车皮
3 center road 中心大道
4 gate & clock hou 大门和考勤室
5 cooling tower 凉水塔
6 first aid & personnel change hou
我的生日礼物 7 entrance road 中央大道入厂大道
8 fuel or liquid row material unloading area
9 filling station 加油站
10 future cafeteria 预留食堂
11 future cooling tower 凉水塔预留地
12 future process area 工艺装置预留地
13 liquid product 液态成品装车
14 liquid storage spheres 储液球罐
15 machine and maintance shop 机修车间
16 plant fence 工厂围墙
17 product packaging 成品包装
18 parking 停车场
19 scale 深厚的近义词 磅秤
20 south city highway 城南公路
21 south process road 工艺装置南路
22 spur track 岔道
23 steam generation 蒸汽发生站
24 switch track 铁路支线
25 team track railroad 存车轨道
26 temporary construction RR. 临时建设铁路
27 warehou 仓库
28 water treatment 水处理
29 future steam generation 蒸汽发生预留地
30 process area 工艺装置区
31 500′to rapid river 至急流河500英尺
19.5 管道布置 — 装置配管 Piping Layout-Installation Piping
1 yard piping 装置配管
2 yard piping rack yard pining support 装置管架
3 yard support bent 管廊,一排管架
yard steel bent
4 one level yard 单层管架
5 no elevation difference 标高相等
6 flat turn 等高度改变走向
7 changing direction change elevation 改变走向,改变标高
8 yard bank 单个管架
9 yard column 管架立柱
10 top yard bank 管架上梁
11 bottom yard bank 管架下梁
合作英文 12 headroom (高度方向的)净空
13 trench (管)沟 (电缆)沟
14 cover plate 沟盖扳
trench cover
15 spacing between yard support bents 管架间距
16 lines span 管道跨距
众人划桨开大船歌词 17 valve spacing 阀门净空
18 line spacing 管道净空
19 clearance (gap) 净空,净距
20 structure 框架 ,构筑物
21 operator 操作工
22 platform 操作平台
23 catwalk 检修走道,(有罐管架顶上的)人行栈桥
24 cantilever 悬臂支架
25 access road 检修支架
walkway 走道,通行道
26 yard span (yard steel span ) 管道跨距
27 grade (grade elevation ,ground level ,
ground elevation ) 地面标高
28 pipe sleeper 管墩
29 bare line 裸管,不保温管
19.6 配管图,管道(路)图 Piping Drawing
19.6.1 平面视图 Plan View
1 battery limit 界区
2 ML ( match line )
3 C O D (continued on
drawing ) 连续图
4 E L (elevation) 标高
5 C L (center line) 中心线
成功佛6 BBP.EL (bottom
ba plate elevation )
7 bypass 旁通管
8 symbol of equipment
9 piping code 管道代号
10 line number 管线号
11 dimension of diameter
12 drawing number 图号
13 access road 通道
14 PE.EL (plain
end elevation)
15 RV (relief calve)
16 VE (vaccum exhaust)邂逅红尘
17 descriptive north
19.6.2 前视图 Front View
1 EL (elevation) 标高
2 B.O.P. (bottom of pipe) 管底
3 CL (center line) 中心线
4 three dimension diagram ,isometric
diagram (管段)空视图,轴测图,管段图
5 line number 管号
6 grade 地坪
7 ground EL. 地面标高
8 pipe stanchion (PS) 管架
9 F . W . (field weld) 现场焊
10 spool number 管段号
11 drawing identification 管段所在图号
12 concutive spool number 管段顺序号
13 insulation 保温层
14 alternate position 另一种布置位置
15 Ecc . Red . (eccentric reducer)
偏心异径管 , 偏心大小头
19.7 管道组装图 (等角图,轴侧图,管段图)Pipe Line Isometric
Diagram (Erection Diagram)
1 SKLET. (sockolet) 承口接管台
2 S.O.F. (slip on flange) 滑套法兰
3 number of pipe support 管架号
4 F.T.F. (fitting to fitting) 管件至管件