附录48 常用实验仪器名称中英文对照表

更新时间:2023-07-25 16:03:14 阅读: 评论:0

玻璃漏斗 Glass funnel long stem
试管 test tube test tube brush test tube holder test tube rack
蒸发皿 evaporating dish small
烧杯 beaker
锥形瓶 Erlenmeyer
量筒 grad cylinder
洗瓶 plastic wash bottle
勺皿 casrole ,small
stoppered flask
分液漏斗 paralory funnel
water bath/oil bath
strring bar
magnetic stirrer
冷凝器 condenr
Ballast bottle
圆颈烧瓶 Round-buttom flask
试剂瓶 reagent bottles
托盘天平 platform balance
指针刻度表pointer and scale
游码crossbeams and sliding weights
分析天平 two-pan/single-pan analytical balance
滴定管 burette glass bead(basic) nozzle
移液管 pipette 胖肚 elongated glass bulb
洗耳球 rubber suction bulb
玻棒 glass rod
什么时候降温玻璃活塞 stopcock方巾的系法
容量瓶 pyknowmeter flasks
比重瓶 (one-mark)volumetric flasks
胖肚吸管 one-mark pipette
刻度吸管 graduated pipettes
锥形瓶(conical flask) 250ml×4 药匙(medicine spoon)×1
(Erlenmeyer flask) 100 ml×3 滴管(drip tube;dropper)×2
烧杯(beaker) 500 ml×1 玻棒(Glass stic)×2
250 ml×3 木试管夹(test tube clamp;test tube holder)×1
100 ml×3 胖肚吸管(straws) 25 ml×1
50 ml×2 10 ml×1
容量瓶(volumetric flask) 100 ml×2 乳钵(morta)×1
50 ml×4 洗耳球(ear wadhing bulb)
碘量瓶 (iodin numoe flask;iodineflask) 500 ml×3
试剂瓶 (reagent bottle) (无色)×2(棕色)×2 配洗液:
量筒(cylinder) 100 ml×1 K2Cr2O72g+5ml水→65mlH2SO4
(graduated cylinder)10ml×1 边加边搅拌(stir)。 二、台面上仪器: 一般仪器的洗涤(wash)
白瓷板(White Porcelain Board ) (一)清点仪器(to count;to make an inventory)
酸式滴定管(Acid burette) 25 ml×1 配洗液 (Lotion)
碱式滴定管(Alkali burette)25 ml×1 一般仪器的洗涤 三、公用柜中: (二)滴定管(buret;burette)
直型冷凝器(rectocondensor)×1 容量瓶(volumetric flask)
漏斗架 (funnel stand) ×2 移液管(pipe)
水浴锅(water bath kettle) ×1
温度计(Thermometer;hygrometer;hydroscope) ×1
电炉(electric furnace;electric hot plate;electric stove
园底烧瓶round-bottomed flask
三口瓶there-necked flask
单管蒸馏头distillation head
克氏蒸馏头Clain head
弯管接受管bent adapter
真空接受管 vacuum adapter
烧杯 beaker
吸滤瓶 filter flask
洗气瓶 gas-wash bottle
锥形(玻璃)漏斗 conical funnel
布氏漏斗 Buchaer funnel
刻度量筒 graduated cylind
滴液漏斗 dropping funnel
分液漏斗 paratory funnel
着字组词干燥管 drying tube航都大厦
干燥器 desiccator
干燥剂 dryer
干燥塔 drying tower
目视仪器  visual instrument
卷尺  tape measure/tapeline
投影机  profile projector
卡尺/测径器  caliper
游标卡尺    vernier caliper
千分尺    micrometer
美母的温柔电子测试仪器  electronic measuring instrument
量测设备/量具  gauge
计量器/计量表  meter
测试装置  tester
功能测试仪  function tester
米尺  meter stick
千分卡尺  micrometer calipers
块规  block gauge
显微镜  microscope
金相显微镜  metallography microscope
工具显微镜  measuring microscope
销规/栓规  height gauge
厚度尺  thickness gauge
放大镜  magnifier glass
立体显微镜  stereomicroscope
数字万用表  digital multimeter(DMM)
示波器  oscilloscope
推拉力计  push-pull gauge
可焊性测试仪  solderability checker
能谱分析仪  Energy Dispersive X-ray Detector(EDX)
测量用示波器  measuring oscilloscope
高阻计  high resistance meter
粘度计  viscosity meter
硬度计  hardness scale
电阻炉温度控制器一脉相承的意思是 temperature controller for electric resistance furnace
单冲压片机 single-puncher pin tablet compression machine
紫外分光光度计 ultraviolet spectrophotometer
恒温水浴锅 constant temperature water bath
电炉 electric furnace
真空干燥箱 vacuum drying oven
真空干燥器 vacuum desiccator
溶出度仪 dissolving apparatus
崩解仪 disintegration apparatus
红外线干燥箱 infrared dryer
滴定台 titration t
玻璃棒 glass stick
蒸发皿 evaporating dish
烧杯 beaker
碘瓶 iodimetric flask
容量瓶 volumetric flask
验砷瓶 arnic checking bottle
抽滤瓶 filter flask
锥形烧瓶 conical flask
具塞锥形瓶 conical flask with cover
称量瓶 weighing bottle
层析缸 developing tank
玻璃漏斗 glass funnel
布氏漏斗 buchner funnel
分液漏斗 paratory funnel
比色管 comparison tubes
滴定管 buret
移液管 transfer pipet
刻度吸管 graduated pipette
胶帽滴管 disposable pipet with rubber squeezing bulb
试管 test- tube
试管架 test- tube rack
试管夹 test- tube clamp
铁试管夹 utility clamp
螺旋夹 screw clamp
不锈钢盘 stainless steel tray
酒精灯 alcohol burner
研钵 mortar
坩锅 crucible
坩锅盖 crucible cover
坩锅钳 crucible tongs
喷雾器 sprayer atomizer
马孚炉 muffle furnace
安全眼镜 protective eyewear, safty glass
天平 balance
符合 GLP/GMP 要求附打印机功能的天平 balance with GLP/GMP printout capacity
实验大褂 Lab coat
口罩 mask
手套 vinyl gloves
实验室标记笔 lab markers(marking pens)
去离子水 deionized water
双蒸水 double distilled water
微型水平电泳槽 Mini Horizontal Cells
垂直电泳槽 Mini Vertical Cells
双池微型垂直电泳槽 Dual Vertical Mini-Gel Systems , Standard Double-Sided Vertical Cells
托盘天平 Equal Arm Balance

本文发布于:2023-07-25 16:03:14,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:仪器   漏斗   玻璃   刻度   测试   电泳槽
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