It is known that metals are very important in our life. Metals have the greatest importance for industry. All machines and other engineering[7endVi5niEriN] constructions have metal[5metl] parts; some of them consist only of metal parts.
There are two large groups of metals:
1) Simple metal- more or less pure chemical elements[5elimEnt]
2) Alloys[5AlCi]- materials consisting of a simple metal combined with some other elements.
About two thirds of all elements found in the earth are metals, but not all metals may be ud in industr
y. Tho metals which are ud in industry are called engineering metals. The most important engineering metal
is iron[5aiEn], which in the form of alloys with carbon[5kB:bEn] and other elements, finds greater u than any other metal. Metals consisting of iron combined with some other elements are known as ferrous[5ferEs] metals; all the other metals are called nonferrous[5nCn5ferEs] metals. The most important nonferrous metal are
copper[5kCpE], aluminum[E5lju:minEm], lead[li:d], zinc[ziNk], tin[tin], but all the metals are ud much
less than ferrous metals, becau the ferrous metals are much cheaper.
Engineering metals are ud in industry in the form of alloys becau the properties[5prCpEti] of alloys
are much better than the properties of pure[pjuE] metals. Only aluminum may be largely ud in the form of simple metal. Metals have such a great importance becau of their uful properties or their strength, hardness, and their plasticity[plAs5tisiti].
Different metals are produced in different ways, but almost all the metal are found in the forms of metal
ore[C:(r)] (iron ore, copper ore, etc[et cetra].)
The ore is a mineral[5minErEl] consistence of a metal combined with some impurities[im5pjuEriti]. In order to produce a metal from some metal ore, we must parate the impurities from the metal that is done
by metallurgy[me5tAlEdVi].
2. Plastics and Other Materials
Plastics[5plAstik, plB:stik] have specific properties which may make them preferable[5prefErEbl] to traditional materials[mE5tIErIEl] for certain us. In comparison[kEm5pArisn] with metals, for example, plastics have both advantages and disadvantages. Metals tend to be corroded[kE5rEud] by
inorganic[7inC:5^Anik] acids[5AsId], such as sulphuric[sQl5fjuErik] acid and hydrochloric[7haidrEu5klC:rik] acid. Plastics tend to be resistant to the acids, but can have dissolved or deformed by solvent[5sClvEnt], such as carbon tetrachloride[7tetrE5klC:raid], which have the same carbon ba as the plastics. Color must be applied to the surface of metals, whereas it can be mixed in with plastics. Metals are more rigid[5ridVid] than most plastics while plastics are very light, with a specific[spi5sifik] gravity normally between 0.9 and 1.8.
Most plastics do not readily[5redili] conduct[5kCndQkt] heat or electricity[Ilek5trIsItI]. Plastics soften slowly and can easily be shaped[Feip] when they are soft.
0. 9-1. 8 之间。大多数塑料不易传热导电。塑料能缓慢软化,而当其还是在软的状态时,能容易成形。
It is their plasticity[plAs5tisiti] at certain temperatures[5temprItFE(r)] which gives plastics their main advantages over many other materials. It permits the large-scale production of molded[mEuld] articles, such
as containers, at an economic unit cost, where other materials require laborious[lE5bC:riEs] and often costly process involving cutting, shaping, machining, asmbly[E5mbli] and decoration.
Plastics not only replace other materials. Their properties can be exploited[iks5plCit] for entirely[In5taIElI] new applications. For example, plastics heart valves[vAlv] and other human 'spare parts' have make possible many recent developments in surgery[5sE:dVEri].
There is no single plastics material which is suitable for all applications. It is important that the most suitable plastics should be chon, and if necessary adapted[E5dApt], for each particular requirement. It is also important that the properties of the plastics chon should be exploited to the best advantage.
A plastics article may need to differ in design and appearance from a similar article made from another material such as metal or wood. This is due[] not only to the properties of plastics but also to the techniques[tek5ni:k] employed in fabricating[5fAbrikeit] plastics. The techniques include
injection[in5dVekFEn] molding[5mEuldiN], blow molding, compression molding, extrusion[eks5tru:VEn] and vacuum[5vAkjuEm] forming.
3. Casting and Die-Casting Alloys
Casting[5kB:stiN] is one of the oldest metal working techniques known to man. Our country made metal castings as early as 2000 B.C., and the process ud then is not much different in principle[5prinsEpl] from the one ud today.
铸造是入类所掌握的最古老的金属加工技术之一。我国早在公元前2000 年就已把金属制成铸件,而所
Foundry[5faundri] process consist of making molds, preparing and melting[melt] the metal,
pouring[pC:, pCE] the metal into the molds, and cleaning the castings. The product of the foundry is a casting, which may vary from a fraction[5frAkFEn] of a kilogram to veral hundred tons. It may also vary in composition[kCmpE5ziFEn] as practically all metals and alloys can be cast.
The metals most frequently cast are iron, steel, aluminum and so on. Of the, iron, becau of its low melting point, low price and ea of control, is outstanding for its suitability[9sjU:tE`bIlEtI] for casting and is ud far more than all the others.
Casting is a widely ud method of producing metal products, particularly tho which are
intricate[5intrikit]. Since molten materials will readily take the shape of the container into which they are poured, it is nearly as easy to cast fairly complex shapes as to produce simple forms.
The place where the metals are cast is called a foundry. The most important of cast metals is cast iron which is made from pig iron by remelting it in a special melting furnace[5fE:nis] called a cupola[5kju:pElE].
From the cupola, the cast iron flows into ladles[5leidl] of different size, and from the ladles it is poured into the molds.
生日祝福语大全The molds may be of two kinds: sand molds and metal molds. A metal mold consists of two hollow parts which should be joined for pouring the metal into it. The inside of this mold is covered with carb
on or graphite[5^rAfait] so that the metal could not stick[stik] to the wall of the form. When the metal has早恋的好处
solidified[sE5lidifai], the hollow parts are disjoined and the casting is taken out. There are also special molds in which large blocks of steel can be cast. The molds are usually made of cast iron and are called
ingot[5iN^Et] molds, which the blocks of steel produced by pouring the metal into the molds are called ingots and the process is called ingot casting.
A relatively[5relEtIvlI] wide range of nonferrous alloys can be die-cast. The principal ba metals ud, in order to commercial importance, are zinc, aluminum, copper, magnesium[mA^5ni:zjEm], lead, and tin. The alloys may be further classified as low-temperature alloys and high-temperature all
oys; tho having a casting
temperature below 538C, such as zinc, tin, and lead, are in the low-temperature class. The low-temperature alloys have the advantages of lower cost of production and lower die-maintenance[5meintinEns] costs. As the casting temperature increas, alloy and other special steels in the best treated condition are required to resist the erosion[i5rEuVEn] and heat checking[5tFekiN] of die surface. The destructive[dis5trQktiv] effect of high temperatures on the dies has been the principal factor in retarding[ri5tB:d] the development of
high-temperature die castings.
相当大量的有色金属合金可以进行模铸}h 用的主要而基本的金属,按其在工业上应用的重要性的顺序是锌、铝、铜、锰、铅和锡。这些合金可以进一步进行分类为低温类合金和高温类合金。铸造温度低于538℃的那些合金,就像锌、锡和铅,是属于低温类合金。低温类合金具有低生产成本和低的模具维修费用等优点。当铸造温度上升时,需要最佳条件下处理过的合金钢和其他特种钢来抵抗腐蚀及防止模具表面的热裂纹。高温在模具上的损坏作用已经成为阻碍、延缓高温模铸发展的主要因素。
Another factor governing[5^QvEniN] the choice of alloy is the erosive[i5rEusiv] or solvent[5sClvEnt] action of the molten metal on the respective[ris5pektiv] machine parts and dies. This action increa
s with temperature, although it is more pronounced[pr5naunst] with some alloys than with others. Aluminum, in particular, has a destructive action on ferrous metals and, for this reason, is ldom melted in the machine, whereas the copper-ba alloys are never melted in the machine.
4. Forging
Press forging[5fC:dViN] employs a slow squeezing[skwi:z] action in deforming[di:5fC:m] the plastic metal, as contrasted with the rapid-impact[5impAkt] blows of a hammer. The squeezing action is carried completely to the center of the part being presd, thoroughly working the entire ction[5kFEn]. The press are the vertical[5vE:tikEl] type and may be either mechanically[mi5kAnikEli] or
hydraulically[hai5drC:lik] operated. The mechanical press, which are faster operating and most co
mmonly ud, range in capacity[kE5pAsiti] from 500 to 1000 tons.
操作也可能是液压操作的。机械操作压力机,操作速度比较快,使用最普遍,锻造能力从500 吨到10000 吨范围。
For small press forgings, clod impression dies are ud and only one stoke of the ram[rAm] is normally required to perform[pE5fC:m] the forging operation. The maximum[5mAksimEm] pressure is built up at the
end of the stroke which forces the metal into shape. Dies may be mounted[maunt] as parate units, or all the cavities may be put into single block. For small forgings, individual[7indi5vidjuEl] die unites are more convenient. There is some difference in the design of dies for different metals; copper-alloy forgings can be
对女朋友道歉的话made with less draft[drB:ft] than steel, conquently more complicated[5kCmplikeitid] shapes can be
produced. The alloys flow well in the die and are rapidly extruded
In the forging press, a greater proportion of the total work put into the machine is transmitted[trAnz5mit]
南京师范大学是属于985还是211to the metal than in a drop hammer press. Much of the impact of the drop hammer is absorbed by the machine
and foundation. Press reduction of the metal is faster, and the cost of operation is conquently lower. Most
press forgings are symmetrical[si5metrikEl] in shape, having surfaces which are quite smooth, and provide a clor tolerance[5tClErEns] than is obtained by a drop hammer. However, many parts of irregular[i5re^julE]
and complicated shapes can be forged more economically by drop forging. Forging press is often ud for
sizing operations on parts made by other forging process.
In drop forging, a piece of metal, roughly[5rQflI] or approximately of the desired[di5zaiE] shape, is placed between die faces having the exact form of the finished piece, and forced to take thin form by drawing the dies together. Large ingots are now almost always forged with hydraulic press instead of with steam hammers,
since the work done by a press goes deeper. Further, the press can take a cooler ingot and can work to clor dimensions[di5menFEn]. The forging should be done at about the same temperature as rolling[5rEuliN]; the process improves the physical properties of the steel just as rolling does. In the final forging it is important not
to have the steel too hot, for overheated steel will have poor mechanical properties when cooled. In heating for forging, temperature is usually judges by the eye, but where large numbers of the same pattern are made, the
piece to be forged are heated in furnaces[5fE:nis] in which the temperature is indicated[5indikeit] by