Sorption of lead, copper, zinc, and cadmium by soils: Effect of nitriloacetic acid on metal retention
期刊名称: Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis
牛奶根的功效与作用作者: Pardo,M.T.
年份: 2000年李贽简介>党群工作总结
期号: 第1-2期
假日英语>笋干肉关键词: Alfisols;allophane;Andisols;cadmium;capacity;cation exchange;cation
exchange capacity;characteristics;clay soils;copper
炒米茶摘要:Laboratory experiments were carried out to evaluate lead (Pb), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and cadmium (Cd) sorptiondesorption by three soils of contrasting characteristics. Talamanca (silt loam, montmorillonite, Calcic Haploxeralfs), Mazowe (clay, kaolinite, Rhodic Kandiustalf), and Realejos (sandy silt loam, allophane, Typic Hapludands). A cond objective was to study the effect of nitriloacetic acid (NTA) on the sorption process. The Talamanca soil, which had a native pH of 6.4 and
prented the highest effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC), sorbed more of
each of the metal tested than did the other two soils. When the other two soils
were compared metal sorption was also related to pH and ECEC. The very low
sorption capacity showed by Realejos may be attributed to the low net surface
negative charge density of this soil,