
更新时间:2023-07-25 12:28:55 阅读: 评论:0

Main (13)
This is the node in which all your other nodes in the end link to. It has veral inputs that all rve different purpos. The animated images below show all of the inputs and how they behave when changed over time. Most of them animate back and forth between 0 and
1 (Black and White) (13)
你所有其它节点最终都链接到此节点。它有若⼲输⼊服务于不同的⽬的。下⾯的动画图⽚展⽰了所有输⼊和他们的⾏为当随着时间⽽如何变化。他们中的⼤多数动画在0和1之间来回(⿊⾊和⽩⾊) (13)
●Diffu (13)资本运营课程
This is the main color of your shaders. The diffu color will receive light, have light falloff depending on the light-normal angle, and be shaded by shadows (13)
这是你shader的主要颜⾊。漫反射颜⾊将接收光照,根据light-normal⾓(光法线⾓度)有光的衰减,被阴影着⾊。 (13)
●Diffu Power漫反射指数 (14)
This is the exponent of the falloff of the light-normal angle. Can be ud to get an extra metallic look when using values above 1.
Note that this does not currently conrve energy, whenever that is enabled (14)
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这是光照法线⾓度的衰减的组件。可⽤来获取当使⽤Value值⼤于1时额外的⾦属光泽外表.注意,⽆论何时启⽤此节点都不保存当前的能量。 (14)
●Specular镜⾯反射/⾼光 (14)
This is the color of the specular highlights of your shader. Higher values are brighter, black will not affect the shader at all. (14)
这是你shader的⾼光亮点的颜⾊。值越⼤就越亮,⿊⾊将丝毫不影响shader。 (14)
●Gloss光泽度/光泽 (14)
This is the exponent of the specular highlights. Higher values will make it look shiny, values approaching 0 will make it look matte. Note that if you have unchecked gloss remapping, you should avoid using gloss values below 1. (14)
这是⾼光亮点的组件。更⾼的值将使它看起来闪闪发亮,值接近0将使得它看起来⽆光泽/不光滑。记住,如果你未选中光泽度重映射,你应该避免使⽤⼩于1的光泽度值。 (14)
●Normal法线 (15)
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This is the tangent-space normal direction, where you can connect normal maps or custom normal vectors (15)
这是切线的法线⽅向,这⾥你可以连接法线贴图或者⾃定义法线向量。 (15)
●Emission散射,散发,放射 (15)
This is simply light that is always added to your shader, regardless of the lighting conditions. 这是总是添加到你的shader中的简单光线,忽略光照状况。 (15)
●Transmission传递。 (15)
This controls how much light is pasd through when the light source is behind the surface currently being rendered. This can be uful for thin materials such as cloth or vegetation (15)
这个控制当光源在正被渲染的当前表⾯的后⾯时让多少光线通过。这在瘦薄材质例如⾐服或植被上很有⽤。 (16)
●Light Wrapping光照包裹 (16)
This is a way of controlling the light-normal angle falloff offt, which can be ud to get an effect similar to subsurface scattering.
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Works best for smooth objects. Inputting a red-ish value will make the red channel "wrap around" the object more than the others, making it look as if light pasd into the mesh, and came out with a red wavelength, similar to how skin is shaded (16)
这是⼀种控制法线⾓度的光的偏移的⼀种⽅式,这可以被⽤来获取⼀个类似于表⾯下的散射效果。对平滑对象⼯作的很不错。输⼊⼀个red-ish值将使红⾊通道“包裹”对象多于别的,使它看起来好像光线传递进⼊mesh,并且有⼀个红⾊波长传出,类似于⽪肤着⾊。 (16)
●Diffu Ambient Light漫反射环境光 (16)
This adds light to your shader, affected by your diffu. Can be ud with, for example, cubemap using the normal direction for image-bad lighting (IBL), or ambient light (16)
这个添加光到你的shader,被你的漫反射影响。可⽤于,例如,使⽤法线⽅向的基于光线的图像(IBL)的⽴⽅体贴图。 (16)
●Specular Ambient Light镜⾯反射环境光 (17)
This adds light to your shader, affected by your specular. Can be ud with, for example, a cubemap using the view reflection direction for image-bad lighting (IBL) (17)
这个添加light到你的shader,被你的specular⾼光所影响,例如,⼀个使⽤视反射⽅向基于光照的图像的⽴⽅体贴图。 (17)
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●Diffu Ambient Occlusion漫反射环境吸收 (17)
This dampens indirect diffu light, such as light probes, indirect light, and diffu ambient light (17)
这个抑制间接的漫反射光,例如灯光探测器(light probes ),间接光,并且漫反射环境光。 (17)
●Specular Ambient Occlusion镜⾯反射环境吸收 (17)
This dampens indirect specular light, such as reflection probes, and specular ambient light (17)
这个抑制间接的镜⾯反射光,例如发射探测器和镜⾯发射环境光。 (18)
●Custom Lighting (18)
This input is active when your shader is t to unlit, allowing you to define custom lighting behaviour. The nodes you put here are per-light. (18)
当你的shader被设置到unlit⽆光照模式时这个输⼊被激活,允许你定义⾃定义光照⾏为。你放置到这⼉的这个节点每个都是灯光。 (18)
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●Alpha (18)
Alpha controls the transparency of the final pixel. Note that partial transparency is generally finicky to get right, especially when using deferred rendering (18)
Alpha控制最终像素的透明度。注意获取正确的局部透明度通常是挑剔的,尤其当使⽤deferred rendering延迟渲染时. (18)
●Alpha Clip (19)
Alpha Clip is a way of controlling if the current pixel/fragment should draw or not. Always u alpha clip for objects that need transparency, but not partial transparency, as Alpha Clip is easily sorted, which Alpha is not. (19)
是种控制如果当前像素/⽚段应该或者不应该绘制的⽅式。Alpha裁剪重视⽤于需要透明的对象,但不是局部透明,因为Alpha 裁剪很容易被分类,这样Alpha将不透明。 (19)
●Refraction折射 (19)
Refraction is a screen-space UV offt for refracting the background pixels. Make sure you t the alpha to something below 1 before鸡腿怎么炖才好吃
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using, so that the refraction effect is visible. Note that this effect requires Unity Pro. Although it will em as though it works in the Unity Free editor, it won't work in a build without Pro (19)
折射是屏幕空间的背景像素的UV偏移。确保使⽤前设置Alpha⼩于1,以便折射效果是可见的。记住,这个效果需要Unity Pro.尽管它看起来似乎在Unity Free版编辑器中可⽤,但是编译不可⽤。 (19)
●Outline Width轮廓线宽度 (20)
This will add an outline to your shader, rendered as an offt mesh with reverd face normals. Note that hard edges will break the outline. (20)
这个添加⼀个轮廓到你的shader,呈现为⼀个与⾯法线反向的偏移的mesh。注意硬边缘将削弱轮廓线。 (20)
●Outline Color (20)
This controls the color of the outline.控制轮廓线的颜⾊。 (20)
●Vertex Offt顶点偏移 (20)
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This can be ud to animate shaders over time, or change the shape of the object in various conditions. You simply inrt a XYZ coordinate for how much each vertex should be offt (20)
●DX11 Displacement位移 (21)
This works very much in the same way as Vertex Offt, but is ud in conjuction with DX11 tesllation. (Note that DirectX is Windows only, requires a DX11 GPU and has to be enabled in Unity) (21)
这个与Vertex Offt形同,但是⽤于与DX11 tesllation曲⾯细分连接。注意DirectX(微软公司的对硬件编程的接⼝)仅⽤于Windows,需要DX11 GPU,并且必须内嵌进Unity。 (21)
●DX11 Tesllation曲⾯细分 (21)
This controls how many subdivisions you want to split your triangles into. (Note that DirectX is Windows only, requires a
DX11 GPU and has to be enabled in Unity)这个控制你想把你的三⾓形细分成多少。注意DirectX(微软公司的对硬件编程的接⼝)仅⽤于Windows,需要DX11 GPU,并且必须内嵌进Unity。 (21)
Add (21)
Subtract减 (22)
Multiply乘 (22)
俄语中国Divide除 (23)
Power幂 (24)
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Sqrt 平⽅根 (25)
Log对数 (25)
Min最⼩ (26)
Max (27)
Abs (28)
Sign (28)
Ceil向上四舍五⼊到最近的整数 (29)
Round (29)
Floor (30)
Trunc移除输⼊的⼩数部分,四舍五⼊输出趋向0的最近整数 (30)
Step (A <= B) (31)二十一世纪英语报
If (31)
Frac移除整数部分,输出⼩数部分 (32)
Fmod返回除法的浮点数余数 (32)
Clamp钳制在最⼩与最⼤值之间 (32)
Clamp (Simple)与前⼀个不同的是两个数值输⼊代替结点连接 (33)
Clamp 0-1 (33)
Lerp如果T是AB间的任何⾮0.5值输出两值的线性混合 (33)
Lerp (Simple) (34)
Posterize⾊调分离 (35)
Blend (35)
Remap重映射 (37)
Remap (Simple) (39)
Noi基于两组件输⼊(⽐如UV坐标)⽣成伪随机数 (39)
Generates pudorandom numbers bad on a two-component input (Such as UV coordinates) 基于两组件输⼊(⽐如UV坐标)⽣成伪随机数 (39)
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One Minus 1减去它的输⼊。当使⽤颜⾊的输⼊时,它将输出反⾊ (40)
氢化反应Negate相反数 (41)
Exp指数 (41)
Value (41)
Vector 2 (42)
Vector 3 (42)
Vector 4 (42)
Texture 2D (43)
Texture Ast (44)
Value (Property) (44)
Vector 4 (Property) (45)
Color (45)
Cubemap (45)
Slider (45)
Dot Product (45)
Cross Product (46)
Reflect (47)
Normalize (47)
Append (47)
Component Mask组件遮罩可以被⽤来重排序或者提取⼀个向量的通道 (49)
Desaturate减⼩饱和度 (51)
Channel Blend三平⾯融合时 (52)
Normal Blend (54)
Distance (55)
Length (56)
Transform (56)
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Vector Projection (56)
Vector Rejection (57)
Panner贴图平移.输出所输⼊的[UV]坐标.平移/偏移[Dist]距离,在⽅向/速度被U和V参数指定。 (57)

本文发布于:2023-07-25 12:28:55,感谢您对本站的认可!



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