哪一个摘 要
The Way of 桂华秋皎洁Unifying Geometr爱国诗y in the 19th Century
The non-Euclid geometry appearance has broken the situation of the only kind of geometry that is Euclidean geometry for a long time. After the middle of the nineteenth century, by denying all justice and axiom of Euclidean geometry, all sorts of new geometry, projective geometry, differential geometry which is parallel with non-Euclid 性的功能geometry and topology which emerged later emerged, in this period geometry足球比赛作文 possd infinite and wide development prospects. Thus, using unified view to explain their will become an important task of mathematicians. Klein unified ge孕妇食谱ometry by the thought of the transformation group, but the thought failed to include all of the geometry. Hilbert put forward another way to unify交通处罚 geometry which influenced modern mathematics profoundly. The method that is axiomatic method has gone far beyond the scope of the geometry. Axiomatic method and t theory thought became two big push unified trend of modern mathematics.
五个严禁Key word: The unity of the geometry; Non-Euclid geometry; Axiomatic met