M c K e e v e r
C C S A S t u d y S y s t e m ⊙Contemporary Business Concepts, Danbury, Connecticut, April 2006 as modified. April 2006 as modified
Cour Overview and The Basics
Cour Overview
The CCSA exam can cover a broad spectrum of topics. In addition, the questions and topics on the exam are changed periodically.
The objectives of this cour are to help participants become more familiar with the material that may be tested on the CCSA Examination and to become more comfortable dealing with multiple-choice questions. The wording of multiple- choice questions can often be a greater challenge than the actual material being tested. Therefore, throughout this workbook there will be opportunities to review both the technical material that may appear on the CCSA examination as well as clarifying the wording ud in questions.风掣红旗冻不翻
一人有限公司The workbook material contains extensive discussion of the technical topics that may be prent on the CCSA examination. In addition, there are sample questions related to the topics at the end of each chapter. The ctions contain the correct answer to each question along with an explanation, which often examines the wording of the question. At the back of the workbook there are a substantial number of advanced questions. The questions are probably more typical of what will appear on the examination. The advanced questions are prented in two parts. The first part provides the question only. The cond, part is more comprehensive with questions and their answers highlighted, along with an explanation of the correct answer. Periodically throughout the workbook,
there will be extractions from the advanced questions to examine their wording content, keyword traps, and the technical content of the questions.
Although the workbook contains substantial material, it is advid that the participants review both the end of chapter questions and the advanced questions in the back of the workbook with their explanations. Most often reviewing practice questions and becoming familiar with the wording of multiple-choice questions can be a great aid in preparation for a multiple-choice format test.
CSA: The Basics
The objective of this module is to acquaint tile participant with the concepts of Control Serf-Asssment (CSA). The module will demonstrate how the participant may u CSA as a tool to help clients and to gain confidence in order to train clients so they may help themlves.
At the end of this module, the participant will:
■ understand the concepts of Control Self-Asssment.
■ understand how other control and risk models work with Control Self-
■ earn how to prent this material so that the client may u it as an
ongoing business tool.
■be more comfortable addressing the CCSA exam questions related to basic
CSA concepts.
Control Self-Asssment-What is it?
薰陶Control Self-Asssment is a process by which an individual asss themlves. To put this in perspective, let's think about taking one's own blood pressure. In order to complete this task we attach the blood pressure device and the device and device reads the results. If the results were 280/250 we could say we have just performed a lf-asssment. However, there may be an issue.
In simplest terms, this could be called a blood pressure lf-asssment. But there are lessons to be learned here. The first lesson is that we have performed a physical task of lf-asssment by measuring the blood pressure. The next issue is determining what this means. What does 280/250 mean? Considering this, there are three things that need to be included in a lf-asssment process. The first is the physical task of the lf-asssment, the cond involves understanding the results, and the third is what could be done to control the results.
强宠总裁的女人In this example, we call our lf-asssment process a blood pressure lf- asssment. Control Self-Asssment is, therefore, measuring the adequacy of risk and control management in one's own process and taking appropriate corrective action.
Just as in our blood pressure example, the physical task is necessary when performing a lf-asssment process. In a Control Self-Asssment process the physical tasks are often in the form
of questionnaires /surveys or workshops. The are the physical tasks of performing the control Self-Asssment process. However, it is not only important to perform the physical task of the lf-asssment process but to also understand the results and act on them appropriately.
Action must be taken to correct any deficiencies. Self-asssment /Control Self- Asssment is a methodology to systematically document and evaluate risk controls and the achievement of objectives. This concept can be applied in most areas.
As we can e from our first example, the process can be applied in testing our
Own blood-pressure. In business, it can be applied to test the blood pressure of
the business process.开业花篮祝福
Action is probably the most important task of a Control Self-Asssment process.
Performing a lf-asssment process without a commitment to action is merely a waste of time.
From a business perspective, the Control Self-Asssment process is a method by which the people who are responsible for the business process evaluate the adequacy of their risk and control management. From common business stance, this makes n.
The owners of the business process are in fact responsible for their own risk and control management. Unfortunately, in many cas, this is not widely accepted in
the business environment. Control Self-Asssment can help broaden the acceptance of risk and control management within the business community. It
can help eliminate the confusion, misunderstanding, and fear of risk and control management by expanding an understanding of the concepts.
A Control Self-Asssment process in the business environment simply means
that employees responsible for performing the work evaluate the adequacy of
their risking controls. Further, this Control Self-Asssment process can be a
learning device, It can help the business community and business professionals
better understand the concepts of risk and control management, In addition, it can help evaluate the accuracy of risk and control management related to soft controls
and soft, issues. The soft issues are often the foundation for good business process. They include such things as attitude, morale, ethical values, tone at the top, and communications. Lack of adequate controls in the areas are often the root cau for many other business issues and areas of concern.
The internal audit department often plays a vital role in the implementation and Initiation of the Control Self-Asssment process. This is often becau of the perception that internal auditors have an in-depth understanding of risking control management. In addition, it is perceived that internal auditors are familiar with addressing groups of people and upper-level executives. Becau of this perception the internal auditors are often called upon to facilitate the Control Self-
Asssment workshops. In the next chapter, we will discuss the facilitators' responsibilities and how they play a key rote in the successful outcome of a business workshops
Although internal auditors are often called upon to perform the role of facilitator
in the CSA process, it is not necessary that they be part of the process, in rant, as
time pass, the ultimate goal is that the business professionals conduct their own, workshops. Depending upon the current levels of experience, this transition may
take place in varying degrees of time.
The Control Self-Asssment process in the business community has another advantage; the advantage of ownership. It is a known fact that there is a certain