The Cohesive Function of Tens in English Texts 论英语语篇中动词时态的谋篇功能 |
ВЕЧНЫЙ ДУХ ПАВЛА----О Романе七个坚持《как закаляласьсь Сталь》永恒的保尔精神----评小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 |
О Рифме В Звуковой Организации Русской Поэзии关于俄语诗歌中的韵脚问题 |
Eugene O’Neill’s The Hairy Ape:An Expressionistic Study 尤金奥尼尔的《毛猿》之表现主义研究 |
A Perfect Combination of the Theme of Existential Freedom with the Postmodern Narrative Techniques——Reading Analysis of John Fowles’ The French Lieutenant’s Woman存在主义自由主题与后现代叙事技巧的完美结合——约翰•福尔斯《法国中尉的女人》之解读 |
On the Pessimism of Thomas Hardy ——A Study of His Lyric Poetry 从哈代的抒情诗看哈代的悲观主义 |
俄罗斯文学中俄罗斯女性的悲剧命运—论肖洛霍夫小说《静静的顿河》中婀可西尼亚和婀塔莉娅的形象 |
From Eugene O’Neill’s Two Works to Scientific Attitude in Literature Studies从奥尼尔的两部剧作看文学研究中的科学态度 |
A Gleam of Hope in the Absurd Existence—Reading Analysis of Iris Murdoch’s The Bell 荒谬人生中的一抹亮色—艾丽斯·默多克小说《钟》之解读 |
The Tragedy of Human Beings—An Existential Study of The Glass Menagerie by Tenne Williams 人类的悲剧田纳西·威廉姆斯的《玻璃动物园》的存在论研究 |
没有写论文 |
翻译研究:人文主义,还是科学主义?━乔治•斯坦纳《通天塔之后》的阐释学译论初探Translation Studies: Humanistic or Scientistic? ― An Initial Study of George Steiner’s Hermeneutic Translation Theory in After Babel. |
Division or Connection A Thematic Analysis of A Passage to India from the Postcolonia Perspective 分裂或联结――从后殖民角度分析《印度之行》的主题 |
自我与他者 ━━从拉康的镜像阶段理论看小说《宠儿》 |
From Repression to Subversion ━━ A Feminist Reading of “The Birth-Mark” and The Scarlet Letter 从压制到颠覆 ━━ 女性主义视角下的《胎记》和《红字》 |
On Harold Bloom’s Poetic Sublime 论哈罗德·布鲁姆的诗质崇高 |
Pursuing Independence and Harmony—A Feminist Analysis of My Antonia by Willa Cather 寻求独立与和谐 ━━ 用女性主义分析威拉·凯瑟的《我的安东尼娅》 |
The Breakthrough of Antinomy —Interpretation of the Tension Between David Lodge’s Critical Theory and Literary Creation 二律背反之突围——戴维·洛奇批评理论与文学创作间的张力阐释 |
Hedda Gabler: A Dancer in the Dark——An Exploration of the Image of Hedda in Ibn’s Hedda Gabler海达·高布乐: 黑暗中的舞者 ——易卜生笔下海达形象之分析 |
Context and Its Application in English Teaching语境及其在英语教学中的应用 |
Verbal Nexus Substantive and Its Translation动词性语结名词及其翻译 |
The Study of English Humour 英语幽默语言研究 |
Anaphora, Cohesion and Test照应、衔接、语篇 |
A Contrastive Study of Nonverbal Communication Patterns of Chine and English People and Some Suggestions for Cultural Teaching Tefl中英非言语交际对比及对英语教学中文化教学的一些建议 |
Vagueness, Vague Language and The Application in Hunan Communication 模糊模糊语言及其在人类交际中应用 |
English Ellipsis and Its Chine Translation英语省略及其汉语翻译 |
A Study of Valency of English Adjectives 英语形容词配洁价究 |
Lexical Cohesion in English and Chine Texts – A Contrastive Study 英汉语篇中词汇衔接手段对比研究关于写景的诗句 |
Information Structure and English Word Order 信息结构及英语语序 |
English and Chinae Negation and Translation --- A Contrastiver Study英汉否定对比与翻译 |
A Study of English Divalent Verbs 英语二价动词研究 |
Iconicity in Etymological Universals像似性与语源共性 |
English Substitution as A Means of Cohesion and Its Chine Translation 篇章衔接的一种手段英语替代及其汉语翻译 |
Euphemisms and Implicatives委婉语与含义 |
English and Chine Thematic Structure and Translation 英汉主述位结构对比与翻译 |
A Study of Sentence Condensation in English英语紧缩句研究 |
Implicative Cohesion in Writing 写作中的含义衔接 |
A Tentative Survey of English Inversions In A Functional Approach英语倒装句功能探析 |
Implicatives In Literary Translation文学翻译中的含义问题 |
Text Analysis and reading 语篇分析与阅读 |
On Functions of Intonation in English Conversation英语会话中语调功能研究 |
On Critical Linguistics and the Anglo-American Newspaper Discour Study批评语言学与英美新闻语篇研究 |
Cognitive Perspective on Spatial Metaphor 从认知角度看空间隐喻 |
Linguistic Power In Cross-Examination Disxour交叉质询话语中的权势关系 |
Rearch on the Stylistics of the Address of National Leaders国家领导人政治讲话的问题研究 |
A Functional Perspective on Disjuncts 外加状语的功能观 |
The Language of English Sports News From Description to Explanation英语体育新闻语言初探— 从描述到阐释 广告投放方案 |
Study On the Coherence and Cohesion of Newspaper Report Discour报刊新闻报导语篇的衔接与连贯探析 |
A Contrastive Study on Compliments and Compliment Respons in Chine and American English恭维及其反应:英汉对比研究 |
On Scientific Expository Essays: A Contrastive Study in English and Chine英汉科技说明文对比分析 |
Grammaticalization of shi, jiao, and rang in jianyu Construction in Modern Chine 使、叫、让在现代汉语兼语句中的语法化 |
Nominalization—An Adaptation-bad Approach 名词化的顺应性研究 |
A Cognitive Study of English Ergative Construction 英语作格构块的认知研究 |
The Sen of Linguistic Awareness: Its Generation and Development 语感的形成和发展 |
倒置的隐喻 学生自我评价15字━━隐喻非对称性的认知研究 |
常规性:一种英语形容词句型的语法化过程 |
英语语篇语法衔接手段对比研究 |
Deixis. Mental Spaces. Subjectivity 指示语.心理空间.主观性 |
The Skopos Theory and Translation Strategies ——Analysis on Yan Fu’s Translation of A Short History of Politics 翻译目的论与翻译策略 ── 以严复译著《社会通诠》为例 |
A Study on the Cohesion and Coherence of English Broadcast News Texts 英语广播新闻语篇的衔接与连贯研究 |
How Headline and Body of Chine Ca News Related: a Systemic-Functional Perspective 从系统功能语言学看汉语案件新闻的标题和内容之间的关系 |
Attitudes in Legal Report: an APPRAISAL Perspective 《今日说法》中的态度研究:一种评价视角 |
Translation Studies Under Feminism 女性主义观照下的翻译研究 |
A Functional Approach to Agentful Passive Construction in English Agentful被动结构的功能研究 |
Foreignization and Domestication —Viewed from the Perspective of Cultural Communication 从文化交流的角度看异化与归化 |
An Appraisal Approach to Respondent’s Speech Reaction towards Questioner’s Questions in Courtroom 从评价理论看庭审中答者对问者的言语反应 |
A Cognitive Perspective on Politeness: Relevance-Theoretic Pragmatics of Utterance Politeness 礼貌研究的认知视角━━关联论对话礼貌的阐释 |
A Functional Study of Extraposition in Englishi 英语外置结构之功能研究 |
An Inexorable Exposure Ending in an Inevitable Compromi━━Reading Analysis of George Bernard Shaw’s Major Barbara 无情的揭露与无奈的妥协━━ppt画流程图萧伯纳剧作《巴巴拉少校》之解读 |
他者与自我分裂——拉康主体理论观照下的康拉德作品任务分析 The Other and Self-Disintegration ——An Interpretation of the Characters in Conrad’s Fiction in the Light of Lacan’s Theory of Subject |
翻译与再创作──功能翻译理论视角下对庞德《华夏集》的个案分析 Translation and Re-creation ──An Analysis of Ezra Pound’s Cathay From the Perspective of Functionalist Approach to Translation |
翻译中的功能对等 ——对红楼梦两个英译版本的比较研究 Functional Equivalence in Translation —— A Comparative Study of two English Versions of Hongloumeng |
英汉议论文修辞对比分析 A Contrastive Analysis of Rhetoric in English and Chine Argumentative Texts |
汉语仿拟的认知研究 A Cognitive Study of Parody in Chine |
询问和陈述:修辞问句的认知语用研究 Asking Questions and Making Statements: A Cognitive Pragmatic Study of Rhetorical Questions |
喜剧小品幽默语篇的语境研究 The Contextual on the Humorous Discour in Comic Sketches |
《艺术人生》电视谈话节目的会话特点研究 A Study of the TV Talk show Artistic Life: From the Perspective of Conversation Analysis |
中国刑事辩护词的语篇语义分析 Discour Semantic Analysis of Statements of Defen in Chine Criminal Trial |
东晋皇帝 汉语公示语动态顺应研究 Rearch on the Dynamic Adaptability of Public Signs in China |
Euphemism Study: Inheritance between Connotation(s) and Denotation(s) 委婉语研究的逻辑视角 |
Generative Holistic View: The Generation of Xiehouyu 生成整体论视角下歇后语的生成 |
蒸锅蒸米饭Puns and Counterpart Correspondence 双关和仿体对应 |
A Cognitive Study on the Distribution of Discour Anaphora in English Literature英语文学作品中语篇照应分布的认知研究 |
Rhetorical Organizations of Argumentative Essays by English and Chine Natives: A Contrastive Study英汉议论文语篇修辞结构对比研究 |
A Study on Noun-Noun ompounds in English Neologisms—From the Perspective of Conceptual Integration Theory英语新词名-名复合词研究——概念整合视角 |
Cognitive Approach to Conceptual Metaphors in English Advertiments英语广告中概念隐喻的认知分析 |
A Study of Europeanized Structures in Chine 汉语欧化结构研究 |
A Stylistic Study on Lyrics of American Country Songs 美国乡村歌曲歌词的文体研究 |
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