Definitions of Communication
Communication is process of nding and receiving messages.
Communication is a two way transfer of information, idea, concept ,or feeling
As a process, communication has synonyms such as expressing feelings, conversing, speaking, corresponding, writing, and listening and exchanging.
Communication Process
Communication is the process of nding and receiving messages.
The communication process involves six basic steps.
Communication is a dynamic动态的, transactional (two-way双向的) process that can be broken into six phas.
1. The nder has an idea. You conceive构想 an idea and want to share it.
2. The nder encodes译成密码 the idea. .You decide on the message’推进计划s form (word,
facial expression, gesture), length, organization, tone, and style, which all depend on your idea, your audience, and your personal style or mood.
3. The nder transmits传输 the message. To physically transmit your message to your receiver, you lect a communication channel (verbal or nonverbal, spoken or written) and a medium (telephone, letter, memo, e-mail, report, face-to-face exchange).
4. The receiver gets the message. For communication to occur, your receiver must first get the message.
5. The receiver decodes破译 the message. Your receiver must 彬彬有礼的意思decode (absorb understand and mentally store) your message.
6. The receiver nds feedback. After decoding your message, the receiver responds in some way and signals that respon to you. This feedback lets you evaluate the effectiveness of your message.
Element of communication沟通的要素
Goal: What result do you ek?
Audience: Define your audience.
Context: Communication occurs in a special environment.
Message: What message will achieve your goal.
Media: Which medium will convey your message most effectively?
Feedback: Communication is not an act but a process.
Goal of communication目标杯酒释兵权
The message is received. The message is understood.The message is accepted.Receiver responds to the message. 沟通目标四个层次;
沟通的目的不是行为本身,而在结果,如果对方在理解、接受我们传递的信息, 能够改变行为和态度, 那么沟通可以产生预期的结果,这是沟通目标最完美的体现。
如果我们不能实现以上四个目标中的任何一个,杏花造句 说明沟通的失败。
hard同义词Fundamental communication principles沟通的基本原则
Communication is perception.Communication is expectation.
中继模式Communication makes demands.
Communication is perception知觉
Always ask question “ Can the audience receive it”“Can they understand it?”
Only what has actually been understood will have been communicated.
Communication is expectation
Understand your audience interests and expectation
Communication makes demands
Communication always demands the recipient 容易接受do something.
Types of communication 沟通类型
Verbal communication : ¡° through the u of words¡±ppt图形 语言沟通
Oral communication
Written communication
Non-verbal communication: “ without the u of words” . 非语言沟通
Facial Expression
Body motions
A variety of other symbols, signs and behaviors
The importance of communication
Communication is important to business.
Deliver information交付信息
Stronger business relationship .
Increa productivity提高生产率
Encourage participation of employee鼓励雇员参与
Stimulate creativity within the organization 刺激组织内的创造力
The importance of communication to you
Business needs good communicators.
Communication skill is one of the most esntial job requirement.
High correlation高度相关 between communication skill and career success.
Manager and communication
Manager must be able to communicate easily and efficiently.
Most of managerial tasks s required communication to succeed.
Call the meeting, write the memo; initiate the conversation; nd the E-mail; give the speech.
Understand Business communication
Business communication is a dynamic, multi-channeled process, which covers internal as
well as external communication in a given organization.
Organization structure
Internal communication内部沟通
The communication takes place within a given organization.
This is the communication among the business’s workers that is done to implement the business’s operating plan.
Upward Communication向上
Downward Communication向下
Horizontal Communication平行