玫瑰的刺Get prepared for intercultural communication?
Communication——your ability to share your beliefs, values, ideas, and feelings——is the basis of all human contact. Whether you live in a city in Canada, a village in India, a commune in Israel, you cannot avoid communication with each other. But how about communication between different cultures? Are you well prepared for that? Before you do that, there are a few points you’d better keep in mind as stated below.
What is intercultural communication
Intercultural communication in its most basic form refers to an academic field of study and rearch. Its eks to understand how people from different countries and cultures behave, communicate and perceive the world around them. The findings of such academic rearch are then applied to 'real life' situations such as how to create cultural synergy between people from different cultures within a business or how psychologists understand their patients. The definition of intercultural communication must also include strands of the field that contribute to it such as anthropology, cultural studies, psychology
and communication. 昔日的近义词
工作电流Intercultural communication is not new. As long as people from different cultures have been encountering one another there has been intercultural communication. What is new, however, is the systematic study of exactly what happens when cross-culture contacts and interaction take place—when message producer and message receiver are from different cultures. Incread contact among cultures makes it imperative for people to make a concerted effort to get along with and understand tho who believes and backgrounds may be vastly different from their own. Successful intercultural communication is a matter of highest importance if humankind and society are to survive. Thus, theoretical and practical knowledge about intercultural communication process and ability, through incread awareness and understanding, to coexist peacefully with people who do not necessarily share our own life styles or values, is esntial to guarantee successful communication.
Language is a way of marking cultural identity. Language differs, on the other hand, from
other phenomena in that it is ud to refer to other phenomena and has usually to be ud to refer beyond itlf. Language in u by particular speakers is constantly referring beyond itlf irrespective at the intentions of the speaker: language cannot be ud without carrying meaning and referring beyond itlf, even in the most sterile environment of the foreign language class. The meanings of a particular language point to the culture of a particular social group, and the analysis of tho meanings—their comprehension by learners and other speakers—involves the analysis and comprehension of that culture. It disregards the nature of language to treat language independently of the culture which it constantly refers to. No doubt all language teaching contains some explicit reference to the culture; the whole from which the particular language is taken. The interdependence of language learning and culture learning is so evident that we can draw the conclusion that language learning is culture learning and conquently that language teaching is culture teaching.
What are elements of human communication
Elements of human communication are the context of the communication, the participants, the messages being communicated, the channels through which the communication occurs, the prence or abnce of “noi”, and the verbal and nonverbal respons known as feedback.
祖国颂朗诵As receivers attempt to decode the meaning of messages, they are likely to give some kind of verbal or nonverbal respon. Paying attention to both verbal and nonverbal feedback allows us to behave in ways that increa understanding of our messages. Feedback rves uful functions for both nders and receivers: in provides nders with the opportunity to measure how they are coming across, and it provides receivers with the opportunity to exert some influence over the communication process. Verbal communication is, "the ways in which you u the words in a language to generate meaning." It is esntially any communication that us language, whether it is oral or written. Symbols are ud throughout verbal communication as sounds combined to make words-they symbolize ideas, thoughts, etc. Without symbols, communication would be meaningless.
How High-context and Low- context cultures influence intercultural communication
According to Hall, cultures differ on a continuum that ranges from high to low context. High-context cultures prefer to u high- context messages which are implicit, indirect, conveyed primarily through the context or the social situation. Low-context cultures prefer to u low-context messages, in which the majority of the information is vested in the explicit code. There are manifestations of high-context and low-context cultures that influence intercultural communication. for example, members of low-context cultures expect messages to be detailed, clear-cut, and definite. If there are not enough data, or if the point being made is not apparent, members of the cultures will ask very blunt, even curt, questions. They feel uncomfortable with the vagueness and ambiguity often associated with limited data. On the other hand, high-context people are not apt to become impatient and irritated when low- context people insist on giving them information they don’t need. The communication differences between high-context and low-context cultures are also apparent in the manner in which each approach conflict. For example, becau high-context cultures tend to be less open, they hold that conflict is damaging to
most communication encounters. For them, conflict should be dealt with discreetly and subtly.