人称指示 personal deixis
时间指示temporal deixis
命题内容条件propositional content condition:a speaker predicts a future act
预备条件preparatory condition:speaker believe that doing something is in hearer’s benefit
真诚条件sincerity condition:speaker intends to do A
基本条件esntial condition:speaker undertaken an obligation to do an act
合作原则的四准则:Quantity Maxim,Quality Maxim,Relation Maxim,Manner Maxim
Quantity:make your contribution as information as is required;do not make your contribution more informative than is required.社会实践活动有哪些
Quality:do not say what you believe to be fal;do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.
Manner:avoid obscunty of expression;avoid ambiguity;be brief;be orderly.
会话含义五特点:a可取消性cancellability或可废除性defeasibility: the prence of a conversational implicature relies on a number of factors, the conversational meaning of words ud the CP, the linguistic and situational contact,ect. If any of them changes, the implicature will also change;
b不可分离性non-detachability:it is means that a conversational implicature is attached to the mantic contact of what is said,not to the linguistic form. Therefore, an impilcature will not be detached from the utterance as a whole;
c可推导性calculability: lmplicatures are calculable, when somebody say sth, which apparently does not make n at the superficial level, you will not simply think that he’s talking nonn and stop thinking about it anymore. You will instead try to find out its implied meaning at a deeper level;
d非归约性non-conversationality: it is by definition different from the conventional meaning of words;
Lakeoff’s politeness rules: don’t persuade others into acception your view; leave room for discussion;
strengthen the relationship between each other.
礼貌六原则 tact maxim:minimize:cost to other; maximize: benefit to other.
Generosity maxim: minimize: benefit to lf; maximize: cost to lf.
Approbation maxim: minimize: disprai of other; maximize: prai of other.
脆弱的近义词Modesty maxim: minimize: prai of lf; maximize: disprai of lf.
Agreement maxim: minimize: disagreement between lf and others; maximize: agreement between lf and others.
Sympathy maxim: minimize antipathy between lf and others; maximize: sympathy between lf and others.
子威胁行为face threatening acts FTA
礼貌策略五类:直接性bald on record strategy;正面礼貌positive politeness strategy;负面礼貌nega
tive politeness strategy;间接性implicating record strategy;放弃实施威胁面子的行为refraining from the act.
暗含前提implicated premi 暗含结论implicated conclusion
xiaji代码模式code model(message model):传播者nder,receiver,message,encoding,decoding,message channel,reference frame,feedback
关联轮提倡的交际模式叫明示-推理交际ostensive-inferential communication
礼貌总则GSP grand strategy of politeness
Vagueness:it refers to linguistic units or patterns that are indeterminate and have referencial indefinable.
1.Indexical(指示语) refers to the phenomenon where in understanding the meaning of certain words
and phras in an utterance requires contextual information, words are deictic if their mantic meaning is fixed but their denotation meaning varies depending on line/ place. .
2.speech act theory(言语行为理论):speech acts as they express the speaker’s intention. Also, the speech act is a function of ntence meaning.
3.Locutionary act (以言指示行为): the act of uttering words, phras, clau. conveying literal meaning;
4.illocutionary act(以言行事行为):the act of expressing the speaker’s intention. conveying meaning in context
5.perlocutionary act(以言成事行为)the effect of the utterance.
7.CP(cooperative principle合作原则):our conversations are characteristically cooperative and participate recognizes a common purpo,or at least a mutually accepted direction. We follow principles of quantity, quality relations and manner.
8.politeness(礼貌): it refers to proper social conduct and tactful consideration of others. It contrasts with rudeness. What counts as being polite in a given contact is social culturally and historically determined.
10.linguistic adaptation theory(语言顺应论):in the language lection process, context and structure of language to dynamically generate interactive discour meaning, the choice of language must actively respond to specific context and language structure.
<(模因):a type of behavior that is pasd from one member of a group to another, not in the genes but by another means such as people copying it.
(前提):is an implicit assumption about the world or background belief relating to an utterance who truth is taken for granted in discour..
13.performatives(施为句):performatives are not verifiable; they are uttered to perform a certain act.
15.pragmatics(语用学):is the study of meaning in context. It deals with particular utterances in particular situations and is especially concerned with the various ways in which many social contexts of language performance can influence interpretation.