CPI Consumer Price Index
PPI Producer Price Index
JVC joint venture company 合资公司
K. D. knocked down 拆散
K. D. knocked down price 成交价格
L. B. letter book 书信备查簿
LB licend bank 许可银行
L.& D. loans and discounts 放款及贴现
Li. liability 负债
LI letter of interest (intent) 意向书
lifo (LIFO) last in, first out 后进先出法
上海苏州L. I. P. (LIP) life insurance policy 人寿保险单LIRCs low interest rate currencies 低利率货币
L/M list of materials 材料清单
LMT local mean time 当地标准时间
LRP limited recour project 有限追索项目LRPF limited recour project financing 有限追索项目融资
i. s. lump sum 一次付款总额
M. M. money market 货币市场
驾驶视频MMDA money market deposit account 货币市场存款帐户
MMI major market index 主要市场指数MNC multinational corporation 跨(多)国公司
MNE multinational enterpri 跨国公司
MO (M. O.) money order 汇票
推陈出新意思王献之MOS management operating system 经营管理制度
Mos. months 月
MP market price 市价
M/P months after payment 付款后......月
MPC marginal propensity to consume 边际消费倾向
Mrge.(mtg. ) mortgage 抵押
MRJ materials requisition journal 领料日记帐
MRO maintenance, repair and operation 维护、修理及操作
MRP manufacturer's recommended price 厂