Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks.
1. _____ was memorized and honored as “the heart of all hearts” after his death.【答案】Percy Bysshe Shelley
2. _____ is George Gordon Byron’s poetic drama with the material taken from Biblical story.
3. Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote an elegy _____ lamenting the early death of his fellow-poet _____.
【答案】Adonais;John Keats
4. _____ and _____ gave great impetus to the ri of the Romantic Movement.
【答案】The French Revolution;the English Industrial Revolution
5. _____ was the first poet in Europe who sang for the working people. His political lyrics are among the best of their kind in the whole sphere of European romantic poetry.
【答案】Percy Bysshe Shelley
【解析】珀西·比希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)深受自由与及竞拍思想的影响,一生都执著地反抗社会的残忍与不公,战争与剥削。他是欧洲第一位歌颂工人阶级和为工人阶级呐喊的诗人。
6. After his cond book Endymion appeared in 1818, _____ gave up medicine for poetry.
【答案】John Keats
【解析】1818年约翰·济慈(John Keats)发表了其第二首诗作《恩底弥翁》(Endymion),他从此弃医从文,勤奋地投入到诗歌创作中。
7. The Eve of St. Agnes is a narrative poem written in _____.
【答案】Spenrian stanzas
【解析】《圣阿格尼丝节前夕》(The Eve of St. Agnes)是约翰·济慈以“斯宾塞诗节”的方式创作的一首诗,诗的韵律为ababbcbcc。
8. The theme of _____ is the conflict between the old and the new, and the story is derived from Greek mythology. In this work, the poet express the eternal law of nature—the passing of an old order of things and the coming of anew.
9. In 1824, the Revolutionary Romantic poet _____ went to Greece to help that country in its struggle for liberty against Turks. Not long, he died of fever there. 【答案】George Gordon Byron
10. The poem Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage contains _____ cantos. It is written in _____.
【答案】four;Spenrian stanza.
11. _____ is George Gordon Byron’s philosophical poetic drama.
12. _____ was expelled after only six months at Oxford, becau he had written the
pamphlet The Necessity of Atheism.
【答案】Percy Bysshe Shelley
【解析】珀西·比希·雪莱出生于贵族家庭,从伊顿公学毕业后进入牛津大学学习。但是仅六个月后他便因为发表了反宗教的小册子《无神论的必然性》(The Necessity of Atheism)而被开除。
13. After the death of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s first wife, he was compelled to leave
England in 1818, and spent all the rest of his life in _____.
14. The Masque of Anarchy is one of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s political lyrics. It deals
with the infamous _____ which happened on August 16, 1819.
【答案】Peterloo Massacre
Ⅱ.Multiple Choice
1. Which poem tells a story similar to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet?
A. Isabella.
B. The Eve of St. Agnes.
C. Lamia.
D. All for Love.
2. Which work is not bad on ancient Greek mythology?
A. Prometheus Bound.
B. Prometheus Unbound.
C. Endymion.
D. Paradi Lost.
3. Which of the following statements is not true about Don Juan?
A. Don Juan was written in Italy during the years 1818-1823.
B. The story describes Don Juan’s, an English youth of noble birth, life and
adventures in many countries.
C. In a Greek island, Don Juan met his sweetheart, Haidee, and fell in love.
D. The last cantos are taken up with a satirical description of the English ruling
class, who reactionary policy has aroud the hatred from the other nations.
4. In which of the following poems does Percy Bysshe Shelley describe a procession of horrible, disgusting masks which may be regarded as an allegorical picture of the contemporary rulers of England?
A. The Indian Serenade.
B. Love’s Philosophy.
C. Song to the Men of England.
D. Masque of Anarchy.
5. The unfinished long epic _____ has been regarded as John Keats’s greatest achievement in poetry.
A. Endymion
B. Isabella
C. Hyperion
D. Ode to a Nightingale