点击职业英语第二册学生频道 (Zoom In II)
第3单元夏天的好句 7. Reading (page 30)
C. Find out which is better for your health: to be heavy and exerci regularly, or to be thin and not exerci.
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Samantha Rogers, a New York writer in her late 30s is a big woman. But this doesn’t usually
萨曼莎·罗杰斯,纽约作家,快40岁了,是个大块头的女人。 但这却并没有给她带来太多
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bother her. She has a good life. She buys good quality food, and tries to follow a healthy diet. She
的困扰。 她生活得很好。 她常买优质的食物,饮食习惯很健康。
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sleeps eight hours a night. She walks or cycles to work. She goes to her health club or jogs almost
她每晚睡8小时。 每天步行或者骑脚踏车去公司上班。 她几乎天天都去健身俱乐部或者进行慢跑。
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every day. She’s 180 centimeters tall and weighs 93 kilos. To some people she doesn’t look very
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overweight. However, according to the United States government, Samantha Rogers is obe.
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To Rogers, the idea of being obe is very uptting. Although she isn’t slim, no one would 对于罗杰斯来说,肥胖这个说法实在让人太难以接受了。虽然她并不苗条,但也不能说是肥胖啊。
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say that she is very fat. She feels great and leads an active life. Think of Olympic weight lifters or
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Sumo wrestlers. They are overweight by the standards but they are also very strong. So the 观后感200字
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question for Rogers and others like her is this: Can a person be both in great shape and heavy?
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Doctors and health professionals discusd that question at meeting of the American College
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of Sports Medicine this month.
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Dr. Roberta Sinclair, an obesity rearcher at the University of Quebec, feels that exerci
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alone cannot stop heart dia.
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“Samantha Rogers is exercising. This is good. But she also needs a low-fat diet to help her
“萨曼莎·罗杰斯一直保持运动, 这很好。 不过她也仍然依靠低热量饮食来帮助
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lo 11 to 13 kilos,” said Dr. Sinclair. “With obesity there is a major risk of heart trouble.”
减掉11至13公斤体重。”辛克莱博士说, “肥胖症最主要的风险就是心脏问题。”
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Dr. Steven N. Johnson, a doctor with the Dallas Medical Institute, disagrees. “Her exerci
史蒂芬·N·约翰逊博士,达拉斯医学院研究所的医生,则不同意这个观点: “她的日常
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routine is improving her health,” Dr. Johnson said. “She’s better heavy and exercising than thin
运动 (习惯) 有助于她的身体健康,” 约翰逊博士说, “虽然胖但保持运动比虽然瘦但从不运动要好得多。
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