Ministry of Defence
Defence Standard 81-68
Issue 3 Publication Date 15 March 2002 Bags, Desiccant, Silica Gel and
Bags, Desiccant, Activated Clay社交能力英文
有奖游戏Date Text Affected Signature and Date Amd.
This standard is raid to Issue 3 to update its content, in accordance with the requirements of Defence Standard 81-41 and Defence Standard 00-00 (Part 2)/2. Reference to Agreed Industry Standard and testing have been removed.
This standard superdes the following:
Defence Standard 81-68 Issue 2dated April 1998
Defence Standard 81-68 Issue 1dated September 1988
CPU/CON/205-1dated July 1984
UK/SC/3460dated August 1976
UK/SC/3272dated March 1975
DEF STAN 81-68/3
Description Page
Content 1 Preface 2 Main Text 3
1Scope 3 2Warning 3 3Related Documents 3 4Definitions 4 5 Information to be Supplied by the Purchar 4 6Material Requirements 4 7Manufacture 5 8Test Requirements 5 SECTION 2 PACKAGING
9 Packaging of Desiccant Bags 8
10 Storage and U of Packaged Desiccant 8
11 Marking 9 Table A Bags Filled with Silica Gel 6 Table B Bags Filled with Activated Clay 6 Table C Tests of Bag Material 7 Table D Moisture Uptake Limits 7 Table E Summary of Shelf Life Requirements 10
ANNEX A Determination of Resistance to Dropping and Dusting 11
DEF STAN 81-68/3
Standards for Defence
Bags, Desiccant, Silica Gel and Bags, Desiccant, Activated Clay
a. This Defence Standard specifies bags filled with either silica gel or activated clay for u in Services desiccated (Defence Standard 81-41 (Part 2), Method II) packaging by the Ministry of Defence (MOD).
b. This standard has been produced by the Defence Packaging Authority (D Pkg A), Defence Logistic Organisation (DLO) /Corporate Technical Services (CTS).
c. This standard has been agreed by the authorities concerned with its u and is intended to be ud whenever relevant in all future designs, contracts, orders etc. and whenever practicable by amendment to tho already in existence. If any difficulty aris which prevents application of the Defence Standard (Def Stan), the Directorate of Standardization (DStan) shall be informed so that a remedy may be sought.
考核办法d. Any enquiries regarding this standard in relation to an invitation to tender or a contract in which it is incorporated are to be addresd to the responsible technical or supervising authority named in the invitation to tender or contract.
e. Compliance with this Defence Standard shall not in itlf relieve any person from any legal obligations impod upon them.
f. This standard has been devid solely for the u of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and its contractors in the execution of contracts for the MOD. To the extent permitted by law, the MOD hereby excludes all liability whatsoever and howsoever arising (including, but without limitation, liabili
没教养ty resulting from negligence) for any loss or damage however caud when the standard is ud for any other purpo.
DEF STAN 81-68/3
Standards for Defence
Bags, Desiccant, Silica Gel and Bags, Desiccant, Activated Clay
This Defence Standard specifies requirements for the manufacture, performance, testing and storage of bags filled with either silica gel or activated clay for u as a drying agent inside
a water vapour-proof or water vapour-resistant barrier for MOD packaging.
The Ministry of Defence (MOD), like its contractors, is subject to both United Kingdom and European laws regarding Health and Safety at Work, without exemption. All Defence Standards either directly or indirectly invoke the u of process and procedures that could be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. Defence Standards or their u in no way absolves urs from complying with statutory and legal requirements relating to Health and Safety at Work.
3.1 The publications shown below are referred to in the text of this standard. Publications are grouped and then listed in alphanumeric order.
变胖Designation Title
BS 2540 Specification for Granular Desiccant Silica Gel
BS 3266 Methods of Test for Determination of Conductivity, pH, Water
Soluble Matter, Chloride and Sulphate in Aqueous Extracts of
Textile Materials
BS 7529 Specification for Desiccant Activated Clay
BS 7554 Specification for Beaded Desiccant Silica Gel
Def Stan 81-41 Packaging of Defence Materiel
3.2 Reference in this standard to any related document means in any invitation to tender or contract the edition and all amendments current at the date of such tender or contract unless a specific edition is indicated.
3.3 In consideration of 3.2 above, urs shall be fully aware of the issue and amendment status of all related documents, particularly when forming part of an invitation to tender or contract. Responsibility for the correct application of standards rests with urs.
3.4DStan can advi regarding where related documents are obtained from. Requests for such information can be made to the DStan Help desk. How to contact the help desk is shown on the outside rear cover of Defence Standards.