Working Paper No. 06/08
State-of-the-art rearch:
Optimal investment in market-bad
electric power systems
Einar Hope and Frode Skjeret
SNF Project No. 8600
Energy Foresight Rearch
The project is financed by the Nordic Energy Rearch
BERGEN, APRIL 2008二次元女生
ISSN 0803-4928
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This paper documents the State-of-the-art rearch part of the rearch grant 06-MARK-I25 from the Nordic Energy Rearch to the Energy Forum EF for 2007-09, administered by the SNF. The state-of-the-art topic chon for 2007 was “Optimal investment in market-bad electric power systems: Market and regulatory issues”. A prentation of the project, with some preliminary obrvations and discussion, was given by the first author, Einar Hope, at the Energy Foresight Symposium (EFS) in Bergen in March 2007; e /energyforumef.
A Reference Group was appointed for this part of the project, consisting of Professors Eirik S. Amundn, University of Copenhagen, Fridrik Mar Baldursson, University of Iceland, Lars Bergman, Stockholm School of Economics, and Pertti Haaparanta, Helsinki School of Economics. We thank the members of the RG for constructive advice and comments.
The literature survey in ction 5 of the paper builds partly on SNF-report R02/08: Overview of investments in electricity asts, written by the cond author of the paper, Frode Skjeret. This Report is financed by the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) and Statnett. There is no financial overlap between that project and the prent NER-project.
1. Introduction (1)
2. Market characteristics and properties of electric power (3)
3. Objectives and performance criteria (4)
4. Potential sources of market failure for optimal electric
power investment (5)
5. Investment in electric power systems: A survey of the literature (6)
5.1 Investment in generation (7)
5.1.1 Licensing (7)
5.1.2 Profitability (7)
5.1.3 Market rules and operations (8)
5.1.4 Access charges (11)
5.1.5 Lumpy investment (14)帅气动漫男头
5.2 Investment in transmission (14)解除劳动合同协议
5.2.1 Licensing and public resistance (14)
5.2.2 Transmission investment and transmission enhancement (15)
6. Interdependencies between investment in production
and transmission (18)
7.Will optimal investment occur? Some reflections (22)
7.1. Investment in competitive power markets (23)
7.1.1 Economies of scale and scope (23)
7.1.2 Exerci of market power (24)
7.1.3 Environmental effects of production and consumption of electricity
(externalities) (25)
7.1.4 End-u investment (26)
7.2 Investment in electric power networks (28)
7.2.1 Network structure and organization (28)
番茄丸子汤的做法7.3 Security of supply and regulation (30)
8. Concluding remarks (32)