宝宝笑声审计长首席助理(Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Comptroller))
项目分析评估主任(Director for Program Analysis and Evaluation)负责采办、技术与后勤的副部长(Under Secretary of Defen for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics)
国防研究与工程局局长(Director of Defen Rearch and Engineering)
负责采办与技术的副部长助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Acquisition and Technology))
负责后勤与物资战备的副部长助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Logistics and Material Readiness))
负责三防(核生化)项目的国防部长助手(Assistant to the Secretary of Defen (Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defen Programs))弱小企业综合利用主任(Director of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization)
负责采办改革的副部长助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Acquisition Reform))
负责先进系统与概念的副部长助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Advanced Systems and Concepts))
负责环境安全的副部长助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Environmental Security))
负责工业事务的副部长助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defen煎汤圆
(Industrial Affairs))
负责各种设施的副部长助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Installations))
负责科学技术的副部长助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Science and Technology))
负责人事与战备的副部长(Under Secretary of Defen for Personnel and Readiness)
负责部队管理政策的助理部长(Assistant Secretary of Defen (Force Management Policy))冷门行业
负责卫生事务的助理部长(Assistant Secretary of Defen (Health Affairs))
负责后备队的助理部长(Assistant Secretary of Defen (Rerve Affairs))
负责战备的副部长助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Readiness))
负责项目集成的副部长助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Program Integration))
负责规划的副部长助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Planning))
电磁炉不检锅负责政策的副部长(Under Secretary of Defen for Policy)
负责政策的副部长首席助理(Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Policy))
负责国际安全事务的助理部长(Assistant Secretary of Defen (International Security Affairs))
负责战略与缓解威慑的助理部长(Assistant Secretary of Defen (Strategy and Threat Reduction))
负责特种作战与低强度冲突的助理部长(Assistant Secretary of Defen (Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict))
负责政策支持的副部长助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Policy Support))
负责科技安全政策的副部长助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defen (Technology Security Policy))
北约美国代表团防务顾问,Defen Advisor, U.S. Mission NATO
负责情报的副部长(Under Secretary of Defen for Intelligence)
负责指挥、控制、通讯与情报(C3I)的助理部长(Assistant Secretary of Defen (Command, Control, Communication s, and Intelligence))
负责法律事务的助理部长(Assistant Secretary of Defen (Legislative Affairs))
负责公共事务的助理部长(Assistant Secretary of Defen (Public Affairs))
总法律顾问(General Counl of the Department of Defen)
作战试验与论证局局长(Director of Operational Test and Evaluation)
负责情报监督的副部长助理(Assistant to the Secretary of Defen (Intelligence Oversight))
离我最近的夜市街行政管理局局长(Director of Administration and Management)
基本评估办公室主任(Director of Net Asssment)
国防部总监察长(Inspector General of the Department of Defen):汤马斯·金波
第一副总检察长(Principal Deputy Inspector General)
条令局局长(Dean of Instruction)
高级军事官员(Senior Military Officer)
负责行政管理的总监察长助理(Assistant Inspector General for Administration and Management)
负责在国会等机构任联络官的总监察长助理(Assistant Inspector General, Congressional/Committee Liaison)
总顾问(General Counl)
负责审计的副总监察长(Deputy Inspector General for Auditing)
负责审计的总监察长第一助理(Principal Assistant Inspector General (Audit))
负责审计的总监察长助理(Assistant Inspector General (Auditing))
负责审计的总监察长副助理(Deputy Assistant Inspector General (Auditing))
学会宽容各军种各审计局(Service Audit Agencies)
负责政策与监督的副总监察长(Deputy Inspector General for Policy and Oversight)
负责审计政策监督的总监察长助理(Assistant Inspector General
(Audit Policy Oversight))
负责审查与评估的总监察长助理(Assistant Inspector General (Inspection & Evaluations))
负责调查政策和监督的总监察长助理(Assistant Inspector General (Investigation Policy & Oversight))
走一个崩一个热线处处长(Director of Hotline})
反诈骗处处长(Director of ADU)
定量方法处处长(Director of QMD)
数据挖掘处处长(Director of Data Mining)
各军种总监察长(Service Inspector Generals)
负责调查的副总监察长(Deputy Inspector General for Investigations)高级官员调查处处长(Director for Investigations of Senior Officials)赔偿调查处处长(Director for Military Reprisal Investigation)平民赔偿调查处处长(Director for Civilian Reprisal Investigation)国防刑事调查处处长(Director for enefen Criminal Investigative Service)
国防刑事调查处副处长(Deputy Director for Defen Criminal Investigative Service)
美国陆军犯罪调查司令部(en:U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command)
海军罪案调查处(en:Naval Criminal Investigative Service)
空军特别调查处(en:Air Force Office of Special Investigations)