(2001 VERSION)
MARCH 2001
(Unofficial Translation)
S.No | Chapter | page |
1 | General Provision | 3 |
2 | HSE Concept and Policy | 5 |
3 | The Responsibilities of CONTRACTOR | 道歉7 |
4 | Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | 8 |
5 | Safe Work Practice | 9 |
6 | Management of Access | 10 |
7 | Transportation | 11 |
8 | Work Permit System | 11 |
9 | Equipment operator’s Qualification | 13 |
10 | Welding and cutting | 轿车座套 14 |
11 | Pressure test on drilling rig | 14 |
12 | Safe crane operation | 礼的作文16 |
13 | Sling safety | 16 |
14 | Personnel Basket | 凉拌土豆片的做法 17 |
15 | Prevention of fire, explosion and sulfureted hydrogen | 17 |
16 | Pollution prevention | 18 |
17 | 快速填充Emergency respon | 19 |
我的小书包18 | Emergency medical treatment | 20 |
19 | Accident , personal injury and hazardous incident report芽苗菜 | 20 |
20 | Dangerous goods notification | 22 |
21 | Communication | 22 |
22 | Drug, alcohol, powder and weapon | 22 |
23 | Applicable laws, codes and standards | 24 |
| | |
Chapter 1: General Provision
1.1 In accordance with the Concept and Policy on Health, Safety and Environmental protection(HSE) of CNOOC China Limited, it is necessary to specify the minimum HSE requirements in the engineering and rvice contracts or agreement(hereafter referred to as ‘CONTRACTOR Agreement’), for the purpo of good practice of HSE by both COMPANY and CONTRACTOR during the performance of contracts.
1.2 The main purpo of THE GUIDELINES ON THE MINIMUM HSE REQUIREMENTS IN CONTRACTOR’S’ AGREEMENT (2001 Version) (hereafter referred to as The Guideline) is to provide guidance to the concerned departments and personnel of COMPANY, and its branch companies and project teams and prent the the minimum HSE requirements when tting up the agreements with CONTRACTOR.
1.3 The overall target of the minimum HSE requirements in CONTRACTOR’s Agreement is defined as:
1.3.1 To comply with the national legal rules and regulations, to meet with the concerned regulations, standards and management regulations of concerned departments
1.3.2 To reprent COMPANY’s HSE concept and policy. And follow COMPANY’s HSE management rules, systems and procedures.
1.3.3 To specify the HSE responsibilities, obligations and rights of each party in the agreement; to define the responsible party and the insurer regarding unexpected harm and damages on persons, equipment, facilities and accidental damages in the agreements.
1.3.4 To monitor and supervi CONTRACTOR to put Safety on the top of all the work;to adopt reasonable and effective safety and enviroment protection technology, measures, regulations, systems and methods in order to plan, organize, arrange and implement all kings of engineering rvices and operation.
1.3.5 To promote internationally recognized good HSE practices and encourage continuo
us improvement.It is emphasized that both parties should conduct wide cooperation in accidents prevention, loss control, environmental protectiona and accidents investigation.
昆虫记片段1.3.6 To maintain COMPANY’s basic benefits; to prevent COMPANY profits and image from being damaged due to CONTRACTOR’s’ malpractice or misbehaviours in HSE
1.4 All the claus described in THE GUIDELINE are determined on the basis of the concerned laws, rules and regulations, related HSE Standards, well known and good practices of HSE; they are the minimum HSE requirements impod by COMPANY for Contrators.
1.5 If there is any conflict between any clau of The Guideline and national law, rules and regulations, it shall be regarded as The Clau is automatically revid, the other unaffected claus shall remain applicable. The purpo of HSE within The Guideline shall obtain kind understanding and compliance.
1.6 The HSE contents described in Chapter 2 and following chapters of The Guideline ar
e the detailed contents, which are recommended for consideration by The Guideline. They do not reprent the whole of COMPANY’s minimum HSE requirements for CONTRACTOR. COMPANY does not demand branch companies and project teams to accommodate all the contents into CONTRACTOR’s’ Agreement. Branch companies and project teams should, in accordance with THE GUIDELINE, in connection with the Management of CONTRACTOR’S HSE Performance,project modes and scope of rvice and so on, define the detailed claus, contents and measures of the minimum HSE requirements impod in the CONTRACTOR’S’ AGREEMENT.
1.7 If there is no conflict, The Guideline does not exclude the execution of CONTRACTOR’s HSE System and well-established good practices.