When Heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a great man, it always first frustrates his spirit and will, 新流星花园演员表exhausts his muscles and bones, expos him to starvation and poverty, harasses him by troubles and tbacks so as to stimulate his spirit, toughen his nature and enhance his abilities.
/ frʌˈstreɪt; US ˈfrʌstreɪt; ˋfrʌstret/ v [Tn]
(a) prevent (sb) from doing or achieving sth 阻止(某人)做成某事; 妨碍: He had hoped to t a new world record, but was frustrated by bad weather. 他本希望能创造新的世界纪录, 但因天气恶劣而未果. (b) make (efforts, etc) uless; defeat 使(努力等)无效; 失败: Bad weather has frustrated plans to launch the spacecraft today. 今日发射宇宙飞船的计画, 因天气恶劣而落空.
upt or discourage (sb) 扰乱或阻挠(某人); 使沮丧; 使灰心: Mary was frustrated by the lack of appreciation shown of her work. 玛丽因工作得不到赏识而灰心丧气.
> frustrated adj
1 (a) [pred 作表语] discouraged; not satisfied 令人灰心; 令人沮丧; 令人不满: As a nur she got very frustrated, but being an administrator ems to suit her. 她做护士很不顺心, 但当管理人员似乎倒很适合. (b) [attrib 作定语] unable to be successful in one's chon career 失意的; 不得志的; 受挫的: 佛印绝类弥勒的绝Film directors are sometimes frustrated actors. 电影导演有时是不得志的演员.
2 not satisfied xually 性慾上不满的.
frustrating adj annoying; discouraging 使人心烦的; 使人讨厌的; 使人灰心的; 使人沮丧的: I find it frustrating that I can't speak other languages. 我不会说别的语言, 感到惘然若失.
frustration / frʌˈstreɪʃn; frʌsˋtreʃən/ n 1 [U] (state of) being frustrated 灰心; 沮丧; 不满; 失意; 受挫.
[C] instance of this; disappointment 灰心; 沮丧; 不满; 挫折; 失意; 失望: 游戏观察记录Every job has its frustrations. 每种工作都有 让人不称心的地方.
exhaust 1
1 / ɪgˈzɔːst; ɪɡˋzɔst/ n
[U] waste fumes, gas, steam, etc expelled from an engine or a machine (机器排出的)废气﹑ 蒸气等: the smell of the exhaust 排出的废气气味 * [attrib 作定语] 绿萝变黄exhaust fumes 排出的废气.
(also 欢快的歌曲大全100首ex`haust-pipe) [C] outlet or pipe through which the gas are nt out 排气口; 排气管: My car needs a new exhaust. 我的汽车该换排气管了. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page xii.
exhaust 2笔记本电脑排名前十
/ ɪgˈzɔːst; ɪɡˋzɔst/ v [Tn]
定性因素[esp passive 尤用於被动语态] make (a person or an animal) very tired 使(人或动物)非常疲倦: The long cycle ride exhausted her. 汤姆叔叔的小屋好词好句她因长途骑车而疲惫不堪. * He exhausted himlf in the attempt. 他因十分努力而筋疲力尽.
u (sth) up completely 用尽, 耗尽(某物): exhaust one's patience, strength 失去耐性﹑ 用尽力气 * exhaust a money supply 把钱用光.
make (sth) empty; take out the contents of 将(某物)弄空; 取出(所含之物): exhaust a well 将井汲乾.
say, find out, all there is to say about (sth) 详尽论述(某事物): I think we've just about exhausted that subject. 我认为我们对这一问题已差不多是言无不尽了.