1. William Shakespeare 1.《维纳斯与阿多尼斯》《路克丽丝的被奸》:两首叙事长诗题献给南安普敦伯爵。 2.喜剧生涯第一阶段:五部历史剧:《亨利六世》上中下、《理查三世》《泰特斯。安装尼克斯》;四部喜剧:《错中错》《维罗纳二绅士》《驯悍记》《空爱一场》 3.第二阶段:五部历史剧:《查理二世》《约翰王》《亨利四世》上下《亨利五世》;六部喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》《威尼斯商人》《无事生非》《皆大欢喜》《第十二夜》《温莎的风流娘们儿》;两部悲剧:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《裘利斯。凯撒》 4.第三阶段:悲剧:《哈姆雷特》《奥赛罗》《李尔王》《麦克佩斯》《安东尼与克里奥特佩拉》《特洛伊勒斯与克莱希达》《考利欧雷诺斯》;两部喜剧:《终成眷属》《恶有恶报》 5.最后一个阶段:包括他主要的浪漫悲喜剧《波里克利斯》《新柏林》《冬天的故事》《暴风雨》;他最后的两个剧本《伪楚亨利八世》《二位高贵的亲戚》 6.《亨利四世》上下两部莎士比亚历史剧中最受广泛阅读的剧本。揭示了15世纪混乱的统治。一边为英国失去领土而悲痛,一边表现爱国主义精神。用戏剧性表现了1450年杰克。凯德起义期间压迫者与被压迫者之间的阶级斗争。谴责由封建贵族发起的玫瑰战争,在战争中无辜人民惨遭杀害。 7.《威尼斯商人》是喜剧作品中最重要的剧本。莎士比亚在该剧本中创造了紧张、模棱两可和同时既在心智上令人激动又在情感上引人入胜的自我意识的、自我愉悦的技巧。该剧暴露出犹太人永不满足的贪欲。 8.《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是成功的浪漫悲剧,它歌颂对爱情的忠诚和追求幸福的精神。虽是一部悲剧,但充满着乐观主义精神。 9.最伟大的悲剧:《哈姆雷特》《奥赛罗》《李尔王》《麦克白》。它们的共同特点:都描写某一位高贵的主人公,他面对人类生活的不公正并陷入困境,他的命运与整个民族的命运紧紧相连。每个主人公都有他的性格弱点:哈姆雷特面对着行动与思考之间的困境;奥赛罗的内心特点被外部邪恶势力所利用;老李尔王不愿意完全放弃权利,使自己忍受遭受背信弃义和不忠的痛苦;麦克白的权力欲激起他的野心并导致他的连续犯罪。 10.《暴风雨》是一个精心计划的幻想故事,被认为是他最后的浪漫传奇中最优秀的作品。是他晚年对人生和社会的悲观主义观点的典型例证。 | William Shakespeare 1.Venus and Adonis The Rape of Lucrece: both of which were dedicated to the Earl of Southampton. 2.The 1st period of Shakespeare’s dramatic career: 5 history plays: Henry VI, Parts I, II and III, Richard III and Titus Andronicus; and 4 comedies: The Comedy of Errors, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Taming of the Shrew途中跑, and Love’s Labour’s Lost 3.2nd period, 5 histories: Richard II, King John, Henry IV, Parts I and II, and Henry V; six comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 给蝴蝶上色The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and The Merry Wives of Windsor; and two tragedies: Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar 4.3rd period: Tragedies: Hamlet Othello King Lear Macbeth Antony and Cleopatra Troilus and Cressida Coriolanus; two comedies: All’s Well That Ends Well and Measure for Measure 5.Last period: includes his principal romantic tragicomedies: Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest; and his two final plays: Henry VIII and The Two Noble Kinsmen 6.Henry IV Parts I and II are undoutedly the most widely read among his history plays. It reveals a troubled reign in the 15th century. Shakespeare prents the patriotic spirit when mourning over the loss of English territories in France. He also dramatizes the class struggle between the oppressors and the oppresd during Jake Cade’s rising of 1450. He condemns the War of the Ros waged by the feudal barons in which innocent people were killed. 蒹葭意思7.The Merchant of Venice is the most important play among the comedies, in which Shakespeare has created tension, armbiguity, a lf-conscious and lf-delighting artifice that is at once intellectually exciting and emotionally engaging. The Traditional theme of the play is to prai the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio, to idealize Portia as a herioine of great beauty, wit and loyalty, and to expo the insatiable greed and brutality of the Jew. 8.Romeo and Juliet, the successful romantic tragedy, eulogizes the faithfulness of love and the spirit of pursuing hapiness. Though a tragedy, it is permeated with optimistic spirit. 9.His greatest tragedies are: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. They have some characteristics in common. Each portrays some noble hero, who faces the injustice of human life and is caught in a difficult situation and who fate is cloly connected with the fate of the whole nation. Each hero has his weakness of nature: Hamlet faces the dilemma between action and mind; Othello’s inner weekess is made u of by the outside evil force; the old king Lear who is unwilling to totally give up his power makes himlf suffer from treachery and infidelity; Macbeth’s lust for power stirs up his ambition and leads him to incessant crimes. 10.The Tempest, an elaborate and fantastic story, is known as the best of his final romances. It is a typical example of his pessimistic view towards human life and society in his late years. |
2. John Milton 1.《列西达斯》献给淹死在爱尔兰海剑桥时的同学爱德华。金的挽歌集。弥尔顿发问:为什么正直善良的人要忍受痛苦。诗的高潮是对因自私自利而腐败的教士阶层,即“牧羊人”的狠狠抨击。 2.《论出版自由》可能是他最令人难忘的散文作品,它是一个为出版自己有所作的伟大的抗辩。与其他散文作品的猛烈风格比较,它则显得很流畅且平静。 腌制酸菜的方法3.1660年王政复辟之后,当他失明并忍受痛苦、贫困及孤独之时,弥尔顿写了他的三部重要诗歌作品:《失乐园》《复乐园》《力士参孙》 4.《失乐园》是最伟大的一部,实际上也是《贝奥武甫》之后英国文学中惟一公认的史诗。原故事选自圣经的《创世纪》3:1-24. 主题是“人的堕落”,即人的不服从和失去乐园,其主要原因是撒旦。弥尔顿遵循基督教人文主义传统,创作《失乐园》,意在暴露撒旦的反叛行为并“证明上帝处罚人类的正当性”。 5.《复乐园》表现以基督为代表的人类怎样抵制诱惑并重新获得天赐恩惠的。基督在荒野中受到诱惑是作品的主题。 6.《力士参孙》模仿希腊风格用英语创作的诗歌剧最完美的样板。转向更重要的个人的主题。 | John Milton 1.Lycidas is compod for a collection of elegies dedicated to Edward King, a fellow undergraduate of Milton’s at Cambridge, who was drowned in the Irish a. With the bitter n of loss, Miton asks why the just and good should suffer.The climax of the poem is the blistering attack on the clergy, i.e. the “shepherds”, who are corrupted by lf-interest. 2.Areopagitica is probably his most memorable pro work. It is a great plea for freedom of the press. Compared with the tough style of the other pro work, it is rather smooth and calm. 3.After the Restoration in 1660, when he was blind and suffering, and when he was poor and lonely, Milton wrote his three major poetical works: Paradi Lost, Paradi Regained Samson Agonistes. Among the three, the first is the greatest, indeed the only one generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf; and the last one is the most perfect example of the ver drama after the Greek style in English. 4.Paradi Lost is the greatest, indeed the only one generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf. The original story is taken from Genesis 3:1-24 of the Bible. The theme is the “Fallen of Man,” i.e. man’s disobedience and the loss of Paradi, with its prime cau ---- Satan. Working through the tradition of a Christian humanism, Milton wrote Paradi Lost, intending to expo the ways of Satan and to “justify the ways of God to men.” 5.Paradi Regained shows how mankind, in the person of Christ, withstands the tempter. Christ’s temptation in the wilderness is the theme. 6.Samson Agonistes is the most perfect example of the ver drama after the Greek style in English. He turns to a more vital and personal theme. |
3. Daniel Defoe 1.《鲁滨逊漂流记》是他第一部小说,一经出版就获得成功。 2.《辛格顿船长》《莫尔。弗兰德斯》《杰克上校》《洛珊娜传》四部小说清楚地表现了笛福对他那个社会的穷人和不幸者的深切关心。它们最早专用于研究下层社会人民问题的文学作品。 | Daniel Defoe 1.Robinson Crusoe was his first novel and an immediate success. 2.Captain Singleton, Moll Flanders, Colonel Jack and Roxana, the four novels clearly manifest Defoe’s deep concern for the poor and the unfortunate in his society. They are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower-class people. |
4. Jonathan Swift 1.《一个木桶的故事》《书的战争》确立了他讽刺家的声誉。 2.《一个温和的建议》被公认为完美的范例:他的讽刺通常以外表的严肃和表面的认真为标志。通过建议贫穷的爱尔兰父母把他们1岁婴儿作为食物卖给有钱的英国爵士和女士们,斯威夫特对英国统治阶级对爱尔兰人民所作的非人的剥削和压迫做了最强烈的抗议。 3.斯威夫特的主要作品有:《一个木桶的故事》《书的战争》《布商的书信》《格列佛游记》 《一个温和的建议》 | Jonathan Swift 1.A Tale of a Tub and The Battle of the Books established his name as a satirist. 2.A Modest Proposal is generally taken as a perfect model for his satire, which is usually masked by an outward gravity and an apparent earnestness. By suggesting that poor Irish parents ll their one-year-old babies to the rich English lords and ladies as food, Swift is making the most devastating protest against the inhuman exploitation and oppression of the Irish people by the English ruling class. 3.Swift’s chief works are: A Tale of a Tub, The Battle of the Books, The Drapier’s Letters, Gulliver’s Travels and A Modest Proposal. |
5. Henry Fielding 1.被一些人认为是“英国小说之父”,因为他对现代小说形式的确立做出了贡献。 2.《咖啡屋政客》《悲剧作家的悲剧》《讽刺诗文》《1736年历史记事》是他最著名的剧本。 3.《约瑟夫。安德鲁传,模仿塞万提斯风格所作》是他第一本小说。“散文喜剧史诗”,它的题材是人本质中的“真正可笑之处”。 4.《大伟人乔纳森。魏尔德传》以一个臭名昭著的小偷的一生为主题,来表现一个伟大流氓和一名伟大战士或一名伟大政客之间的微小差别。 5.《汤姆。琼斯》《阿美利亚》,前一本是关于人的本质题材的杰作,而后一本是关于一位理想化女性不幸生活的故事,是关于当时社会生活的伤感的描写。. | Henry Fielding 1.Fielding has been regarded by some as “Father of the English Novel” for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel. 2.The Coffee-Hou Politician, The Tragedy of Tragedies, Pasquin, and The Historical Register for the Year 1736 are his best known plays. 3.The History of the Adventures of Joph Andrews and of his Mr. Abraham Adams, Writen in Imitation of the Manner of Cervantes, is his first novel. A “comic epic in pro,” who subject is “the true ridiculous” in human nature 4.The History of Jonathan Wild the Great takes the life of a notorious real-life thief as a theme for demonstrating the petty division between a great rogue and a great soldier or a great politician. 5.The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling and The History of Amelia. The former is a masterpiece on the subject of human nature and the latter the story of the unfortunate life of an idealized woman, a maudlin picture of the social life at the time. |
6. William Blake 1.《素描诗集》是他的第一部印刷作品,是一部青春诗集。欢乐、欢笑、爱情与和谐是主调。 . 2.《天真之歌》表现了一个幸福而又天真的世界,尽管不排除它的邪恶与痛苦。在这个诗集中,布莱克以其对新诗歌形式和技巧的急切探索与18世纪传统完全决裂。 3.《经验之歌》以忧郁的语气描绘了一个不同的世界,一个悲惨、贫困、疾病、战争和镇压的世界。愚昧的英国成为黑暗森林和哭泣预言家的世界。 4.这两首《扫烟囱的孩子》诗是揭示经济环境与意识环境之间关系的很好例子,即儿童劳动受到的剥削与宗教所扮演的使人们顺从于剥削的角色之间的关系。选自《天真之歌》的这首诗表现了使宗教成为一种安慰的条件,一种“虚幻幸福”的指望;选自《经验之歌》的那首诗揭露了给穷苦儿童带来悲惨的宗教的本质。 5.《天堂与地狱的婚姻》标志着他进入成熟。这首诗创作于法国革命高潮期,它承载了讽刺和革命预言的双重角色。这首诗里,布莱克探求了相反事物的关系。“没有矛盾就没有进步”,布莱克认为,“婚姻”是对矛盾的一种调和,不是一方对另一方的服从。 6.在他的后期,布莱克写了好几部预言书,这些书揭示了他是一位普遍政治和精神自由的预言家,并表明诗人本人就是反叛的代言人。主要的预言书有:《尤里真之书》《洛斯之书》《四个佐亚》《弥尔顿》 | William Blake 1.Poetical Sketches , his first printed work, is a collection of youthful ver. Joy, laughter, love and harmony are the prevailing notes. 2.Songs of Innocence is a lovely volume of poems, prenting a happy and innocent world, though not without its evils and sufferings. In this volume, Blake, with his eager quest for new poetic forms and techniques, broke completely with the traditions of the 18th century. 3.Songs of Experience paints a different world, a world of miry, poverty, dia, war and repression with a melancholy tone. The benighted England becomes the world of the dark wood and of the weeping prophet. 4.The two Chimney Sweeper peoms are good examples to reveal the relation between an economic circumstance, i.e. the exploitation of child labor, and an ideological circumstance, i.e. the role played by religion in making people compliant to exploitation. The poem from the Songs of Innocence indicates the conditions which make religion a consolation, a prospect of “illusory happiness”; the poem from the Songs of Experience reveals the true nature of religion which helps bring miry to the poor children. 5.Marriage of Heaven and Hell marks his entry into maturity. The poem was compod during the climax of the French Revolution and it plays the double role both as a satire and a revolutionary prophecy. In this poem, Blake explores the relationship of the contraries. “Without contraries, there is no progression”. The “marriage” to Blake means the reconciliation of the contraries, not the subordination of the one to the other. 6.In his later period, Blake wrote quite a few prophetic books, which reveal him as the prophet of universal political and spiritual freedom and show the poet himlf as the spokesman/endorr of revolt. The major ones are: The Book of Urizen, The Book of Los, The Four Zoas and Milton |
7. William Wordsworth 1.“桂冠诗人”“自然的崇拜者”“自然预言家”之一。是大自然赐予他“充满和平的力量与知识”;认为普通人的普通生活应该是文学创作的主题,他的作品大多描写普通百姓的喜怒哀乐,诗人心中充满了对穷苦人民的深切同情。 2.《描绘速写——夜晚漫步,1793》是华兹华斯第一部诗集。 3.增补在1800年版《抒情歌诗集》的诗歌属于他的最佳作品。 4.《序曲》完成于1805年,在他逝世后的1850年出版。在此杰作中他的人生哲学得到阐释:人生是一个循环的旅行。它的开始最后证明是它的结束。 5.《二卷本诗集》出版于1807年。包含了华兹华斯很多最优秀的诗歌,如:《不朽颂》、自传体叙事诗《决心与独立》和他许多著名的十四行诗。 6.《远足》出版于1814年。 7.根据题材,他的短诗可分为两组:关于自然的诗和关于人生活的诗。《雀巢》《云雀颂》《杜鹃颂》《蝶颂》等诗就正式表现出他对自然美的真爱的几个例子。《独自云游》《黄昏漫步》《我心驿动》《帝恩顿寺》都是歌颂自然的杰作。 8.《独自云游》可能是英国文学中被收入选集次数最多的一首诗,而且是使我们接近华兹华斯诗歌信仰核心的一首诗。 9.《孤独的收麦女》《致高地姑娘》用乡村人物来解释悲哀人性的永恒神秘及其光芒四射的美。 10.不幸的《毁庐》之妻在她全部生活方式的崩溃之中奄奄一息,但她在读者心中激起那些生活在存在的永恒真实中的人们所具有的温柔而平静的同情。 11.《迈克尔》暗示了作者对人、人心与生命的思考。 12.《露西诗集》(《独自幽居》选自其中)抒发了对时间与死亡的冥想。 | William Wordsworth 1.Poet Laureate; Worshipper of nature, one of the Prophets of nature. It is nature that gives him “strength and knowledge full of peace”. Wordsworth thinks that common life is the only subject of literature. The joys and sorrow of the common people are his themes. His sympathy always goes to the suffering people. 2.Descriptive Sketches, an Evening Walk, 1793 is his first volumes. 3.The 1800 edition of the Lyrical Ballads are among the best of his achievements. 4.The Prelude was completed in 1805 and published posthumously in 1850, in which his philosophy of life is prented: Life is a cyclical journey. Its beginning finally turns out to be its end. 5.Poems in Two Volumes was published in 1807, which contains much of Wordworth’s finest ver, such as Ode: Intimations of Immortality, the autobiographical narrative Resolution and Independence, and many of his well-known sonnets. 6.The Excursion was published in 1814. 7.According to the subjects, Wordsworth’s short poems can be classified into two groups: poems about nature and poems about human life. The Sparrow’s Nest, To a Skylark, To the Cuckoo and To a Butterfly are just a few examples to show his genuine love for the natural beauty. Other poems, such as I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, An Evening Walk, My Heart Leaps up and Tintern Abbey are all masterpieces on nature. 8.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud is perhaps the most anthologized poem in Engish literature, and one that takes us to the core of Wordworth’s poetic beliefs. 9.The Solitary Reaper and To a Highland Girl u rural figures to suggest the timeless mystery of sorrowful humanity and its radiant beauty. 10.The hapless wife of The Ruined Cottage,dying amid the disintegration of her entire way of life, rous in the reader the tender, quiet compassion of tho who are at one with the timeless truths of existence. 11.Michael suggests the grave and tender dignity of Wordsworth’s meditations on “man, the heart of man, and human life” 12.Lucy Poems ( including She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways ) holds a meditation on time and death. |
8. Percy Bysshe Shelley 1. 《无神论的必然性》,否认神的存在。导致他被学校开除并被他刚愎自用的父亲取消了继承权。 2. 《麦布女王:一首哲理诗》,第一部哲理长诗集,强调“自然的精神”如何在所有人心中跳动并使自私和骄傲显得荒唐可笑。 3. 《阿拉斯特,或孤独的精神》是一份雪莱对自己生活孤独的强烈意识和他对死亡神秘性的热烈思考的记录。 4. 雪莱在《自由颂》《那不勒斯颂》《十四行诗:1819年的英国》等几首抒情诗中,表达了他对自由的爱和对暴政的恨。 5. 雪莱最伟大的政治抒情诗之一《给英国人的歌》不仅是号召所有劳动人民起来反对他们的政治压迫者的战斗呐喊,而且是一篇致他们的指出难以忍受的经济剥削的不公正的演讲。这首诗后来成为英国国产党的战歌。 6. 《云之歌》塑造了一个柏拉图式的人的精神,美与再生力量的象征。 7. 《云雀颂》向诗人暗示了天上的狂喜也暗示了人的局限性。 8. 《阿多那伊斯》是一支为约翰。济慈所作的挽歌,雪莱认为敌意的评论加重了济慈的肺结核病,使其早逝。在这支挽歌里,这些人成了市侩作风和反对力量的化身,真理的敌人。 9. 《西风颂》是雪莱所有著名抒情诗中最好的。雪莱狂诗和雄辩的倾向在这里找到一个完全适合于它们的题材。埋葬旧年迎接新春的秋风成为雪莱本人的形象,因为他想要在秋风的自由中,在秋风的既破坏又建设的潜势中,成为它的普遍性。 10. 最伟大的成就就是他的四幕诗《解放了的普罗米修斯》。这个剧本是一部赞扬人类潜能的欢欣鼓舞的作品,雪莱自己也认为这个剧本是“我作品中最完美的” | Percy Bysshe Shelley 1.The Necessity of Atheism, repudiating the existence of God, resulted in his explusion from the university and being disinherited by his headstrong father. 2.Queen Mab:A Philosophical Poem, his first long rious work, emphasizes how the “Spirit of Nature” puls in all people and makes an absurdity of lfishness and pride. 3.Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude is a record of Shelley’s inten consciousness of his own loneliness in life and a passionate contemplation of the mystery of death. 4.His lyrics Ode to Liberty, Ode to Naples, Sonnet: England in 1819 expresd his love for freedom and his hatred toward tyranny. 5.One of his greatest political lyrics is Men of England is not only a war cry calling upon all working people to ri up against their political oppressors, but an address to them pointing out the intolerable injustice of economic exploitation. The poem was later to become a rallying song of the British Communist Party. 6.The Cloud created a Platonic symbol of the spirit of man, a force of beauty and regeneration. 7.To a Skylark, pours forth an exultant song which suggests to the poet both celestial rapture and human limitation. 8.Adonais is an elegy for John Keats who early death from tuberculosis Shelley believed had been hastened by hostile reviews. In it, the men become the embodiments of philistinism and reaction, the enemies of truth. 9.Ode to the West is his best of all the well-known lyric pieces; here Shelley’s rhapsodic declamatory tendencies find a subject perfectly suited to them. The autumn wind, burying the dead year, preparing for a new Spring, becomes an image of Shelley himlf, as he would want to be, in its freedom, its destructive-constructive potential, its universality. 10.Shelley’s greatest achievement is his four-act poetic drama, Prometheus Unbound. The play is an exultant work in prai of humankind’s potential, and Shelley himlf recognized it as “the most perfect of my products.” |
9. Jane Austen 1.共写了6部完整的小说。 2.《理智与情感》,第一本小说,讲述两姐妹和她们的恋爱故事 3.《傲慢与偏见》最受欢迎的一部,写五位贝内特姐妹和她们寻找合适丈夫的故事。如果建立好良好的关系是我们生活中的主要任务,我们首先必须有良好的判断。根据简奥斯汀,我们的第一印象,正像小说里伊丽莎白的第一印象表明的那样,往往是错误的。在判断他人的过程中,伊丽莎白发现了关于她自己的东西:她的盲目、片面、偏见和荒谬。 4.《诺桑觉寺》讽刺那些18世纪晚期流行的哥特式浪漫传奇。 5.《曼斯菲尔德公园》表现了善于处世和不善于处世之间的对照。 6.《爱玛》是对自欺欺人的虚荣心的思考。 7.《劝告》将真正的爱情与谨慎的自私打算做了对比。 8.几部不完整的作品是在奥斯汀逝世很久后发表的,包括《沃森一家》《小说片段》《小说计划》 | Jane Austen 1.In her lifelong career, Jane Austen wrote altogether 6 complete novels. 2.Sen and Sensibility, her first novel, tells a story about two sisters and their love affairs 3.Pride and Prejudice, the most popular of her novels, deals with the five Bennet sisters and their arch for suitable husbands. If to form good relationships is our main task in life, we must first have good judgment. Our first impression, according to Jane Austen, are usually wrong, as is shown here by tho of Elizabeth. In the process of judging others, Elizabeth finds out something about herlf: her blindness, partiality, prejudice and absurdity. 4.Northanger Abbey satirizes tho popular Gothic romances of the late 18th century. 5.Mansfield Park prents the antithesis of worldliness and unworldliness 6.Emma gives the thought over lf-deceptive vanity 7.Persuasion constrasts the true love with the prudential calculations 8.Several incomplete works were published long after Austen’s death. The include The Watsons, Fragment of a Novel, and Plan of a Novel |
10. Charles Dickens 1.在他的早期小说中,每一部里他都抨击了一或两个具体的社会邪恶。小说的技巧和小说中所体现的社会批评的技巧都是相对坦率的,他所抨击的目标是容易辨认的,一旦弊端得到克服,通向幸福结局之路就顺畅了。 2.《奥利弗。退斯特》(《雾都孤儿》):无人性的济贫院制度和犯罪的下流社会生活 3.《尼克拉斯。尼克尔比》中的约克郡学校,那里的孩子并未被教给任何知识而实际上是在校长家里遭受奴役 4.《匹克威克外传》中的法律欺骗 5.《大卫。科波菲尔》中的负债者监狱 6.《马丁。朱述尔维特》和《董贝父子》中支配人民生活,腐蚀年轻人并给董贝先生家庭带来悲剧的金钱崇拜。 7.他的后期作品表现了狄更斯向高度自觉的现代类型艺术家的发展。“更凄凉地探讨更凄凉的世界”,所以没有笑话而且喜剧也变得更加苦涩。 8.除《双城记》外,狄更斯的所有作品都提出了对维多利亚时期英国更复杂然而又最根本的社会风俗和道德的批评 9.如《荒凉山庄》中的目的在于批判吞没委托人每一个便士的法律制度与诉讼手续 10.《小多利特》中以不确定的事务管理程序统治并使无辜者终身监禁的政府部门 11.《艰难时世》中统治英国教育制度并毁坏年轻心智的功力主义原则 12.《远大前程》《我们共同的朋友》中给人们带来道德堕落和毁灭的势不可挡的社会环境。 | Charles Dickens 1.In his early novels, he attacks one or more specific social evils in each. The techniques, both of the fiction itlf and of the social criticism embodied within it, are relatively straightforward and the objects of his attack are easily recognizable, and once the abu has been overcome, the way is open to a happy conclusion. 白云间2.Oliver Twist: the dehumanizing workhou system and the dark, criminal underworld life 3.Nicholas Nickleby: the Yorkshire School where children are not taught anything but actually enslaved at the master’s hou 4.The Pickwick Paper: legal fraud 5.David Copperfield: the debtor’s prison 6.Martin Chuzzlewit and Dombey and Son: the money worship that dominates people’s life, corrupts the young and brings tragedy to Mr. Dombey’s family 7.The later works show the development of Dickens towards a highly conscious artist of the modern type. “Explores more bleakly a bleaker world”, there are fewer jokes and the comedy becomes harsher. 8.With the exception of A Tale of Two Cities, prent a criticism of the more complicated and yet most fundamental social institutions and morals of the Victorian England 9.such as the legal system and practices that aim at devouring every penny of the clients in Bleak Hou 10.the governmental branches which run an indefinite procedure of management of affairs and keep the innocent in prison for life in Little Dorrit 11.the Utilitarian principle that rules over the English education system and destroys young hearts and minds in Hard Times 12.the overwhelming social environment which brings moral degeneration and destruction to people as in Great Expectations and Our Mutual Friend |
11. Charlotte Bronte 1.第一部小说《教授》 2.第二部小说《简爱》 3.《雪莉》是一部描写1811年到1812年约克郡工厂主们与机器破坏者们之间工业纠纷的作品 4.《维列传》是一部自传体的作品 5.艾米丽。布朗蒂的《呼啸山庄》。主题:这部小说是一个对不同的人有不同意义的谜。从社会观点看,它是一个关于穷汉的故事,因他是一个贫穷的小人物,而被比他社会地位较优者侮辱、背叛并扭曲。作为一个爱情故事,这是一个最动人的故事:希思克里夫和凯瑟琳之间的感情证明是有可能在人类中找到的最强烈、最美好而同时又最可怕的感情。 | Charlotte Bronte 1.The Professor, her 1st novel was rejected by the publisher 2.Jane Eyre, her cond novel won immediate success when it appeared 3.Shirley, a novel about the industrial troubles between the mill-owners and machine-breakers in Yorkshire in 1811-1812 4.Villette is her most autobiographical work 5.Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. Theme: The novel is a riddle which means different things to different people. From the social point of view, it is a story about a poor man abud, betrayed and distorted by his social betters becau he is a poor nobody. As a love story, this is one of the most moving: the passion between Heathcliff and Catherince proves the most inten, the most beautiful and at the same time the most horrible passion ever to be found possible in human beings. |
12. Thomas Hardy 1.《孤注一掷的措施》第一部小说 2.《绿荫下》他真正的成功 3.《远离尘嚣》的发表使他放弃建筑而从事写作 4.《统治者》最著名的诗集,关于拿破仑战争的长篇史诗剧 5.他最好的地方色彩作品是他的后期小说,如《还乡》《喇叭少校》《卡斯特桥市长》《林中居民》《德伯家的苔丝》《无名的裘德》。这些以“性格与环境小说”著称的作品最代表他这位既是自然主义又是批判现实主义作家。 6.他阅读了达尔文的《物种起源》并接受了“适者生存”的观点。他也受到斯宾塞的《第一原则》影响,这本书导致他相信,由于受内部和外部结合“自然”的驱使,人的命运注定是悲剧的。 | Thomas Hardy 1.Desperate Remedies, his first novel 2.Under the Greenwood Tree, with which the real success came 3.Far from the Madding Crowd enabled him to give up architecture fro writing 4.The Dynasts, his most famous volume of poems, is a long epic-drama about the Napoleonic Wars 5.His best local-colored works are his later ones, such as The Return of the Native, The Trumpet Major, The Mayor of Casterbridge, The Woodlanders, Tess of the D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure. The works, known as “novels of character and environment,” are the most reprentative of him as both a naturalistic and a critical realist writer. 6.He read Darwin’s The Origin of Species and accepted the idea of “survival of the fittest.” He was also influenced by Spencer’s The First Principle, which led him to the belief that man’s fate is predeterminedly tragic, driven by a combined force of “nature”, both inside and outside. |
13. George Bernard Shaw 1.萧伯纳认为,艺术应该通过反映人的生活,暴露社会矛盾并且教育普通人民来位社会目的服务。 2.《卡希尔。拜伦的职业》是他共5部小说中最著名的。写一位世界著名为得奖而参加比赛的职业拳击家娶了一位自命不凡的文雅的有产女士。 3.《鳏夫的房产》第一个剧本。是对贫民窟房东所有制的怪诞的现实主义暴露 4.《堪迪达》剧本确立了萧伯纳在他那个时代的重要作家地位 5.《华伦夫人的职业》是一个关于妇女经济压迫的剧本。 6.《凯撒与克莉奥佩特拉》《圣女贞德》重要的历史剧剧本 7.《苹果车》关于政治的; 8.《约翰牛的另一个岛》关于种族问题的; 9.《皮革马利翁》关于文化和艺术; 10.《结婚》、《不合适的婚姻》和《法尼的第一个剧本》关于家庭和婚姻; 11.《医生的困境》关于医疗职业的无知、不胜任、傲慢和偏执。 12.《真相毕露》是他后期一个比较好的剧本,它表现了作者对残忍题材几乎虚无主义的痛苦、第一次世界大战的疯狂和青年人的无目标与幻灭。 | George Bernard Shaw 1.Shaw held that art should rve social purpos by reflecting human life, revealing social contradictions and educating the common people. 2.Cashel Byron’s Profession, the best known of his 5 novels, is about a world-famous prize fighter marring a priggishly refined lady of property. 3.Widower’s Hous, his first play, is a grotesquely realistic exposure of slum landlordism 4.Candida is the play that established Shaw’s position as the leading playwright of his time. 5.Mrs. Warren’s Profession, is a play about the economic oppression of women. 6.Caesar and Cleopatra and St. Joan are his important history plays. 7.The Apple Cart is about politics 8.John Bull’s Other Island is about racial problems 9.Pygmalion is about culture and art 10.Getting Married, Misalliance and Fanny’s First Play are about the problem of family and marriage 11.The Doctor’s Dilemma is about the ignorance, incompetence, arrognance and bigotry of the medical profession 12.Too True to Be Good is a better paly of the latter period, with the author’s almost nihilistic bitternesss on the subjects of the cruelty and madnes of World War I and the aimlessness and disillusion of the young. |
14. T. S. Eliot 诺贝尔奖 1.《阿尔弗瑞德。普鲁弗洛克的情歌》他的第一首重要诗歌。 2.《荒原》他最著名的单首诗,被推为20世纪英国诗歌的里程碑和样板,比得上华兹华斯的《抒情歌谣集》。这首诗以诗体和风格的大胆的技巧创新,不仅表现了现代西方世界物质混乱和精神荒芜的全景画,而且反应了整个战后一代人幻灭和绝望的普遍情绪。它是一首表现现代文明精神崩溃的诗歌,在现代文明中生活失去了意义、重要性和目的。这首诗发展了一整套历史、文化和宗教的主题;但它经常被看做基本上是对20世纪人们在不育和无益的社会中幻灭和挫折的反应。 3.《普鲁弗洛克及其他》 4.《枯叟》是一首戏剧独白诗,诗中的老人回忆他失去的生活力量和他失去的精神再生的希望。这首诗大量借用了詹姆斯。乔伊斯的意识流技巧。 5.《空虚的人们》被普遍认为是艾略特诗歌中最阴暗的。在这个人间地狱里,空虚的人们必须等待死亡来解放他们,再把他们送入炼狱。但甚至在炼狱里,也没有拯救的希望。 6.在他的后期阶段,艾略特只创作了两部诗歌作品集:《灰星期三》《四个四重奏》。这两部诗集都反映了他对英国国教的忠诚。《四个四重奏》的特点表现为哲学和情感的平静,它与早期作品的绝望和痛苦形成鲜明对照。 7.艾略特一生中写了5个完整的剧本:《大教堂里的谋杀案》《家庭团圆》《鸡尾酒会》《心腹职员》《资深政治家》。这些剧本都跟基督教主题有关。 | T.S. Eliot 1.The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, his first important poem 2.The Waste Land, Eliot’s most famous single poem, has been hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th-century English poetry, comparable to Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads. With bold technical innovations in versification and style, the poem not only prents a panorama of physical disorder and spiritual desolation in the modern Western world, but also reflects the prevalent mood of disillusionment and despair of a whole post-war generation. It is a poem concerned with the spiritual breakup of a modern civilization in which human life has lost its meaning, significance and purpo. The poem has developed a whole t of historical, cultural and religious themes; but it is often regarded as being primarily a reflection of the 20th-century people’s disillusionment and frustration in a sterile and futile society. 3.Prufrock and Other Obrvations 4.Gerontion is a poem of dramatic monologue in which an old man reminisces about his lost power to live and his lost hope of spiritual rebirth. The poem is heavily indebted to James Joyce in terms of the stream-of-consciousness technique, which has been largely employed in Eliot’s later writings. 5.The Hollow Men, which bears a strong thematic remblance to The Waste Land, is generally regarded as the darkest of Eliot’s poems. In this earthly hell, the hollow men must wait for death to liberate them into a kind of purgatory. But even in the purgatory, there is no hope of salvation. 6.In his later period, Eliot produced only two major volumes of poetic works: Ash Wedensday and Four Quartets. Both clearly reflect his allegiance to the Church of England. The Four Quartets is characterized by a philosophical and emotional calm quite in contrast to the despair and suffering of the early works. 7.Eliot had written in his lifetime five full-length plays: Murder in the Cathedral, The Family Reunion, The Cocktail Party, The Confidential Clerk, and The Elder Statesman. All the plays have something to do with Christian themes. |
15. D. H. Lawrence 1.《儿子与情人》:自传体小说。也是他的第三部小说。发表之后被承认为优秀的小说家。 2.《白孔雀》他的第一部小说。一位有敏感观察自然的能力并喜爱写故事的年轻人的一部值得注意的作品 3.《侵犯者》他的第二部小说。它的主题是关于人与人之间交往的失败和缺乏温情,这些在她的后期小说中又做了进一步探索。 4.《虹》。在这部小说中,劳伦斯表现了伴随人类文明进步的可怕的社会腐败。劳伦斯认为,是机械文明造成人类个性的不健康发展,造成了婚姻关系中爱情的反常和人类实现的失败。劳伦斯是第一次自觉尝试在小说写作中把社会批评与心理探索结合起来。 5.《恋爱中的女人》正如标题所暗示的那样,是一部关于两对恋人的小说。被认为是一部比劳伦斯创作的任何其他小说都更深刻安排的小说。 6.《阿伦之杖》中,通过描写一位试图挽救自己的完整而再三地逃离妻子和孩子的幻灭的人,劳伦斯试图说明,每一个人都是一个神圣的人,他的完整永远地也不应该被侵犯或被支配。 7.《袋鼠》在根据劳伦斯去澳大利亚的旅行而写成的。对澳大利亚的生活和风光做了丰富多彩的描写,但题材却是关于不仅在政治而且在婚姻中争夺领导地位斗争的。 8.《羽蛇》以墨西哥为背景。劳伦斯试图赋予他对一种神秘的本能宗教“血缘意识”概念以象征的小说形式,“血缘意识”是他对人生意义新表达方式终生探索的产物。 9.《查特莱夫人的情人》中,劳伦斯不仅谴责扭曲所有男女之间自然关系的机械主义文明世界,而且主张回归自然。挑战性地蓄意使用了那些“下流”词汇。他认为,个人心理发展的健康方式在于生命冲动的首位,或者说,在于性冲动的首位。对劳伦斯来说,人的性欲是生命力的象征。他小说中坦率的性讨论是劳伦斯被指责为色情写作的主要原因。 10.劳伦斯最著名的短篇小说有:《烈马圣莫尔》《牧师的女儿》《马贩子的女儿》《上尉的偶像》《普鲁士军官》《姑娘与吉普赛人》 11.“劳伦斯三部曲”三剧本:《矿工的星期五之夜》《儿媳妇》《霍尔罗伊德夫人的寡居》 | D. H. Lawrence 1.Sons and Lovers: his autobiographical novel, also his 3rd novel. After its publication, Lawrence was recognized as a prominent novelist. 2.The White Peacock, his first novel, is a remarkable work of a talented young man, acutely obrvant of nature and delighting in story. 3.The Trespasr, is his cond novel, who theme is about the failure of human contact and the lack of warmth between people, which are to be further exploited in his later novels. 4.The Rainbow, in which Lawrence illustrates a terrible social corruption that accompanies the progress of human civilization.In his opinion, the mechanical civilization is responsible for the unhealthy development of human personalities, the perversion of love and the failure of human fulfillment in marital relationships. It is the first time for Lawrence to make a conscious attempt to combine social criticism with psychological exploration in his novel writing. 5.Women in Love, as its title implies, is a novel about two pairs of lovers. It is regarded to be a more profoundly ordered novel than any other written by Lawrence. 6.Aaron’s Rod, by portraying a disillusioned man who attempts to save his integrity by running away again and again from his wife and children, Lawrence tries to show that every man is a sacred and holy individual who integrity should never be violated or dominated. 7.Kangaroo, which is written out of Lawrence’s trip to Australia, gives a rich portrayal of the Australian life and scenery; but the subject is about the struggle for leadership in marriage as well as in politics. 8.The Plumed Serpent, t in Mexico, shows that Lawrence tries to give symbolic fictional form to his preoccupation with the concept of “blood consciousness”, a mystical religion of instinct, which is the product of his lifelong arch for a new expression of life’s meaning. 9.Lady Chatterley’s Lover, in which Lawrence not only condemns the civilized world of mechanism that distorts all natural relationships between men and women, but also advocates a return to nature..Lawrence defiantly makes a deliberate u of tho “four-letter” words in his novels. He believed that the healthy way of the individual’s psychological development lay in the primacy of the life impul, or in another term, the xual impul. Human xuality, to Lawrence, was a symbol of Life Force. This frank discussion of x in his novel is the chief reason why Lawrence had been accud of pornographic writing. 10.St. Mawr, The Daughter of the Vicar, The Hor Dealer’s Daughter, The Captain’s Doll, The Prussian Officer and The Virgin and the Gypsy are generally considered to be Lawrence’s best known stories. 11.“The Lawrence trilogy”: A Collier’s Friday Night, The Daughter-in-Law and The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyed |
16. Nathaniel Hawthorne 1.《尽人皆知的故事》短篇小说集,引起了批评界的注意 2.爱默生和梭罗的超验主义理论对他影响很大,霍桑从此和梅尔维尔建立起亲密的友谊。 3.《古屋青苔》《雪的形象及其他尽人皆知的故事》,这些作品表现了霍桑对人类骄傲、自私、内心的罪恶的最初的深刻的思索和探究。 4.《红字》是霍桑的代表作,讲述的是四个生活在清教社区的人卷入了一桩通奸案后,所经历的不同遭遇。红字A的象征性运用足以证明霍桑是最好的象征主义作家之一。 5.《有七个尖角阁的房子》取材于其曾祖父任萨勒姆巫术审判法官后别人对作者家庭进行诅咒的事件。 6.《福古传奇》是作者采用心理小说创作手法来描述他在布鲁克农场的亲身经历。 7.《玉石雕像(大理石牧神)》故事以意大利为背景,讲的是人类精神的阴暗邪恶。 8.《年轻的古德曼。布朗》中开始证明每个人都有邪恶的秘密 9.《牧师的黑面纱》中进一步指出人人都试图隐藏掩盖罪恶,就像戴着黑面纱劝诫人的牧师。 10.《胎记》中他用胎记象征罪恶,淋漓尽致地说明了人的罪恶是与生俱来的。 | Nathaniel Hawthorne 1.Twice-Told Tales, a collection of short stories, attracted critical attention 2.He was affected by Emerson’s transcendentalist theory and struck up a very intimate relationship with Melville. 3.Moss from an Old Man and The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales best demonstrate Hawthorne’s early obssion with the moral and psychological conquences of pride, lfishness, and cret guilt that manifest themlves in human beings 4.The Scarlet Letter, always regarded as the best of his works, tells a simple but very moving story in which four people living in a Puritan community are involved in and affected by the sin of adultery in different ways. With the scarlet letter A as the biggest symbol of all, Hawthorne proves himlf to be one of the best symbolists. 5.The Hou of the Seven Gables was bad on the tradition of a cur pronounced on the author’s family when his great-grandfather was a judge in the Salem witchcraft trials 6.The Blithedale Romance is a novel he wrote to reveal his own experiences on the Brook Farm and his own methods as a psychological novelist. 7.The Marble Faun, a romance t in Italy, is concerned about the dark aberrations of the human spirit 8.Young Goodman Brown, he ts out to prove that everyone posss some evil cret 9.The Minister’s Black Veil goes further to suggest that everyone tries to hold the evil cret from one another in the way the minister tries to convince his people with his black veil 10.The Birthmark drives home symbolically Hawthorne’s point that evil is man’s birthmark, something he is born with. |
17. Walt Whitman 1.《草叶集》是美国文学史上里程碑式的巨作,因为它体现了写进了美国独立战争和内战的纲领性文件中的美国民主理想。开放、自由、个性是这部巨著的主题。其中的大部分作品都是歌颂整个美国以及自我的。在歌颂自我时,惠特曼强调自我的物质存在而且公开地颂扬性爱。如果两个人心心相印,“其他的人怎么做怎么想与我们何干?”个人及其欲望必须得到尊重。 2.惠特曼认为诗人在文化活动中的角色就是一个有着极端个性色彩的人。诗人的主要目的就是在世界中发现确定自我,更具体地说是在整个民主美国发现确定自我。这种思想在《自我之歌》的开头几行就得到了体现。惠特曼认为,两个人“虽二而一”:两个人所走的道路可能不同,但他们能够达到一种超验的接触。同样,在保持个性的同时可以组成一个整体。 3.在内战之前和内战之中,他坚定地站在北方一边,写了一系列表达他那个时期情感的诗作,后来都收在《鼓点》中。 4.惠特曼痛恨暴力和流血,对在战场是捐躯的年轻人表示哀悼,而且表达了英勇战斗直到胜利的坚定信心,这些都体现在《骑兵过河》中。 5.林肯之死又为他书法政治情感提供了契机,他写了很多哀悼诗,其中有名的一首是《小院丁香花开时》 | Walt Whitman 1.Leaves of Grass has always been considered a monumental work which commands great attention becau of its uniquely poetic embodiment of American democratic ideals as written in the founding documents of both the Revolutionary War in the United States and the Civil War. In this giant work, openness, freedom, and above all, individualism are all that concerned him. Most of the poems sing of the “en-mas” and the lf as well. In celebrating the lf, Whitman gives emphasis to the physical dimension of the lf and openly and joyously celebrates xuality. If two persons are really in love, “what is to us what the rest do or think?” The individual person and his desires must be respected. 2.The genuine participation of a poet in a common cultural effort was, according to Whitman, to behave as a supreme individualist; however, the poet’s esntial purpo was to identify his ego with the world, and more specifically with the democratic “en-mas” of America, which is established in the opening lines of “Song of Mylf.” Two peole, Whitman believed, could be “twain yet one”: their paths could be different, and yet they could achieve a kind of transcendent contact. Equally, many people could realize a community while remaining individuals. 3.Before and during the Civil War, Whitman stood firmly on the side of the North and wrote a ries of poems incorporating his emotions and feelings during the period, which were gathered as a collection under the title of Drum Taps 4.Not a lover of violentce and bloodshed, Whitman expresd much mourning for the sufferings of the young lives in the battlefield and showed a determination to carry on the fighting dauntlessly until the final victory, as we may find in poems like “Cavalry Crossing a Ford.” 5.Another occasion which allowed Whitman to fill his lines with his political emotions was the death of Lincoln. He wrote down a great many poems to air his sorrow, and one of the famous is “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” |
18. Herman Melville 1.《白鲸》被看作是美国第一部散文体史诗。虽然它是用小说形式写成的,但有时候读起来像散文诗。它不仅仅是一部捕鲸或者海洋历险小说,而是象征着宇宙真理和探索人的本质和心理的心路历程。 2.《玛地》取材于与南太平洋岛屿居民交往的冒险经历 3.《雷得本》是部半自传体小说,讲述一个有教养的青年在野蛮的水手中的辛酸遭遇。 4.《白外衣》讲的是作者在美国军舰上的生活 5.《皮埃尔》是一本专为女性读者而作的通俗浪漫小说,结果遭到猛烈的抨击,麦尔维尔的声誉开始下降。 6.《录事巴托比》是部短篇小说,它用象征的是手法鲜明地描写了生活在大城市中的小人物的孤独、无名和被动。 7.《白尼托。塞尼诺》是部中篇小说,写的是一条船上被贩运的黑奴反抗哗变把船长据为人质的故事 8.《骗子》中作者用一连串不同的骗子来探讨信仰的矛盾和美国社会生活的乐观主义和虚伪性 9.《比利。伯德》讲的是大海和水手,探讨了天真与堕落冲突的主题。 | Herman Melville 1.Moby-dick is regarded as the first American pro epic. Although it is prented in the form of a novel, at times it ems like a pro poem. It is not merely a whaling tale or a adventure, considering that Melville is a great symbolist. It turns out to be a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of the univer, a spiritual exploration into man’s deep reality and psychology. 2.Mardi drew from his adventures among the people of the South Pacific islands 3.Redburn is a mi-autobiographical novel, concerning the sufferings of a genteel youth among brutal sailors 4.White Jacket relates his life on a United States man-of-war 5.Pierre, a popular romance intended for the feminine market but provoking an outrageous repudiation, with the publication of which, Melville’s public fame was on the decline. 6.Bartleby, the Scrivener, a short story strikingly symbolizing the loneliness and anonymity and passivity of little men in big cities. 7.Benito Cereno, a novella about a ship who balce slave cargo mutiny holds their captain a terrorized hostage. 8.The Confidence-Man, in which the author us the Confidence-man in successive guis to explore the paradoxes of belief and the optimisms and hypocrisies of American life 9.Billy Buddy, again deals with the a and sailors and the theme of a conflict between innocence and corruption. |
19. Mark Twain 1.门肯认为他是“我们国家真正的文学之父”。 2.《哈克贝利费恩历险记》即《汤姆索亚历险记》的续篇是马克吐温文学创作的巅峰。海明威曾把这部书称为“全部美国现代文学的起源” 3.《卡拉韦拉斯县有名的跳蛙》使他在文坛上崭露头角 4.《傻子出国记》的出版使他真正开始走上文学创作的高峰。通过讲述一群美国游客在欧洲的经历,讽刺了当时虚伪、做作、思想颓废且缺乏民主的欧洲人 5.《含辛茹苦》描写了他由内达华到圣弗朗西斯科以及夏威夷的西部旅行 6.《密西西比河上的生活》讲述了他自幼梦想成为一名引航员的故事 7.《汤姆索亚历险记》和《哈克贝利费恩历险记》是这一时期最优秀的两部作品。前者描写男孩子们特有的恐惧和快乐,是专为男孩创作的经典作品;后一步虽然也讲述男孩子的故事,却是为成人所作。书中描写了两个流浪儿,哈克和吉姆,沿密西西比河而下的经历。 8.《镀金时代》是与查尔斯杜德利华纳合作的一部小说,它对投机风行和不断变化的价值观中个人的道德进行了探索,并且将美国战后的这段暴富的年代命名为“镀金时代” 9.《亚瑟王朝廷里的康涅狄格州的美国人》是一部描写殖民的寓言,讲述了一个代表现代技术和观念的人回到落后的封建社会的故事。 10.在《傻瓜威尔逊的悲剧》中,始终弥漫着一种绝望情绪。这部书说明,努力制度对害人者和被害人都是灾难,马克吐温作为白人,良心也受着恐惧和悔恨的折磨 11.随着《败坏了赫德莱堡的人》《神秘来客》的出版,马克吐温从一个乐观主义者变成了几近绝望的悲观主义者,他愤世嫉俗,对自己一贯称为“可恶的人类”表现出极大的失望。 | Mark Twain 1.H L Mencken considered him “the true father of our national literature” 2.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, namely the quence or quel of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, marks the climax of Twain’s literary creativity. Hemingway once described the novel the one book from which “all modern American literature comes.” 3.The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County brought him recognition from a wider public. 4.Innocents Abroad, a travel book with which his full literary career began to blossom, is an account of American tourists in Europe which pokes fun at the pretentious, decadent and undemocratic Old World in a satirical tone. 5.Roughing It describes a journey that works its way farther and farther west through Navada to San Francisco and then to Hawaii. 6.Life on the Mississippi tells a story of his boyhood ambition to become a riverboat pilot 7.Two of the best books during this period are The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The former is usually regarded as a classic book written for boys about their particular horrors and joys, while the latter, being a boy’s book specially written for the adults, is Twain’s most reprentative work, describing a journey down the Mississippi undertaken by two fugitives, Huck and Jim 8.The Gided Age, written in collaboration with Charles Dudley Warner, explored the scrupulous individualism in a world of fantastic speculation and unstable values, and gave its name to the get-rich-quick years of the post-Civil War era. 9.A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, a parable of colonialization, in which Twain follows the journey of a reprentative of modern technology and ideas into a historically backward, feudal society. 10.The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson建行活期利息, permeated with a similar mood of despair, shows the disastrous effects of slavery on the victimizer and the victim alike and reveals to us a Mark Twain who conscience as a white Southerner was tormented by fear and remor. 11.With the publication of The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg and The Mysterious Stranger, the change in Mark Twain from an optimist to an almost despairing pessimist could be felt and his cynicism and disillusionment with what Twain referred to regularly as the “damned human race” became obvious. |
20. Henry James 1.第一个以国际题材为创作素材的美国作家 2.在文学创作生涯的第一阶段,他对国际题材产生了浓厚兴趣。《美国人》描写了一个年轻天真的美国人在复杂的欧洲的生活;中篇小说《黛西米勒》讲述了一个年轻女子“死于”罗马的冬天的故事。这部小说为宅姆斯赢得了国际声誉。《欧洲人》的场景回到了美国,詹姆斯描写了一些艰难地适应美国的欧洲人,确切地说是流放美国的欧洲人。《贵妇画像》,他的代表作,以一个美国女孩在欧洲的文化氛围下的生活经历反映了欧美间的冲突 3.在第二个阶段的创作中,詹姆斯对不同的素材和文学形式进行了尝试。小说《波士顿人》讽刺了波士顿的妇女解放运动;《卡萨玛西玛公主》揭露了伦敦贫民区无政府主义者们的阴谋,此书采用自然主义手法,并未得到人们的认可,以失败告终。这一时期的短篇小说《私生活》《狮之死》《中年》(死后出版)都成功地探索了艺术家和社会的关系,旨在说明无论多么苦恼与寂寞,艺术家都不愿意为了感情放弃真理。另一组短篇小说包括《螺丝拧紧》讲述一个受压迫的儿童的苦恼和反常心理,书中全家人因“鬼”而恐惧不堪。《丛林猛兽》着重描写了几个鬼魂附身的男女队未来个人灾难的幻觉。 4.在最后一个阶段,也是最主要的阶段,宅姆斯重新回到国际题材的创作中来。一些描写青少年的中篇小说中《梅西所知道的》最为出名。此后,他接连创作了《鸽翼》《大使》《金碗》三部力作。 5.亨利詹姆斯的文学批评也是他对文学的一大贡献。他的散文《小说的艺术》主题表明,小说的目的是表现生活,因此他对人类存在的探索也不拘泥于有限的形式:幻觉、绝望、回报、苦难、灵感、欢乐等不胜枚举。 | Henry Jamesr 1.The first American writer to conceive his career in international terms 2.In the first period of his literary career, James took great interest in international themes. The American tells a story about a young and innocent American confronting the complexity of the European life; 甲冠天下Daisy Miller, a novella about a young American girl who gets “killed” by the winter in Rome, brought James international fame for the first time. In The Europeans, the scene is shifted back to America, where some Europeans, who are actually expatriated Americans, learns with difficulty to adapt themlves to the American life. The Portait of A Lady is generally considered to be his masterpiece, which incarnates the clash between the Old World and the New in the life journey of an American girl in a European cultural environment. 3.In his cond period, he experimented with different themes and forms. Novels like The Bostonians, which satirized the women liberation movement that took place in Boston, and The Princess Casamassima, which expod the anarchist conspiracy in the slum in London, were written in a naturalistic mode and proved to be unsuccessful. Some short fictions during this period like The Private Life, The Death of a Lion and The Middle Years (posthumously 1917) succeed in exploring the relationship of the artist to the society only to prove that the artist would not sacrifice the truth for the passion no matter how troubled and isolated he feels. Another group of short fictions include The Turn of the Screw, a story about the troubled and abnormal psychology of oppresd children, in which a whole houhold is terrorized by “ghosts,” and The Beast in the Jungle, which focus on the imaginative obssion of some haunted men and women with their personal disaster in future. 4.In his last and major period, James returned to his “international theme.” Among the novellas and stories dealing with childhood and adolescence, the most famous is What Maisie Knows. After that, he successively created the following great books: The Wings of the Dove, The Ambassadors and The Golden Bowl. 5.Henry James’ literary criticism is an indispensable part of his contribution to literature. The theme of his essay The Art of Fiction clearly indicates that the aim of the novel is to prent life, so it is not surprising to find in his writings human experiences explored in every possible form: illusion, despair, reward, torment, ispiration, delight, etc. |
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