come+-ing 形式,表示来的方式
1. The master hit Oliver with his spoon, then ized him in his arms and cried for help. Mr. Bumble and some of the workhou officers came rushing into the room. 炊工用勺子打了奥利弗,然后抓住他的手臂喊救命。巴姆布先生还有一些济贫院的官员冲进了房间。
2. Then the father bird came zooming out. It flew at Grandfather like a jet plane. 年纪的近义词接着鸟爸爸突然飞了出来,它像一架喷气式飞机一样朝祖父飞过去。
3. The children from town came running. 城里的孩子跑着过来了。
4. Once the weighmaster came walking down the road. 一次,监秤员沿路走了过来。
5. Just stay at the same spot where you found the money and wait until someone comes looking for it. 你就呆在发现钱的同一地方,一直等到有人来找。鞋类品牌
6. Then, one morning, as Margie came bouncing into the schoolroom ready to give Miss Wincklor her usual hug, she stopped shorted. 可是有一天早上,正当玛吉象往常一样蹦蹦跳跳走进教室,要与温克勒小姐拥抱时,她裹足不前了。
中国财经大学排名7. A fifteen-year-old girl came running to the bus stop only to find the bus had gone. 一个十五岁的女孩儿跑着来到车站,结果发现汽车已经开走了。
8. Suddenly, half a dozen motorcycles came roaring down the highway and pulled in at the gas station next door. 突然,六个骑摩托车的人沿着公路呼啸而来,进了隔壁的加油站。
9. The bus conductor came rushing down the stairs to e what all the trouble was about. 汽车售票员跑下台阶看看出了什么事。
10. He lay there trying to gather himlf as the minister came running to help him. 牧师跑进来帮他的时候,他正躺在那里,想要聚集全身的力气站起来。
11. Thousands of frogs came racing towards us, jumping and swimming, under the water and on top of the water. 两字情侣网名成千上万只青蛙竞相朝我们这边过来,又是跳又是游,水底下水面上全是。
12. As the audience finally ttled down, an energetic young man named Robbie came b
ounding onto the stage. 观众们就座后,一个活力四射的小伙子罗北跳上了舞台。
13. He probably came looking for me when he was killed. 他死的时候可能是找我来的。
邀请函文字14. The high councilor came tumbling out. 那位高参连滚带爬地出来了。
15. And now the Princess came walking along with her ladies-in-waiting, and when she heard the melody she stood still, and was delighted. 这时女侍们簇拥着公主走了过来,她听到曲子的时候,高兴得驻足不前。
16. Countless fishes, both small and great, came swimming past the glass walls. 大大小小数不尽的鱼游到了玻璃墙这儿。
17. She dropped the suitca just inside the doorway, and came flying across the room, and kisd me. 她把皮箱往门里匆匆一放,就飞跑着穿过房间,吻了吻我。
18. Torrents of water came rushing down from the mountains. 洪水从山里倾泻下来。
19. He always comes rushing up at the last moment. 他往往到最后的一瞬间才急忙赶来。
20. I crosd the street to avoid meeting Bert Dykes ,but he saw me and came rushing towards me . 我穿过马路以便避开伯特·戴克斯,但他看到了我并朝我跑过来。
21. As he crosd the stream by Hou's farm and climbed the hill on the far side, a tiger came rushing out of the forest and pounced at him. 正当他跨越过侯家田地的小溪,爬上远处的小山时,一只老虎从树林里冲出来,扑向他。
22. The neighbors came rushing in to find out what was the matter, and there in a pool of blood they saw the cow butcher Big Xu. 邻居们都赶紧冲出来看看是怎么回事。他们发现以杀牛为生的屠夫大许倒在了血泊中。
23. When the sweeping yellow sand came rushing down over the precipices like a waterfall, the greater part of the bottom layer grottoes were all but buried underneath more than once. 当卷地而来的黄沙顺着崖壁瀑布般泻下时,这里的底层洞窟曾几乎大半被埋。
24. As he was watching the buffalo fall, a grizzly bear came rushing towards him. Lewis r
aid his gun to shoot and then realized he had not reloaded his riffle. 当他看著水牛倒下的同时,一头灰熊快速的冲向他,正当路易斯抬起枪要射击时,突然发现他的步枪尚未重新装弹。
25. He came running here with a knife held in one hand. 他一手握着刀向这里跑来。
26. The little girl came running to me for sympathy. 小女孩奔到我这儿来寻求同情。
27. The children came running when she called them. 她一叫唤,孩子们就跑过来了。
28. He came running all the way from the bus stop. 他从汽车站一路跑着过来。
29. They came running one after the other. 他们一个接一个地跑来。
30. He came running back to tell us the news. 他跑着回来告诉我们这个消息。
31. He whistled to his dog and it came running. 他吹口哨唤狗, 狗跑了过来。
32. He came running towards me in blind anger. 他大发着无名之火向我冲来。
33. The miller came running in his nightshirt. 磨坊主穿着睡衣就跑了出来。
34. The small boy came running down the street, crying his eyes out becau he had lost his mother. 这小男孩沿街跑着,哭得很伤心,因为他妈妈不见了。
35. People came running from all sides to e what had happened. 人们从四面八方奔来看发生了什么事情。
36. Bertha cried out for help and her mother came running to save her. 柏莎大声的哭喊求救,她妈妈赶来救她。
37. After the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, blows from the West came racing down on Russia thick and fast. 19世纪和20世纪之交,西方的势力连续不断地打击俄国。
38. A monkey in a tree nearby saw the hors being fed, and he came racing down, filled both paws with peas, then scampered nimbly up to a branch and ttled down to eat. 附近一棵树上的一只猴子看到马在吃豆子,马上从树上爬下来抓了满满两把豆子。灵巧地爬回树枝上吃了起来。