刊名全称 | 大类名称 | 大类分区 | 2009年影响因子 |
Acta Crystallographica Section A | 物理 | 1 | |
Advances in Physics | 物理 | 1 | |
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics | 物理 | 1 | |
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science | 物理 | 1 | |
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences | 物理 | 1 | |
Journal of High Energy Physics | 物理 | 1 | |
Lar & Photonics Reviews | 物理 | 1 | |
Living Reviews in Relativity? | 物理 | 1 | |
Mass Spectrometry Reviews | 物理 | 1 | |
Nature Photonics | 物理 | 1 | |
Nature Physics | 物理 | 1 | |
Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters | 物理 | 1 | |
Physical Review Letters | 物理 | 1 | |
Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | 物理 | 1 | |
Reports On Progress in Physics | 物理 | 1 | |
Reviews of Modern Physics | 物理 | 1 | |
Acta Physica Slovaca | 物理 | 2 | |
Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics | 物理 | 2 | |
Advances in Chemical Physics | 物理 | 2 | |
Annals of Physics | 物理 | 2 | |
Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy | 物理 | 2 | |
Applied Physics Letters | 物理 | 2 | |
Chaos Solitons & Fractals | 物理 | 2 | |
Classical and Quantum Gravity | 物理 | 2 | |
Contemporary Physics | 物理 | 2 | |
Europhysics Letters | 物理 | 2 | |
European Physical Journal C | 物理 | 2 | |
Journal of Applied Crystallography | 物理 | 2 | |
Journal of Chemical Physics | 物理 | 2 | 端午节作文300字|
Journal of Magnetic Resonance | 物理 | 2 | |
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids | 物理 | 2 | |
Journal of Physics G-Nuclear and Particle Physics | 物理 | 2 | 凶狠造句|
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy | 物理 | 2 | |
Journal of Rheology | 物理 | 2 | |
Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment | 物理 | 2 | |
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation | 物理 | 2 | |
Lar Physics Letters | 物理 | 2 | |
New Journal of Physics | 物理 | 2 | |
Nuclear Fusion | 物理 | 2 | |
Nuclear Physics B | 物理 | 2 | |
Optics Express | 物理 | 2 | |
Optics Letters | 物理 | 2 | |
Physics Letters B | 物理大学班会 | 2 | |
Physics of Plasmas | 物理 | 2 | |
Physical Review A | 物理 | 2 | |
Physical Review B | 物理 | 2 | |
Physical Review C | 物理 | 2 | |
Physical Review D | 物理 | 2 | |
Physical Review E | 物理 | 2 | |
Physics Today | 物理 | 2 | |
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 物理 | 2 | |
Plasma Process and Polymers | 物理 | 2 | |
Plasma Sources Science & Technology | 物理 | 2 | |
Progress in Electromagnetics Rearch-Pier? | 物理 | 2 | |
Progress in Optics? | 物理 | 2 | |
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics | 物理 | 2 | |
Quantum Information & Computation | 物理 | 2 | |
Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy | 物理 | 2 | |
Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science | 物理 | 3 | |
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics? | 物理 | 3 | |
Annalen Der Physik | 物理 | 3 | |
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis | 物理 | 3 | |
Applied Mechanics Reviews? | 物理 | 3 | |
Applied Optics | 物理 | 3 | |
Applied Physics B-Lars and Optics | 物理 | 3 | |
Applied Physics Express | 物理 | 3 | |
Applied Rheology? | 物理 | 3 | |
Archive For Rational Mechanics and Analysis | 物理 | 3 | |
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | 物理 | 3 | |
Chaos | 物理 | 3 | |
Chine Physics | 物理 | 3 | |
Communications in Computational Physics | 物理 | 3 | |
Communications in Mathematical Physics | 物理 | 3 | |
Computers & Fluids | 物理 | 3 | |
Computational Mechanics | 物理 | 3 | |
Computer Physics Communications | 物理 | 3 | |
Current Applied Physics | 物理 | 3 | |
Engineering Fracture Mechanics | 物理 | 3 | |
European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids | 物理 | 3 | |
European Physical Journal A | 物理 | 3 | |
European Physical Journal B | 物理 | 3 | |
European Physical Journal D | 物理 | 3 | |
General Relativity and Gravitation | 物理 | 3 | |
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry | 物理 | 3 | |
International Journal of Multipha Flow | 物理 | 3 | |
International Journal of Solids and Structures | 物理 | 3 | |
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 物理 | 3 | |
Journal of Applied Physics | 物理 | 3 | |
Journal of Computational Physics | 物理 | 3 | |
Journal of Crystal Growth | 物理 | 3 | |
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications | 物理 | 3 | |
穿金甲Journal of Fluid Mechanics | 物理 | 3 | |
Journal of Luminescence | 物理 | 3 端午节快乐 | |
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials | 物理 | 新年生日祝福语3 | |
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy | 物理 | 3 | |
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics | 物理 | 3 | |
Journal of Optics A-Pure and Applied Optics | 物理 | 3 | |
Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision | 物理 | 3 | |
纯物质Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics | 物理 | 3 | |
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