Aerospace Blockt?Dryden Wind Turbulence Model (Continuous)Generate continuous wind turbulence连续风紊流 with Dryden velocity spectra德莱顿速度谱LibraryEnvironment/WindDescriptionThe Dryden Wind Turbulence Model (Continuous) block us the Dryden spectral reprentation德莱顿谱表⽰ to add turbulence to the aerospace model by passing band-limited white noi through appropriate forming filters将带限⽩噪声通过适当的成形滤波器. This block implements the mathematical reprentation数学表达 in the Military Specification MIL-F-8785C and Military Handbook MIL-HDBK-数据时代
1797.According to the military references, turbulence is a stochastic process defined by velocity spectra紊流是由速度谱定义的随机过程. For an aircraft flying at a speed V through a frozen turbulence field with a spatial frequency of Ω radians per meter,the circular frequency ω is calculated by multiplying V by Ω . The following table displays the component spectra functions:大型丁香成人社区
The variable b reprents the aircraft wingspan b为翼展. The variables Lu , Lv , Lw reprent the turbulence scale lengths标尺长度. The variables σu , σv , σw reprent the turbulence intensities紊流强度.The spectral density definitions of turbulence angular rates紊流⾓速率的谱密度定义 are defined in the specifications as three variations, which are displayed in the following table:家庭报告
The variations affect only the vertical (qg) and lateral (rg) turbulence angular rates.Keep in mind that the longitudinal turbulence angular rate spectrum刘寄奴草
is a rational function. The rational function is derived from curve-fitting曲线拟合 a complex algebraic function, not the vertical turbulence velocity spectrum, Φw(ω), multiplied by a scale factor. Becau the turbulence angular rate spectra contribute less to the aircraft gust respon than the turbulence velocity spectra, it may explain the variations in their definitions.The variations lead to the following combinations of vertical and lateral turbulence angular rate诗句个性签名
spectra:VerticalLateralΦq(ω)Φq(ω)?Φq(ω)?Φr(ω)Φr(ω)Φr(ω)To generate a signal with the correct晋升述职报告>《长征》读后感>二年级跳绳