Turbulence properties of the impeller stream of a
Rushton turbine
期刊名称: Aiche Journal
作者: K. C. Lee,M. Yianneskis
作者机构: Department of Mechanical Engineering, King's College London,
记得要幸福红星照耀中国书评London WC2R 2LS, U.K.
年份: 2010年
关键词: spectroscopic measurements;premixed flame;radical
关于健康的成语摘要:The structure of the flow in a vesl stirred by a Rushton turbine was investigated using lar D诸葛亮歇后语
oppler anemometry measurement techniques. The time and length scales of turbulence were determined and ud to estimate the dissipation rate of turbulence energy. The levels of turbulence energy and dissipation are high near the turbine and decrea rapidly with increasing distance from the turbine blades. The turbulence in the impeller stream is mostly anisotropic clo to the blades. The results are compared with the findings of earlier investigations, and their implications for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) predictions of the flows are discusd.