
更新时间:2023-07-24 09:30:29 阅读: 评论:0

Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary
26.Which of the following words is pronounced as /hʌg/?
A. hang
B. huge
D. hungry
27.Which of the following underlined parts is different inpronunciation?
C. beach
D. church
28.800-word paper on the desk doesn‟t belong to me. It is my friendAmy‟s
D. /
29.We all know that we are going to have a veryimportanttest June this year.
A. in
D. of
30.At the beginning of the job interview, Peter was askedtointroduce inbrief.
A. he
D. himlf
31.The hit TV rieswere bad    a true story during the World WarI.
B. to
D. with
32.I went to the supermarket andboughttwo of milk the day beforeyesterday.
33.Yesterday Tim‟s mother gave him two toycars,but can pleahim.
A. none
B. neither
D. both
34.Tim rushed into his room, with a cup in one hand and some booksinhis hand.
D. other
35.We had towaitoutside,all the ats in the shop were takenalready.
A. for
C. but
D. so
36.Mumlooked at Mary‟s school report becau she made great progress thisterm.
A. happy
D. sadly
37.Students know clearly what they really want to learn before they choo acour.
B. may
C. might
38.If there is any problem withtheair-conditioner, the technician directlyplea.
C. tocontact
39.pity it is that we misd the speech given by the famousprofessor!
D. Whatan
40.Plea tell Daisy to call mewhenshe back to Shanghai tomorrowafternoon.
A. comes
D. havecome
41.Julia how to swim well by the time she was eight yearold.
D. had learnt
42.The good news our basketball team has won a game spread fast inourschool, it?
43.The old man still coughsa lot he has taken some medicine for a couple ofdays.
A. becau
B. though
C. if
D. since
44.– My son James has just won the first prize in the 1000-meterrunning race. --
A. Youare welcome.
B.Good idea.
C. Yes,Iagree.
45.-- . –I‟m afraid I have notime.
A.I‟ve got terrible headache today.
B.Would you plea lend me yournotes?
C.Plea buy me an Englishdictionary.
D.I‟m afraid today‟s homework is toodifficult.
Ⅲ. complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be ud once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分)
E. avoid
Today‟s smart-phones can do almost anything, but like all tools, they should be ud wily. Here are some problematic habits that smart-phone should46.
Imagine you‟re rushing through a crowded subway station, late for an appointment. Suddenly someone is blocking your way, walking very slowly, fiddling(用手拨弄)with their smart-phone. You47feel annoyed, but do you ever do the same thing? For your own safety, but the phone away while walking.
When you e someone who looks48, you may want to take a picture or a video. But recording people‟s daily lives can be rude and hurtful. If you want a picture, ask for permission. Your friends may not mind you taking pictures of them. But make sure you ask before posting anything embarrassing online. Showing their49for the world to e is sure to hurt your friendship. And once pictures are posted, they‟re impossible toremove.
A. takeaway
E. focuson
Smart-phone are great tools for communication. It‟s common to e people sitting together, not speaking but staring50 at their smart-phones. Real friendships require face-to-face  interaction (互动). Facialexpressions and bodylanguage express farmore thanwords.
What you51reflects your priorities(优先). Interrupting a conversation to check
your phone means that the person you‟re with is less important than your messages.
As your smart-phone is always52, you always have something to do. But that may    not be a good thing. Some say that unud time is necessary for creative thinking. So don‟t spend every53moment with your phone. Instead, e what great ideas you can thinkup.
Ⅳ. Completethentenceswiththegivenwordsintheirproperforms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共8分)
54.Thetraditional have been handed down from our forefather.(skill)
55.Jack liveson the floor and he has a good view of the park.(twenty)
56.Going to climb mountain alone has been adreamof since she was young.(she)
57.I think the booksarevery becau I have learnt a lot rom them.(u)
58.Itrainedso that we had to change the date of our spring outing.(heavy)
59.Everyone in our class is looking forwardtothe of the new math teacher.(arrive)
60.Tonyisa/an boy, so few of his classmate wants to play with him.(honest)
61.The doctordecidedto Tim‟s brainatoncetoeiftherewassomethingwrong.(exam)
Ⅴ. Complete the following ntences as required (根据所给要求完成下列句子。第62-67 题每题空格限填一词)(14分)
62.People in thatcountryspeak bothEnglish and French.(改为否定句)
People in thatcountryspeak English French.
63.Treescan protectthemlvesbyproducing specialthings. (对划线部分提问)
trees protectthenlves?
64.Weshould keep the had-made chocolate in a lowtemperature.  (改为被动语态)
The hand-madechocolateshould in a lowtemperature.
65.Theschool sportsmeetingwas delayedbecauof thebadweather. (保持句意基本不变)
The school sportsmeeting was becau of the badweather.
66.MissWangaskedTom, “DoyouplantogotoAustraliatofurtheryourstudy?”(改为宾语从句)
Miss Wang askedTom he to go to Australia to further hisstudy.
It us a wholemonthto all the subjects before theexamination.
68.thetruth, could, were sure, people, thedetective,find out, that(连词成句)
Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)
化疗药物分类There are some very good inventions which derve to be better known, even though I admit that some of them are crazy. Let‟s have a look at some of them and e if you agree that they derve to be more successful.
The Australians had a great idea to stop people from drinking and driving. The idea was thatifadriverwantedtostartthecar, sheorhewouldhavetoblowintoabagfirst.Iftherewastoo muchalcoholintheirbreath,thecarwouldn‟tstart.Itsoundslikeagreatidea tome,butpeoplesaid thattheymightneedtodrivethecarinanemergencyeveniftheyhaddrunktoomuchalcohol.
AnotherideaIlikedwasaninventionbyascientistwhothoughthischildrenwatchedtoomuchTV. He linked to TV to an exerci bike so that the electricity to power the TV was generated by the bike.IfthechildrenwantedtowatchalotofTV,theyhadtorideveryhard.Ifoundanotherinvention on the Internet was designed to encourage good habits. Believe it or not, this invention was an ashtraywhichspoketoyouwhenyoulitacigarette!T he…voice‟oftheashtraywasactivatedbythe heat from the cigarette and reminded you how dangerous it is tosmoke.
课堂口令One of the strangest inventions I have come across is a bicycle which can cross rivers! Theideawasthatwhenyoucametoariver, youcouldinflate(使充气)ahugeplasticballall aroundthebike. Youwouldthengetintotheballwhichwouldfloatontheriverwhileyourodethe bike inside the ball! One thing I would like is a baball cap with a built-in radio so you can listen to sports programmes all day with your hands free. While we are on the subject of sport, the Americansinventedakindofrobotforsportsfans. If youwerewatchingyourteamonTVonyour own, you could press a button and the robot would do …high fives‟ with you! Fantastic! I wonder if you have any brilliant ideas for inventions likethe.
69.The purpo of blowing into a bag before drivingisto .
A.prevent people from drinking anddriving
B.help people start the carquickly
D.let people drive in anemergency
70.The word “generated” (in para 2, line 6) mostprobablymeans””.
A. stored
D. transported
71.When you light a cigarette, the ashtray will probablysay,“”.
A. There will be afire soon
B. Plea stopsmoking
C. Smoking does harm toyourhealth
D. Smoking can make yourelaxed
72.The bicycle which cancrossrivers .
A.is ud to reduce the traffic on thebridge
C.is considered the most popularinvention
73.Thereare inventions mentioned in this passage.
74.What does the author think of the inventions in thepassage?
A. Theyare strange.
B. They are widelyud.
C.They are too crazy to be moresuccessful.
D.They should be morewidespread.
neighboringcountries. NearlyeverycountryIvisitedudtheEuro(欧元), soexchangingmoney wasn‟t a problem, but deciding how to paywas.
I began with American Express traveler‟s checks during my first mouth. I‟d never been to
a foreign country and traveler‟s checks were my safest 75. They were insured, which meant that American Express would replace them for free if they were lost or stolen. I cashed them into Euros at a bank in Freiburg and lived 76 with the funds. Later I opened a bank account. I ud the bank‟s A TM to take away cash throughout the rest of time. In Freiburg I fund creditcards
(信用卡)unhelpful, mostofmypurchaswere small and fromsmallstores. Cashwaasiest. And77Freiburg is small quiet city, I didn‟t feel any danger when I was carrying cash. This was not always the ca in othercountries.
I always carried a credit card, my A TM card and cash wherever I went. The reason forthis was safety. My credit card had a 78limit which was great for emergency u. Using the A TM card was safer than carrying much cash in my wallet. A small amount of cash was perfect for food and small goods. I never had trouble with thieves, but two of my friends weren‟t so 79 . In  Nice, France, my friend Anne had her backpack stolen while we were eating lunch at McDonald‟s. Someone walked right by and caught it-we didn‟t notice until we got up to leave. In Rome,another friend‟s wallet was stolen from her backpack. The next day, she caught a pickpocket reaching into her bag and 80 him. But of cour there was nothing left for him tosteal.
IlearnedfromtheirexperiencesandnowtrytobeespeciallycarefulwhenI‟minunfamiliar places. Careful planning and wi decisions help me worry less about keeping my moneysafe.
B. references
B. properly怎么化妆
B. becau
C. after
D. suggestions
D. terribly
D. until
78. A. high    B. basic    C. low    D. fair
79. A. patient    B. generous    C. embarrasd    D. lucky
80. A. fired    B. stopped    C. disturbed    D. reminded丰收打一字
It is often said that when people go to a different country for the first time they experience culture shock‟ becau e81is so different: the language, the food, the landscape, the social customs and lots of others! When I first t foot in the City of Leeds, England, I found mylf in a
c82different culture from that of my own city, Guangzhou. For the first few days of my stay in Leeds I really knew about this so-called …cultureshock‟.数学乐园
One problem I had was  with  the  food. Obviously Chine  people are not ud to  the      t83of British food, but mentally I was prepared for that …shock‟. The problem I actually had waswiththenamesofthedifferenttypesoffood.WhenIwenttotheuniversitycanteenitwasvery embarrassing: When the woman behind the counter asked me what I wanted, all I could do wasto

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